Christmas Sermon Series ideas for 2024

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Sermon series ideas for churches for Christmas and advent season

The Christmas season is one of the most anticipated times of the year for churches everywhere.

It’s a season rich with meaning, tradition, and the powerful message of Christ’s birth, giving pastors a unique opportunity to connect deeply with their congregation. Planning your Christmas sermon series can feel daunting with so many directions to take, but crafting a series that centers on the true message of Christmas – hope, peace, joy, and love – will help your church experience the season in a fresh way.

That’s where a well-crafted sermon series comes into play. We’re excited to share ten creative Christmas sermon series ideas designed to inspire and engage your congregation during this Advent season. Each series offers a fresh perspective on the Christmas story, ensuring that your church community connects deeply with the message of Jesus’ birth. Whether you’re looking for traditional themes or innovative approaches, these ideas will help you lead meaningful worship experiences that illuminate the spirit of Christmas.

Christmas Sermon Series
for 2024

O Come, O come Emmanual

Big Idea of the Series

This 4 week Advent sermon series helps us imagine the longing the Israelites felt as they waited for Jesus the Messiah to come, and it helps us to grapple with the longing we feel now as we wait for his return.

God and Neighbor

Big Idea of the Series

This 3 week Christmas series explores what it means that God moved into the neighborhood when Jesus was born. We will learn what gifts we are offered because of Christ’s incarnation and his embodiment of both God and neighbor.

Holy Light: An Advent Series

Big Idea of the Series

Advent invites us to celebrate more than the birth of Christ. It invites us to look back at history and remember God’s promises to us. During this time of reflection, we consider our own lives and how God uses life’s high and low moments to beckon us into a closer, more personal relationship with him. This 4 week Christmas Sermon Series looks at the ways God has moved throughout history to redeem and restore peace between humanity and him.

Go Tell It

Big Idea of the Series

Even in the busyness of the Christmas season, Christ calls us to keep him at the center of our lives. This 3 week series, including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, draws on themes of celebration and proclamation, so that we are guided back again to the true reason for the season.

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Big Idea of the Series

This standalone Christmas sermon looks at the cosmic Christmas story told in Revelation 12. It challenges the audience to reframe the meaning of Jesus’s birth within the cosmic worldview of the Bible. Jesus’s birth was an attack against the powers of Satan.

Christmas Together

Big Idea of the Series

This 4 week sermon series shows us how Christmas and the gospel can bring us together and how a focus on Christ through the holidays can inform our attitudes and actions toward others.

The Prince of Peace

Big Idea of the Series

This 4 week Advent series looks at the one Isaiah describes as the “Prince of Peace.” What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and how is that relevant in today’s world?

Son of Heaven The Incarnation of Jesus

Big Idea of the Series

The Son of God came to us from heaven as a child, and the world has never been the same. This 4 week Christmas sermon series seeks to help us better understand the incarnation, giving us both theological explanation and devotional inspiration to help us grow in knowledge and faith in Jesus.

Light in the Night

Big Idea of the Series

Israel spent four hundred years waiting on God to speak after the prophet Malachi. This single message focuses on the light that was born on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Playlist

Big Idea of the Series

This 4 week sermon series tells the Christmas story through a topical lens. Jesus’s birth was the catalyst for the believer to find hope in difficult times, true belonging, peace, and eternal heart change through a right relationship with God. Each week, a popular Christmas song will be used as an illustration of the passage and the sermon’s big idea.

Choosing a Christmas Sermon Series

As you prepare for this Christmas season, consider how these sermon series ideas can resonate with your unique church community. Selecting an Advent sermon series that reflects the heart of your congregation can create a lasting impact and deepen their understanding of the Christmas message. From exploring themes of hope and peace to focusing on the joy of Christ’s birth, the right series can transform your worship services.

We hope these Christmas sermon ideas have ignited inspiration for your planning process. With a thoughtful approach to your sermon series, you can create a Christmas season that not only captivates and draws people in but also encourages them to carry the hope of Christ into the new year. Merry Christmas, and may your church experience the fullness of God’s love this Advent season!