Colorblind Man Sees Color for the First Time During Sermon

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Recently, a Ministry Pass member, Pastor Rob Dickerson of LifeQuest Community Church in Hilton, New York, shared a story with us about a very special service at his church. After I got off of the phone with Pastor Rob, I immediately relayed what he told me to our team—who were simultaneously ecstatic and moved.

Recently, I asked Pastor Rob if we could share his story on our blog, and he not only gave us permission, but he sent us a video of the special moment.

To give you a little background, Pastor Rob planned a sermon using resources from our Vivid series. In our included series guide, we offered a number of stories and ideas to help pastors illustrate how God’s grace not only changes our life, but also changes the way we view the entire world. We even included a video of a color blind man who—with the help of a special pair of glasses—sees color for the first time. There was also a suggestion that pastors could illustrate this point by displaying a 3D image on their screens, and handing everyone in their congregation 3D glasses to put on during the message.

Reading through the series guide, Pastor Rob decided to combine both of these elements to drive his point home. Before service, he had his team hide a pair of 3D glasses in a small bag for everyone in attendance. One bag, however, held something different—a pair of color blind correction glasses. He later placed it in front of a volunteer who has been color blind his entire life.

I’ll let you watch the video below to see what happens next, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. And I’m sure this was an illustration LifeQuest Community Church won’t soon forget.

We appreciate Pastor Rob allowing Ministry Pass to be a part of his “team,” week in and week out. We are blessed to be able to serve churches by helping them to help others understand God’s Word better. If you have a story about how Ministry Pass has benefitted your church, we’d love to hear it!

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