Inspiring Generosity and the Offering Talk

Did you know? If every Christian would tithe 10 percent, faith organizations would have an extra $139 billion per year. And yet, only 5 percent of church-goers tithe on a regular basis. (Source) Tithing may have a negative reputation among some in our society, but it’s incredibly important. These tithes don’t merely build buildings or pay salaries. The more money our churches receive through tithes and offerings, the more they can do to reach the people in our communities and provide services to those in need. Here are three ways to increase generosity in your church.

Did you know? If every Christian would tithe 10 percent, faith organizations would have an extra $139 billion per year. And yet, only 5 percent of church-goers tithe on a regular basis. (Source)

Tithing may have a negative reputation among some in our society, but it’s incredibly important.

These tithes don’t merely build buildings or pay salaries. 

The more money our churches receive through tithes and offerings, the more they can do to reach the people in our communities and provide services to those in need. 

Here are three ways to increase generosity in your church.

1. Talk about Giving

While it’s understandable that many pastors would feel uncomfortable talking about money from the pulpit, this fear can significantly impact the amount of money our churches bring in and the amount of good they can do in our communities. 

Our research shows that over 70 percent of pastors don’t prepare any sort of talk or message for the offering time. This is a missed opportunity! 

When we refuse to talk about generosity, we not only rob our churches and communities of vital resources, but we rob our congregation of the opportunity to be more Christ-like and make a difference. 

Thankfully, talking about money is likely far easier than you think. 

For example, you can share the good work your church is doing in your community via Sunday morning announcements, your church bulletin, church-wide emails, and social media.

Your offering talks don’t have to be long. You might choose to simply touch on one verse, point, or story each week (or most weeks), knowing that this messaging will add up over time. 

Grab This Helpful Resource: Offering Talks

Does talking about money feel uncomfortable? We’ve created 52 short offering talks to make talking about generosity easy and effective. Each offering talk includes a quick illustration or teaching from Scripture as well as an application. 

Grab Your Offering Talks at

2. Set Up a Vanity URL

These days, many people prefer to tithe electronically, by automatic transfer or credit card. Not everyone remembers to bring cash or checks to church, even if they are inspired to give.

Does your church website make it easy for people to give online, or does it require several complicated steps?

One easy way to make online giving more convenient is to create a vanity URL or dedicated giving link for your church, such as or You can even create a QR code to place in your bulletin or on the screen, making online giving almost effortless. 

Vanity URLs and QR codes are easier to create than you think, and a one-time set-up could result in hundreds, if not thousands, of extra dollars for your church over time. 

3. Cast a Vision

You know why your church needs money, but does your congregation? 

Simply asking your church members to “give” isn’t very compelling. Instead, cast a vision of what the money is for or what it will allow you to accomplish. 

For example: You aren’t adding on to your church building to show off; you’re creating new classrooms where more young children will experience the love of Jesus for the first time. 

Similarly, you aren’t merely repaving a parking lot; you’re adding additional, safe parking so more families can visit your church each Sunday without risking getting hit crossing a busy street.

To paraphrase Perry Noble: Every dollar has a face. Every face has a name. Every name has a story. And every story matters to God.

When you can cast a vision and share these stories, you inspire your congregation to be a part of something bigger than themselves. 

Tithing isn’t just about building projects and church salaries, as important as those are. 

As Christians, we are called to tithe because God says it’s important, because we want to be more Christ-like, and because, when we all work together, we can create a lot of good in this world. 

This is a message your congregation deserves to hear.


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