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Your Personal Sermon Calendar Creator

Tailored Biblical teachings based on your selected topics and books.

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How it works

Customizing Your Preaching Plan​

Determine the themes that resonate with you and your congregation, creating impactful dialogues.

Select Your Dates
Choose the date range for your sermon calendar.

Choose Your Topics
Decide what topics or themes you want to preach on.

Choose Your Books
Name what books of the Bible you would like to preach through.

See The Big Picture

Get a quick glance at the discipleship roadmap planned for your congregation.

Balanced Discipleship
Plan a diverse range of biblical themes and books throughout the year, ensuring all facets of Christian life and doctrine are addressed for comprehensive spiritual growth.

Preparation Time
Have ample time to plan, research, and develop thought-provoking sermons well in advance, enhancing depth and relevance in your sermons.

Strategic Planning
Create a spiritual strategic guide for yourself to choose relevant sermon topics and arrange impactful messages for special dates, religious holidays, or community events.

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Personalize With Purpose

Make easy edits to the calendar created using our drag-and-drop editor.

Robust Searching
Find more sermon series by searching by topics or books of the Bible.

Quick Edits
Making edits to your sermon calendar is fast and easy.

Organization at Your Fingertips
Getting your sermons planned and organized is easier than ever.

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