Expository Sermon Calendar: Volume 4

A 52-week roadmap through Bible books and passages including Proverbs, Galatians, John, Nehemiah, and more.

Turning The Page

This standalone message ignites an excitement for the new opportunities a new year or season offers believers who keep their eyes on Jesus. We can develop high-quality habits of turning the pages of Scripture to find our place in the powerful story of God.

The Book of Proverbs: The Ways of the Wise Sermon Series Graphic

The Book of Proverbs: The Ways of The Wise

The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings from (primarily) King Solomon. This seven-week series will look at the multiple gems of wisdom and themes found in the book and consider practical areas of our life where God’s wisdom can shape and change how we live.

Signs Miracles In The Book of John Sermon Series Graphic


In this eight-week series, we examine the seven signs John describes in his gospel, along with the resurrection, which is the ultimate sign of Christ’s victory and divinity. These signs give us a window into how God is at work in the world through Jesus, and what it means for our faith and salvation.

The Book of Galatians Standing On Grace Sermon Series Graphic

The Book of Galatians: Standing On Grace

Paul’s letter to the Galatian church is perhaps one of the most important letters for the church. This five-week series will look at its importance and theological relevance for our faith and life today. Specifically, we will look at the sweeping vision of grace that Paul lays out in this letter.

Guest Speaker Church Announcement Graphic

Guest Speaker

Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.

Hot Topics

This series examines six tough topics that people inside and outside the church often think about (even if we don’t ask about them out loud!): If Christians really love Jesus, why is there so much hurt in the church? How can we trust the Bible? What’s the relationship between faith and science? Is abortion wrong? Is Jesus really the only way? Why is there suffering and evil in the world? These are hard questions without easy answers, but Scripture helps us navigate them with wisdom, grace, and intelligence.

Guest Speaker Church Announcement Graphic

Guest Speaker

Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.

The New Exodus Ezra and Nehemiah Sermon Series

The New Exodus

This seven-week series looks at the complementary historical books Ezra and Nehemiah. Sometimes called “the new exodus,” the return of the Jews from exile to the promised land offers us many relevant lessons today about the nature of God and the gospel.

Jesus In The Psalms Sermon Series Graphic

Jesus In The Psalms

The Old Testament points us to Jesus Christ. The Psalms are especially full of passages that point the reader to Jesus and show up time and time again in the New Testament. These prophetic words of the Psalms speak to many aspects of Jesus’s life, including his death and final exaltation.

The Book of Ecclesiastes Sermon Series Graphic

The Book of Ecclesiastes: Chasing The Wind

This six-week series explores the book of Ecclesiastes. By understanding the context and theology of the book’s main character (Qoheleth), we can understand the limitations of life. In acknowledging the author’s honest conclusions and the contemporary parallels, we will understand that God gives ultimate meaning in life and Christians can enjoy this life that God has given them.

Guest Speaker Church Announcement Graphic

Guest Speaker

Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.

Among Us Christmas Sermon Series Graphic

Among Us: A Christmas Story

In this series for Advent, we will explore the first chapter of the Gospel of John. What did it mean for God to take on human flesh and walk among us? As we grow in understanding, our hearts will become more prepared for the Christmas holiday and for an encounter, once again, with the living God.