Topical Sermon Calendar: Volume 5

A 52-week roadmap through topics like spiritual formation, Kingdom living, forgiveness, and mission.

Living Stones New Year Sermon Graphic

Living Stones

This single-week New Year’s sermon focuses on Joshua 4, where the Israelites cross the Jordan River into the promised land and set up twelve memorial stones. We look back to remember God’s faithfulness in the past year, and we look forward to consider how we can trust him this coming year.


Shape Up

This four-week series is designed to help followers of Christ see that God’s plan for us is to be transformed into the likeness of his Son, Jesus Christ. By focusing on four practices of Jesus, listeners will see that we can model our lives after Jesus and depend on who he is in order to become who God wants us to be.

Waiting On God Trusting God Sermon Series Graphic

Waiting On God

Waiting on God to act or trusting His promises can be challenging. Sometimes we feel the need to take matters into our own hands, but the Bible shows us this doesn’t work out well. This four-week series looks at four times when people took matters into their own hands rather than waiting on God—and the fallout from those decisions.

Good News Lent Sermon Series Graphic

Good News People

In this Lenten series we focus on God’s good news and repent of the ways we have failed to live it out. Would our community recognize our church as good news? This series will ask hard questions: Why did those outside the fold so often recognize Jesus as good news, but the religious viewed him as a threat? Have we abandoned the good news by putting our trust in political and religious leaders instead of in the God who alone can save? In reflecting on these questions, the congregation will be encouraged to respond with repentance.


Easter Sunday: Raised To Life

This Easter message is anchored in Christ’s claim in John 11 to be the resurrection and the life. He says this right before he raises Lazarus from the dead, and it’s not long after this that he himself dies and is raised to life to secure salvation and resurrection hope for those who would believe in him.


The Implications of Easter

This four-week series explores the implications of the resurrection. The resurrection changed everything! Through observing Scripture, we find that the resurrection proclaimed victory over sin, gave hope to believers for eternal life, and becomes the main event for the Great Commission of the church.

Guest Speaker

Use this bundle to welcome and announce a guest speaker sharing in your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.

A Mother's Legacy

This Mother’s Day message focuses on the legacy left by a a mother figure in the Bible. 


To My Friend Who Left The Faith

Based on the book To My Friend Who Left the Faith by Wade Bearden, this series addresses four reasons that so many individuals have abandoned church in recent years. Bearden asks, “Does doubt have a place in church? How do I know that Christianity is true? If God is so good, why do some Christians act so terribly? How can a good God allow so much pain and suffering?” Examined with empathy and grace, this series empowers pastors to address and support both believers and nonbelievers in their congregation.

A Father's Legacy

This Father’s Day message focuses on the legacy left by a father figure in the Bible. 

Guest Speaker

Use this bundle to welcome and announce a guest speaker sharing in your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.

Free Indeed Freedom in Christ Sermon Graphic

Free Indeed

This single message, intended for use on Independence Day in the United States, explores the reality that in the resurrection, Christ has made believers free from the bondage of sin and free to live in his fullness.


A Summer's Journey

The apostle Paul took three major missionary journeys throughout the Roman Empire. This four-week series will look at each of these trips from a high overview and then in the last week examine the overlapping themes present for each of them as we explore what it means to be a missionary today.

Unshakeable Kingdom Kingdom of God Sermon Series Graphic

Unshakeable Kingdom

The term “kingdom of God” is often heard in church, yet many Christians would probably admit to a lack of understanding about what it is, how it functions, and what their role is in it. Over the next four weeks, this series will speak to those questions.


Divine Interruptions

This four-week series for adults explores the interruptions and unexpected moments in Christ’s ministry. Jesus’s reaction to the people and disruptions that occur around him help us recognize that God is sovereign. He can use these “accidents” and “interruptions” for his glory, and we can find grace in the divine interruptions that occur in our own lives.



This four-part series addresses the issue of wounds in our personal lives and in our church community. How we respond to our wounds and to those who wound us matters. When we look to God and the future he has planned for us, we can process our trauma and heal from our wounds.

Guest Speaker

Use this bundle to welcome and announce a guest speaker sharing in your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.

Family Dinner

This four-week series examines meal and food-related passages in Scripture and culminates in a deeper understanding of Jesus’s invitation to “take and eat” the bread and wine as part of our communion practices.


In The Waiting

This 3-week Advent series is about waiting. It will lead the congregation to consider what it means to wait upon the Lord and to reflect on God’s presence amid our waiting.

Light In The Night Christmas Sermon Graphic

Light In The Night

Israel spent four hundred years waiting on God to speak after the prophet Malachi. This single message focuses on the light that was born on Christmas Eve.


One Year From Now

This single-week sermon is meant to be preached at the end of the calendar year. It is focused both on looking at the end of the year that’s closing and ahead to the year to come.