We Are the Church

What do you think is one of the most misunderstood doctrines in all of Christianity today? In my experience, it has been ecclesiology – the Church. With this misunderstanding, we are missing out on the beauty of the local church. That’s why we’re excited about this new series, We Are the Church.

This three-week series has a compact theme: what is the purpose of the local church? By calling out the selfish deceitfulness of consumerism, this sermon set defines what church is supposed to be, and declares what it is not. The church is a place to serve, to be connected, and to live on mission for God’s kingdom.

At the core of this series is the declaration, we are the Church. In this declaration, we are uniting together under the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are declaring that we are more than just a group of people, we are a family that gathers to be sent back out to make disciples.

In our day of if you like it, do it, we need more and more churches to understand who they are.

If you want your local church to thrive, every member needs to understand who they are – they are the Church. Can you imagine the increase in servanthood, the increase in connectedness, and the increase in disciple-making if your church and my church understood who they are? I believe it would be phenomenal.

Help your church understand who they are by preaching through the sermon series, We Are the Church. The sermon series comes with a beautiful graphics package that illustrates camaraderie and togetherness. It includes small group questions, a complete series guide, and more.

Get this new sermon series from Ministry Pass – We Are the Church.


Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of RookiePreacher.com, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_

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