His Word Is His Bond
His Word Is His Bond

Captain Robert Campbell was a British POW captured by Germany during World War I. When his mother became gravely ill, he begged to visit her.

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8 Advent Hymns and Their Corresponding Biblical Passages
8 Advent Hymns and Their Corresponding Biblical Passages

You may not realize it, but as soon as mid-November, your congregation members will start wondering, “When will they start playing Christmas songs and Advent hymns?” So many in your church are ready to use the fireplace, decorate sugar cookies, and plan for annual family traditions. Your weekend services are often the soundtrack for their…

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Find Your Confidence in God’s Calling
Find Your Confidence in God’s Calling

Gideon is one of my favorite Bible heroes. In my wife’s Bible class curriculum, he’s known as “G. I. Deon!” I especially love the way he’s introduced… The way Gideon sees himself: Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites. ~Judges 6:11 His further questioning of God’s choice of him shows…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas