Clean Break: Relationships in the Book of Philemon

One of the biggest difficulties in genuinely following Jesus is reaching reconciliation with others. As pastors and church leaders, we know that helping our people do this is something we must do. But what happens when two people call your church home and they work together? What happens when one is the boss and the other the subordinate? Even more, what happens when conflict comes in? This is just one situation of many that the book of Philemon speaks to and that’s why we’re excited for our brand new series, Clean Break.

This series works as a two-week journey through the fascinating book of Philemon. In the first week, Clean Break explores how forgiveness should influence how we treat those over whom we have authority as we extend grace instead of demands. The second week, in keeping with the book, unpacks how our family in Christ changes how we relate to others in conflict.

Through preaching through Philemon, our people will be exposed to the tension of following Jesus when relationships get tough. Our prayer is that relationships will be reconciled and more people in our churches will see their church family, not as a group of people to visit with once a week, but a family in which they are a part.

The Clean Break series graphic illustrates the reality that relationships can be broken, but it also illustrates the fact that relationships can be fit back together by the reconciling power of God. As with all Ministry Pass sermon series, you’ll also get small group questions that will allow your church family to wrestle with the text, social media graphics to utilize on all your channels, illustration ideas, and so much more.

Get this new relationship sermon series from Ministry Pass – Clean Break: Relationships in the Book of Philemon.


Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_

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