Advent and Christmas are seasons filled with joyful expectation. During Advent, we look forward to the birth of the Savior. During Christmas, we celebrate his arrival and marvel at all the ways he exceeds our expectations. Chief among these is the joy he brings through the good news of our salvation.
During Lent, we pour out our grief and sin, pain and regret, holding nothing back. In response, God too holds nothing back, pouring himself out for our redemption. This Lent series begins with Ash Wednesday and ends on Good Friday. It explores our need to confess our sins and fully trust God’s faithfulness to forgive.
This lectionary series for the season of Pentecost, year C, focuses on the faithfulness of God to his plan of redemption. We can see that faithfulness first through the prophets and then through Jesus. We will be encouraged to recognize how Scripture tells the same story: that God is faithful to his promises.
This Epiphany series explores the significance of Jesus’s resurrection. The Bible, especially in the writings of Paul, often speaks of God’s mysterious work in the world. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus form the key to solving that mystery and fully engaging in the Christian life.
This four-week series concludes the church year on a note of thanksgiving. Themes of hope, gratitude, and courage prevail, with practical applications in worship, prayer, and spiritual practices, as we remember that God lifts us up as we bless and extol the name of Jesus. There is also an optional guide for All Saints’ Day…
This seven-week sermon series encourages the congregation to take heart in the gospel. We may face many difficult situations as we strive to follow Jesus, but he will remain faithful to us no matter what we encounter. Like Paul, we can be confident that God will reward those who long for Jesus’s appearing (2 Timothy…
This six-week series explains what is so special about Jesus Christ. He is 100 percent God and 100 percent man. He is not afraid to join himself to us as family; he is Immanuel, God with us. Only through his death and resurrection can we be saved, and only through his life within us can…
This four-week series examines the pressures and anxieties that youth encounter on a daily basis at school, in relationships, at home, or even in the church. “Pressure” seeks to address these anxieties and offer a biblical response. At this stage in life, these pressures are inevitable, so it’s best to discuss them to help us…
The book of Psalms is a hymnbook for exiles. In this youth series we look at four psalms of David and how they shape the way we talk, confess, lament, and sing praise to God. Regardless of our circumstance, we can approach God with the same raw honesty, humility, and joy that David expressed in…
This four-week series explores important components of the Christ-centered life that will help students get a strong start on the year. It explores the topics of suffering, peer pressure, desire, and pride, and offers students a biblical way to live in the new year.
This four-week series reminds us that God will still love us even if we have chosen to do wrong things, experienced hard situations, or feel alone. We will discuss people in the Bible in situations similar to those we have found ourselves in or feeling how we have felt, and see how Jesus interacts with…
When Jesus saves someone, he doesn’t just turn around and leave them in their old lives. Instead, he calls them into a new life, an abundant life, shaped by his freedom, love, and grace. This five-week series for youth will study the Christian life according to Paul. It will look at five passages from the…
This four-week series will refocus us before the school year begins. We will be reminded of ways God can use us in school as well as the wonderful fact that God is with us while we are at school. We don’t go alone. This series will ask questions about the status of our heart, our…
This four-week series unpacks four of the most influential practices the apostles documented in Acts. The early church thrived in the face of persecution, performed miracles, and saw growth because they were devoted to the practices Jesus established; they fellowshipped with one another; they broke bread together; and they took prayer seriously.
Use this bundle to announce a service cancellation. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, and several other multi-purpose layouts.
This three-week series emphasizes the importance of giving to and serving others by discovering what it means to be last, find satisfaction in serving secretly, and give until it hurts.
Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles love to give advice. “Back in my day…” they begin, and often we close our ears. This four-week series explores some commonly heard wisdom from past generations, along with their foundation in biblical truth. What if the generations before us have some things to teach us? What if the lessons…
This one-week message for youth is geared toward a newcomer and shares a clear explanation of the gospel. We learn that we are all welcome to come to God, despite our past or current situations.
This series for children explores the season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing through six Sundays. Kids will learn about lament, repentance, and anticipation in terms they can understand. They will talk about how we are sad about our sins but joyful because God has come and saved us.
Jesus Christ has been born! He is the fulfillment of the promises of God to his children and the world. Simeon’s prophecy about Jesus shows us how Jesus came to bring light into our darkness.
Being content means being peaceful and happy with the way things are. Being content with what one has and being generous toward others can make someone stand out. And it’s what God calls us to as Christians. This three-week children’s series looks at Philippians 4 to learn how generosity and contentment work together and to…
Many people want a fresh start at the beginning of the year. This series explains the gospel’s power to bring us hope, renewed strength, and contentment, even in difficult times.
This stand-alone message for Easter Sunday focuses on the hymn of Christ’s supremacy over all creation, found in Colossians 1. It shows the resurrection as God’s work of new creation and kingdom come. Jesus rose again in a physical body—for real! The resurrection changes everything. It invites us into God’s ongoing work of new creation—here…
We don’t make it through life without some mess-ups—and kids know this as well as anybody. This five-week series explores how Christians can “fail forward” in life. Through understanding how God makes us holy, the need to admit it when we mess up, and why it’s important to forgive other believers, we can learn and…
This stand-alone message guides us into starting the new year right with twenty-one days of fasting and prayer. The message will focus on the biblical importance of these spiritual disciplines.
The Minor Prophets weren’t exactly known for their cheery messages. These short Old Testament books are a faithfully delivered call to repentance to Israel and to the nations. Their call to abandon worshipping idols, embrace God’s heart of mercy, rejoice in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and anticipate God’s coming judgment and kingdom still…
When you ask someone what they think about the church, be prepared for any response. What they say may inspire feelings of anger, sadness, joy, or hope, depending on what they have experienced in their interactions with believers. This four-week series for children explores four congregational values that should define our relationships with those inside…
This four-week series explores how Christians can use spiritual disciplines on their own terms. By understanding the biblical purposes of Bible study, prayer, and giving we can mature as believers and serve God, not because of what we get out of it but because we love him.
This four-week series explores the lives of four people who had profound, life-changing encounters with Jesus. We will connect their stories to people we know in our own congregations and other modern-day individuals who have had similar experiences.
Throughout the Bible, births often herald great hope and expectations and are the result of great faith in God. Many births are a foreshadowing of the greatest birth of all, the birth of Jesus Christ.
In this five-week children’s series we will look at the ways people misunderstood the things Jesus was doing. Often, people thought that Jesus was doing something wrong and pointed it out; but he always had an explanation. He wanted others to understand who he is, the things he believes are important, and the real reason…
This four-week series for children explores the lives of a few unlikely people whom God used to do amazing things. Through the stories of David, Rahab, John Mark, and Gideon, we will see that God uses the small, the outsider, those behind the scenes, and the timid to do amazing things in the world.
The book of Psalms is a hymnbook for exiles. In this series we look at four psalms of David and how they shape the way we talk, confess, lament, and sing praise to God. Regardless of our circumstance, we can approach God with the same raw honesty, humility, and joy that David expressed in his…
In this eight-week series, we examine the seven signs John describes in his gospel, along with the resurrection, which is the ultimate sign of Christ’s victory and divinity. These signs give us a window into how God is at work in the world through Jesus, and what it means for our faith and salvation.
Paul’s letter to the Galatian church is perhaps one of the most important letters for the church. This five-week series will look at its importance and theological relevance for our faith and life today. Specifically, we will look at the sweeping vision of grace that Paul lays out in this letter.
This four-week youth series helps students deal with the issues of social injustice they see in the world today by helping them better understand God’s justice and the believer’s response to injustice. Changing the world begins in our own hearts and through the transformative love of God for both the oppressed and the oppressor.