This ten-week series looks at the Ten Commandments that God has given to all who love him. As we look each week at a different commandment, we see how there is a corresponding passage in the New Testament; this will remind us that God’s way of living for us is still valid and relevant today.
This one-week series explores the importance of being part of a community of believers that strengthens us and helps us grow beyond just the Sunday service.
This two-week series is useful for churches when they are restarting ministry after a summer break, and for congregants who are in need of a reset in their faith walk. This series will look at the simple fact that in our busy lives full of commitments, Jesus needs to come first, no matter what.
Sometimes our spiritual lives feel like a series of peaks and valleys. One moment, we feel like we are soaring high; the next, we experience a crushing low. This is a series about when we do and don’t feel God’s presence. We examine the journey of faith through the stories of biblical characters: Elijah, Paul,…
This three-week series helps adults engage in a missional focus at home, in their neighborhoods, in a larger region, and around the world. It will help congregation members practice seeing missions as part of their everyday calling as Christians and provide some practical starting places to do so.
This single-week sermon explores Jesus’s famous encounter with Zacchaeus in Luke 19. A closer look at this gospel account will reveal Christ’s heart for all of us. Just as Jesus sought out a lost Zacchaeus, he graciously seeks out of each of us today.
This three-week series emphasizes the characters in The Parable of the Prodigal Son. “The Prodigal Son” examines each character’s key roles and reveals how the gospel comforts those who feel too far gone. This series also challenges those who believe association with God is equal to truly knowing him.
This ten-week series traces the story of the gospel from Genesis to Revelation. God’s plan of redeeming a fallen creation is woven throughout Scripture.
This single message explores the cost of following Jesus. Through exploring verses in Luke and Matthew, we will see that discipleship is life-altering but also life-giving.
This four-week sermon series shows God’s great love and relentless pursuit of sinful people. From renegade cities to rebellious prophets, nobody is beyond God’s reach.
This one-week series, based on the book of Obadiah, will alert believers to the downfall that is imminent if we live a life of pride. This book also brings hope to believers that someday all things that are wrong will be made right.
This stand-alone message looks at the generous heart of God, which changes us from being self-centered individuals to selfless individuals, living a generous life like our Father.
This two-week series will explore the parable of the good Samaritan from two important angles. First, the series will show how Jesus, as our unexpected neighbor, cares for us in our brokenness. Second, the series will challenge believers to follow in Jesus’s footsteps and minister to a broken world as the Samaritan did.
This six-week series will walk through the book of Judges. What happens to a society when everyone feels they can do whatever they want? Though Judges can be dark, it will also lead us to yearn for a loving King who gives order and meaning to life: Jesus Christ.
Oftentimes, people who have been in church awhile use language that is unfamiliar to new believers and unbelievers. Sometimes, even the Christians who use those words don’t understand their significance. In this five-week series, we will use the book of Romans to help us better understand some commonly used “church words” and their application for…
This four-week series explores the theology and context of Psalm 119. Through understanding the poetic themes of learning God’s Word, God’s promises in affliction, biblical meditation, and developing a righteous character, we can apply God’s Word to our lives.
This two-week series explores how after the year 2020—a year full of trauma—many people are still not okay. But through understanding the struggles of Jesus and the peace that he gives us, we can be honest about our struggles and persevere in Christ.
Too many of the decisions we make throughout a given day are not really decisions at all. They are automatic responses. When we become afraid, angry, or frustrated, we often turn on autopilot. Sometimes these are auto-responses we want to keep. Other times they reveal troubling behaviors that don’t align with God’s purposes. This four-week…
This one-week sermon series guide examines Jesus’ Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, detailing what it means for Christians to live in Christ’s upside-down kingdom.
This four-week series for youth guides hearers through common obstacles we face when developing an awareness of God’s nearness. Throughout this series, we will look at scenarios from the Bible in which we will see God’s dependability and desire to be near us. From those passages, we will know that we can trust that God…
What would you do if you knew that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)? What would you do if you knew that God’s presence was always with you (Psalm 139)? As Christians, we know these statements are true, but often we…
What would you do if you knew that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)? What would you do if you knew that God’s presence was always with you (Psalm 139)? As Christians, we know these statements are true, but often we…
We have been set apart, chosen by God. As a result, we must live differently from the world. Christian students are going to be different from their friends because they follow Christ. This four-week youth series explores what the Bible says about being different from the world, living faithful lives for Christ, owning our failings,…
What would you do if you knew that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)? What would you do if you knew that God’s presence was always with you (Psalm 139)? As Christians, we know these statements are true, but often we…
What would you do if you knew that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)? What would you do if you knew that God’s presence was always with you (Psalm 139)? As Christians, we know these statements are true, but often we…
This six-week series covers the book of James, a letter that serves as a how-to manual for the Christian life. When we deal with trials, contentions, and lack of faith, James teaches us that we can still have joy in the midst of our circumstances. The foundation of the book is the importance of faith;…
This six-week series covers the book of James, a letter that serves as a how-to manual for the Christian life. When we deal with trials, contentions, and lack of faith, James teaches us that we can still have joy in the midst of our circumstances. The foundation of the book is the importance of faith;…
This four-week series is intended to be used after a big evangelism push (like Easter Sunday), as both an introduction for visitors or new believers and as a reminder to more mature believers about the work God continues to do in our lives after salvation. “Next Steps” is about the next steps after salvation, the…
This four-week series is intended to be used after a big evangelism push (like Easter Sunday), as both an introduction for visitors or new believers and as a reminder to more mature believers about the work God continues to do in our lives after salvation. “Next Steps” is about the next steps after salvation, the…
This six-week series explores the promises of God through his covenants. By understanding the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, we can more fully understand the God who has given us a new covenant and promises in Jesus.
This six-week series explores the promises of God through his covenants. By understanding the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, we can more fully understand the God who has given us a new covenant and promises in Jesus.
God’s Word reveals who God is and his purposes for believers, but we often struggle to engage with Scripture in a meaningful way. This four-week series, used in conjunction with Dwell, a Scripture-listening app (, helps modern disciples prioritize God’s Word in their lives. By using Dwell’s daily Bible reading plans, special features like Dwell…
God’s Word reveals who God is and his purposes for believers, but we often struggle to engage with Scripture in a meaningful way. This four-week series, used in conjunction with Dwell, a Scripture-listening app (, helps modern disciples prioritize God’s Word in their lives. By using Dwell’s daily Bible reading plans, special features like Dwell…
This six-week series for youth covers wisdom from James’s letter to the scattered believers. His main topic is teaching them to be authentic in their faith and lifestyle. James used several “don’t” phrases followed by instructions on what to do. In this series, we learn that true believers don’t get misled, don’t become stagnant, don’t…
Wherever two or three are gathered, there will be conflict. Thankfully, Christ is there too (Matthew 18:20). This four-week series leads us through four basic movements to resolve everyday conflicts that inevitably arise, relying in part on the book Resolving Everyday Conflicts by Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson. Through this series we will be encouraged…
This six-week series explores the promises of God through his covenants. By understanding the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, we can more fully understand the God who has given us a new covenant and promises in Jesus.