This five-week series examines the life of King Saul in 1 Samuel. How did Saul move from a humble young man to a vindictive and jealous king? This series explores the pride, jealousy, and lack of faith factors that were present from the beginning of Saul’s story and led to his eventual demise, offering biblical…
This four-week series addresses a common question of Christian liberty: “What am I allowed to do?” Young believers struggle especially with this question, as they navigate the various authorities in their lives and the different ways Scripture talks about our freedom. With the freedom of summer comes even more questions about what’s “allowed” and what…
This four-week series explores how 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus address false teaching and the cultivation of good doctrine within the church. These epistles provide a framework for evaluating theological disputes—their significance, when to avoid them, and how to discern the right way to respond. In a world infatuated with controversy, this series explores…
Sexuality is a fundamental part of what it means to be human. And yet, sex in our world today looks nothing like the way that God intended it to be. This four-week series, based on the book Sex in a Broken World by Paul David Tripp, explores the underlying causes of sexual sin and points to the…
The Bible is full of emotions. This myriad is best highlighted in the rich and artistically beautiful book of Psalms. This four-week series explores four emotional themes found in the Psalms, detailing what they mean for our relationship with God today. “Songs of the Summer” discusses God’s delight in our joy, his presence in our…
This four-week series explores how evangelism relates more to our identity and maturity than it does to methods, marketing, and strategies. We discuss the how evangelism is begun, built, and sustained by simple acts of love which the Lord uses to advance his kingdom.
This five-week series explores characters from the Bible who experienced seasons of transition—the “in-between” trials of life. Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul and the disciples all experienced times of frustration, pain, suffering, and difficult questions. We too experience these seasons of transition, and it’s vital that we rely on God when life gets tough.
This three-week series explores the Bible’s command to die to ourselves. How does grace figure into this process of sacrifice and selflessness? How do we respond in the midst of temptation? It is only when we hit “Game Over” to our old life and embrace God’s grace that we enter into the new life secured…
This guide is intended for use as a stand-alone, one-week sermon for Easter. Instead of using the traditional Easter texts about Jesus’ death and resurrection, this lesson looks at the resurrection of Lazarus. Jesus defeated sin and death, guaranteeing new life for all who believe and ensuring our own victory over sin and its effects…
This four-week series explores the theological and biblical basis for valuing and participating in cultural and artistic creation. It helps believers understand how to think about and engage in culture and the arts by showing how God values beauty and creativity and has made each of us to be creators in his image.
The Bible is the greatest leadership book ever written. Through its pages, we find the key practices necessary for leaders to positively impact as many lives as possible. This four-week series, based on the book by Brian Dodd, will help inspire and equip leaders to become everything God created them to be. Cover artwork is…
This series is a four-week journey through the book of Romans. This Pauline epistle encompasses a vast amount of foundational theological truths for the Christian life. The series is bird’s-eye view from thirty-thousand feet, describing the sinfulness of humanity, the atoning work of Christ, the transforming power of the Spirit, and the new ethic for…
This four-week series examines Jesus’s definition of the kingdom of God, and what these principles mean for believers today. As “people of the kingdom,” we must acknowledge God’s sovereignty over our lives, live with hope for the future, and align our wills to his reign.
This four-week student series explores how evangelism relates more to our identity and maturity than it does to methods, marketing, or strategies. “Followers” discusses how evangelism is begun, built, and sustained by simple acts of love which the Lord uses to advance his kingdom.
This four-week sermon series guide takes a general approach to the big ideas presented in the book of Ephesians. Discussing the issues of God’s sovereignty, his plan of redemption, his grace, and our responsibility to love one another and to pray, this series will communicate to your congregation that God has a divine plan to…
This four-week series for students looks at the importance of remaining humble and striving to serve others in order to bring glory to God. When we look to Christ, rather than simply attempting to gobble up more attention for ourselves, we make more room to love him and others .
This four-week series designed for students addresses the tough teachings of Jesus: selflessly serving others, loving society’s losers, not being obsessed with possessions, and loving our enemies. These teachings can be difficult to follow, but ultimately reflect Jesus to a broken world.
This four-week series looks at little known or unusual Bible stories and how they offer examples of God’s work through untidy individuals or circumstances. The world is a dark place. The Bible shows us that God enters into the darkest situations to bring redemption. And then, he offers us the opportunity to be his agents…
Modern society often views our world as unenchanted—void of any spiritual or transcendent qualities. This four-week series offers a biblical perspective of God’s work in the world, using New Testament passages to discuss our need for the wonder of God’s presence in our daily life. These messages look at the spiritual disciplines of reading Scripture,…
The book of Revelation uses imagery of both a dragon and the sea to describe the evil believers face in their pursuit of spiritual faithfulness. In many ways, these metaphors provide a telling snapshot of Revelation as a whole, digging deep into its modern-day personal and corporate application. This four-week series, which offers a brief…
This series works as a two-week journey through the fascinating book of Philemon. In the first week, ‘Clean Break’ explores how forgiveness should influence how we treat those over whom we have authority as we extend grace instead of demands. The second week, in keeping with the book, unpacks how our family in Christ changes…
This three-week series examines the significance of being a good steward of the resources God provides to us, and of the willingness to offer him our best. We follow Christ’s example when we use our money to serve God, rather than serving our money.
This four-week series uses the Beatitudes to help students understand how Jesus encouraged believers to represent the kingdom of God and operate differently than the world we know.
This seven-week series explores the historic Christian season of Lent—from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday. This rich Christian tradition points us back to the reality of our sin and our desperate need for a Savior. During this season, we focus on the multifaceted aspects of repentance: recognition of our sin, hope in a Savior, and…
Intended as a stand-alone sermon for Resurrection Sunday, this guide looks at the meeting Jesus had with his disciples after he was resurrected. Jesus rose with all authority and gave the disciples assurance that the very same power that raised him from the dead is available to all who believe and set out to fulfill…
This bundle is intended for use as a stand-alone, one-week sermon for Easter. Instead of using the traditional Easter texts about Jesus’s death and resurrection, this sermon looks at the resurrection of Lazarus. Jesus’s defeat of sin and death becomes a guarantee of new life for all who believe, ensuring our own victory over sin…
This five-week series examines Jesus’s words from the cross. These “last words” communicate the good news of what he has done for us in his self-emptying life and provide an example for believers in how to live out the Christian journey.
This guide is intended for use as a stand-alone, one-week sermon for Easter. Instead of using the traditional Easter texts about Jesus’s death and resurrection, this sermon looks at the resurrection of Lazarus. Jesus’s defeat of sin and death becomes a guarantee of new life for all who believe, ensuring our own victory over sin…
This six-week series draws on a number of major life events from the life of King David, using them as markers to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each message connects David’s story with the greater King, Jesus, and the importance of our obedience in response to his grace.
American culture is a culture of comfort. It’s being sold to us everywhere we look. We’re encouraged to do what we want, when we want, with whomever we want. If something is uncomfortable, we want to avoid it at all costs. The Christian faith, though, is just that: uncomfortable. This four-week series, based on Uncomfortable…
This four-week series looks at the beauty and sanctity of marriage by examining the roles of husband and wife, and the intimacy between the two as they grow closer to God. Marriage comes with assembly required, necessitating care, faithfulness, and patience between spouses. Our marriage day isn’t the beginning of a fairy tale happy ending,…
A three-week series for youth, this guide discusses what happens when we feel insignificant in relationships and explains that God is the only One from whom we can truly receive our value. The topics discussed are dysfunctional relationships, bullying, honor, respect, boundaries, and finding our value in our identity in Christ.
Using Jesus’s parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son (as recorded in Luke 15), this three-week series illustrates how the heart of God is to pursue the lost. These messages wrestle with the topics of grace, evangelism, repentance, God’s faithfulness, and forgiveness, displaying God’s desire to reach people who do…
This four-week series discusses what it means to live a life of prayer. Starting with the difference between the joy of a pure, holy relationship through the gospel versus empty religious duty, this series will encourage children to develop a meaningful prayer life by overcoming distractions, prioritizing God’s presence, and using God’s Word as fuel…
This four-week series guide considers the place of friendship within a life of faith. Starting with messages that define healthy friendships as selfless and diverse, this guide then moves to discuss the role of friendship in evangelism and ends with a message describing and inviting listeners into an intimate friendship with God through faith in…
This five-week series addresses what God did for the Jewish people throughout the events recorded in the book of Ezra. Through failure, forgetting what is important, and sin, we may become exiles attempting to return to God. However, just as in the book of Ezra God reclaimed his people according to his promises, he also…