God on Film: The Classics Edition
God on Film: The Classics Edition

This six-week series uses classic movies to explore biblical passages and topics. By inviting the congregation to reminisce about movies from a few decades ago, this series offers an engaging way to explore topics such as God’s sovereignty, the redemption of all creation, and the correct perspective on life.

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At The Movies
At The Movies

This six-week series uses classic movies to explore biblical passages and topics. By inviting the congregation to reminisce about movies from a few decades ago, this series offers an engaging way to explore topics such as God’s sovereignty, the redemption of all creation, and the correct perspective on life.

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Before You Give Up
Before You Give Up

This four-week series for youth and adults seeks to reach and encourage people who are nearing their breaking points and invites them to bring failure, doubt, hurt, and fatigue to Jesus and community.

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The Altered Life
The Altered Life

This four-week series explores the ideas of living a sacrificial and surrendered life. It looks at passages which ask us to die to self, think of others, and pick up our cross. We will be challenged to consider ourselves less, offering ourselves as a sacrifice given to glorify God. 

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Soul Care
Soul Care

In light of the rise of self-care and our culture’s heightened awareness of the physical and nutritional practices needed to care for the body and the mind, this series invites us to embrace “soul care.” Soul care isn’t a knock against self-care, but it is a challenge for us to make caring for our inner…

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Jesus And Paul
Jesus And Paul

This four-week series examines the debate regarding Jesus’s teachings versus Paul’s writings. Scholars and Christians can approach the Bible thinking that Jesus taught something different from Paul or that Paul created a different style of Christianity from Jesus. However, through examining the teachings of Paul in relationship to other apostles and addressing our assumptions and misinterpretations…

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Jesus Never Said That
Jesus Never Said That

This four-week series examines the debate regarding Jesus’s teachings versus Paul’s writings. Scholars and Christians can approach the Bible thinking that Jesus taught something different from Paul or that Paul created a different style of Christianity from Jesus. However, through examining the teachings of Paul in relationship to other apostles and addressing our assumptions and misinterpretations…

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Strive In The Silence
Strive In The Silence

This series is all about enduring through challenging situations and seasons that feel like God is silent. It begins by showing how Jesus identified with our feelings during the moments when he faced the silence of God at the end of his life. It also explores two psalms that remind us to put our hope…

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Spiritual Renaissance: Faith And Art
Spiritual Renaissance: Faith And Art

This four-week series examines four famous works of art from the Renaissance. The paintings help illustrate various truths found in the Gospels and provide a visual aid to our faith.

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More To The Story: Your Next Step
More To The Story: Your Next Step

This is a series that can easily follow Easter or an evangelistic event to bring new believers into the cosmic story of the gospel and help them find their next steps in their faith journey.

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The Giving Church
The Giving Church

This series looks at generosity as both a personal and corporate call for believers. By looking at God’s generosity and examples of generosity in the Bible, this series invites us to live open-handed lives that reflect the heart of a loving and giving God.

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You Asked For It: Questions We Have About The Bible
You Asked For It: Questions We Have About The Bible

Who wrote the Bible? When was it written? Why was it written? Why should I care? People have so many good questions about the Bible. This four-week series explores common questions about the Bible, while inviting pastors to gather questions from their congregation as well. Everyone from seasoned Bible students to new believers will find…

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The Seven Woes
The Seven Woes

This sermon series looks at Jesus’s warnings to his followers against hypocrisy and his “woes” to the religious leaders in his time.Jesus is concerned with spiritual leaders who do not recognize the danger they bring upon themselves and those who follow them. This series challenges the congregation to live a life of integrity before people…

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The Book Of Ephesians
The Book Of Ephesians

Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus is divided into six chapters of life-changing truth. Starting with Paul’s description of God’s salvation plan from the foundation of the world and leading all the way to the armor of God, there is great wisdom all throughout this letter. This eight-week series looks at the book of…

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The Book Of Amos: Justice & Mercy
The Book Of Amos: Justice & Mercy

“The Lord roars from Zion” (Amos 1:2), and the sound is a terrifying one as the prophet Amos calls the people to hear God’s word of judgment. In a place where all but a faithful remnant have turned their backs on God, Amos is a voice of accountability and hope. This six-week series uncovers the…

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All For Love: The Father Gave
All For Love: The Father Gave

This stand-alone message examines the love of God. Why did Jesus come to earth and why did he die—and what did the love of God have to do with all of it?

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Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday

This stand-alone Easter message reminds us that the reason the crucifixion happened can be difficult to confront because it means being honest about our sinfulness and inability to save ourselves.

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Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday

This stand-alone message examines the love of God. Why did Jesus come to earth and why did he die—and what did the love of God have to do with all of it?

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40 Days
40 Days

This six-week series explores significant time periods marked by the number forty in the Bible and what God did with and for his people during those times. As we work our way toward Easter, we will see how God moves in and through his people during times set aside for us to draw near to him.

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Apprentices Of Jesus: Spiritual Formation
Apprentices Of Jesus: Spiritual Formation

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? There’s an example from our contemporary experience that makes it more relatable. This four-week series looks at discipleship through the lens of apprenticeship and on-the-job training.

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New Creation
New Creation

This four-week series unpacks the meaning of being a new creation in Christ, an ambassador for Christ to a broken world, and an agent of reconciliation to the world.

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The Struggle: Fighting The Battle Within
The Struggle: Fighting The Battle Within

This three-week series analyzes the heavily debated Romans 7. Christians have struggled to interpret and apply these twenty-five verses, and the way we understand these verses can impact our thoughts on sin, law, grace, and sanctification. Walking through Paul’s thoughts in each verse, we can see that Christians are married to Christ and not the…

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Arrow Striker: Live with Purpose and Leave an Eternal Impact
Arrow Striker: Live with Purpose and Leave an Eternal Impact

This four-week sermon series is based on the book Arrow Striker: Live with Purpose and Leave an Eternal Impact … Every Single Day by Jonathan Hardy. No matter their career, stage of life, spiritual knowledge, or past mistakes, this series will motivate congregants to step into all God has for them and to accomplish his purposes every…

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Behold, The Lamb Of God
Behold, The Lamb Of God

This stand-alone message looks at John the Baptist’s declaration in John 1:29: “Behold, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” What does it mean that Jesus is the Lamb of God, and how might that shape our faith in the present?

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Forsaken: Good Friday
Forsaken: Good Friday

This Good Friday message focuses on Jesus’s lament and his quote from Psalm 22. We will discover the beauty in his words and linger on the gift he gave us; he became forsaken so we don’t have to.

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Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday

This Maundy Thursday message is part of a Holy Week series that walks a congregation through each of the days of Holy Week. Each message introduces the importance of the event leading up to the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Holy Week reminds us that even when God doesn’t act in the way we…

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Good Friday
Good Friday

This Good Friday message is part of a Holy Week series that walks a congregation through each of the days of Holy Week. Each message introduces the importance of the event leading up to the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Holy Week reminds us that even when God doesn’t act in the way we expect,…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas