Do Not Fear
Do Not Fear

This three-week series looks at some of the great “do not fear” passages in the Scriptures. By considering these passages, students are encouraged to remember that no matter what their future holds, God is with them.

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The Summer Blues
The Summer Blues

This four-week series looks at the struggle everyone can have with the “post-event” blues. Whether it’s a camp, conference, or the end of an amazing experience, we can struggle to move forward. Through looking at the unchanging nature of God, the seasons of life, and the dangers of nostalgia, we can move our walk with God…

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The Young Church
The Young Church

This four-week series explores the life and characteristic of the early church. The early church we find in Acts was young and just starting. Yet even though the church was just being started they were a people that were diverse, marked by truth, relationship, community, and life transformation that led to loving the world around them.

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Scared Of The Ghost
Scared Of The Ghost

This four-week series invites students to walk with the Holy Spirit as friend, teacher, comforter, and guide by looking at how the Holy Spirit interacted with believers in the New Testament. We will talk about what the Holy Spirit offers us and how we can respond accordingly.

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Faith Goes To School
Faith Goes To School

Being a witness for Christ was never intended to be an obligation. It’s much more than standing up on a stage and giving an altar call; it’s also a way we honor and reflect the work God is doing in and through our lives. Living as witnesses allows us to develop relationships with those around…

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Suggested Friends
Suggested Friends

Social media algorithms suggest friends based on our mutual connections and interests. While that’s well and good, we would do well to apply Scripture’s wisdom on friendship and relationships when we choose which relationships we should pursue and invest in. This series encourages students to seek the outsiders, to seek mentors, to seek community among…

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Never Alone
Never Alone

This series looks at times in the Bible when men and women felt alone or abandoned and found that God was with them. Stories like those of Dinah and the widow of Zarephath’s son show us that even when those we should be able to lean on and trust have betrayed or abandoned us, God…

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True Religion
True Religion

What does faith look like? How does faith change my life? How does my faith change the world around me for the better? This five-week series from the Letter of James answers these questions as it moves through James’s teachings on faith in action. This is practical theology for all believers, but especially younger and…

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Free Indeed
Free Indeed

This single message, intended for use on Independence Day in the United States, explores the reality that in the resurrection, Christ has made believers free from the bondage of sin and free to live in his fullness.

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He Is Here: God Is With Us
He Is Here: God Is With Us

This three-part Christmas series unpacks each word of the title. It will challenge students to recognize the significance of Jesus’s incarnation for our daily lives.

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Who Am I?
Who Am I?

Identity is a huge issue for youth. Teens are presented with infinitely more categories than previous generations had to figure out, and there is a sense that they need to know themselves right away. The resulting inner confusion and chaos feel out of control. How is a teenager supposed to know who they are? Rather…

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Easter: Chapter 2
Easter: Chapter 2

This four-week series explores the importance of the resurrection. The resurrection changed everything! Through observing Scripture, we find that the resurrection proclaimed victory over sin, gave hope to believers for eternal life, and became the main event for the commissioning of the church to share the gospel with all the world.

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Saying Yes To God
Saying Yes To God

This one-week message looks at Luke’s account of Mary’s visit from the angel Gabriel and how she said yes to God’s unusual plan for her life. Mary’s response shows us that she was willing to trust God, no matter what happened in her life. Her example shows us that we can say yes to God…

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Psalm 23
Psalm 23

This four-week series is grounded in Psalm 23. Each week will focus on a different aspect of God as the shepherd of our lives and on our calling to give ourselves over to his complete care.

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The Good Father
The Good Father

This one-week sermon looks at the parable of the prodigal son, but with a different twist. We will discover that the story is less about the son and more about the kind, benevolent father.

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My Heart Hurts
My Heart Hurts

This four-part series addresses the issue of hurts in our personal lives and in our church community. How we respond to our wounds and to those who wound us matters. When we look to God and the future he has planned for us, we can process our trauma and heal from our wounds.

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Family Dinner
Family Dinner

This four-week series examines meal and food-related passages in Scripture and culminates in a deeper understanding of Jesus’s invitation to “take and eat” the bread and wine as part of our communion practices.

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The Christmas Countdown
The Christmas Countdown

This three-week Advent series will lead kids to consider what it means to wait upon the Lord and to reflect on God’s presence as we wait.

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Light In The Night
Light In The Night

Israel spent four hundred years waiting on God to speak after the prophet Malachi. This single message focuses on the light that was born on Christmas Eve.

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Next Year
Next Year

This single-week sermon is meant to be preached at the end of the calendar year. It is focused on looking at the end of the year that’s closing and ahead to the year to come.

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Life’s Surprises
Life’s Surprises

This four-week series for children explores the interruptions and unexpected moments in Christ’s ministry. Jesus’s reactions to the people and disruptions that occur around him help us recognize that God is sovereign. He can use these “accidents” and “interruptions” for his glory, and we can find grace in the divine interruptions that occur in our…

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Easter People
Easter People

In this Lenten series for children, we focus on God’s good news and repent of the ways we have failed to live it out. Would our community recognize our church as good news? This series asks hard questions: Why did those outside the fold so often recognize Jesus as good news, but the religious viewed…

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Summer Road Trip
Summer Road Trip

The apostle Paul took three major missionary journeys throughout the Roman Empire. This four-week series will look at each of these trips from a high overview and then in the last week examine the overlapping themes present for each of them as we explore what it means to be a missionary today.

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This single message, intended for use on Independence Day in the United States, explores the reality that in the resurrection, Christ has made believers free from the bondage of sin and free to live in his fullness.

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God’s Kingdom
God’s Kingdom

The term “kingdom of God” is often heard in church, yet many Christians would probably admit to a lack of understanding about what it is, how it functions, and what their role is in it. Over the next four weeks, this series will speak to those questions—and help kids understand God’s kingdom too.

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Remember This
Remember This

This single-week New Year’s sermon focuses on Joshua 4, where the Israelites cross the Jordan River into the promised land and set up twelve memorial stones to remind them of all the things God had done while leading them through the desert. The New Year reminds us to look back to remember God’s faithfulness in…

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Strong Faith
Strong Faith

This four-week series is designed to help students see that God’s plan for us is to be transformed into the likeness of his Son, Jesus Christ. By focusing on four practices of Jesus, students will see that we can model our lives after Jesus and depend on who he is in order to become who…

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Just Have Patience
Just Have Patience

Waiting for God to do what he’s promised he’ll do can be hard sometimes. And trusting that he’ll hear and answer our prayers isn’t always easy. Sometimes we get impatient and try to do things our own way, without waiting for his help or thinking about how our actions might affect others. The Bible shows…

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Raised To Life
Raised To Life

This Easter message is anchored in Christ’s claim to be the resurrection and the life in John 11. He says this right before he raises Lazarus from the dead, and it’s not long after this that he himself dies and is raised to life to secure salvation and resurrection hope for those who would believe…

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YHWH: Exploring the Character of God
YHWH: Exploring the Character of God

This series explores God’s self-revelation to Moses in Exodus 34:6–7. Each week will examine one of the characteristics by which God describes himself: merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, forgiving sin, judging the guilty.

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Haunted: Haunted By The Past
Haunted: Haunted By The Past

Many people struggle with things that have happened in their past—things they have done and that have been done to them. This four-week sermon series looks at people in the Bible who had rough pasts and at passages that speak about forgiveness and restoration. In this series, those who are haunted by the past are…

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Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone
Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone

This single-week sermon looks at one of five solas (“onlys” or “alones”) drawn from theology revived in the era of the Reformation: sola Scriptura. The message will define them and show how it works itself out in our doctrine and lives. 

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Hard to Love: Loving Difficult People
Hard to Love: Loving Difficult People

As Christians, we’re supposed to love everyone. But what do we do about the people who are hard to love? This three-week adult series is about loving people we find it difficult to love (family, enemies, people different from us). By looking at how Jesus dealt with difficult people, different people, and downright unloving people,…

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Difficult People: When People Are Hard To Love
Difficult People: When People Are Hard To Love

As Christians, we’re supposed to love everyone. But what do we do about the people who are hard to love? This three-week adult series is about loving people we find it difficult to love (family, enemies, people different from us). By looking at how Jesus dealt with difficult people, different people, and downright unloving people,…

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Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts

This four-week series explores the role of spiritual gifts in the church and in believers’ lives. Looking at what gifts are for and how they’re used, this series will help believers gain a more holistic view of spiritual gifts.

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I Can Do All Things: Philippians 4
I Can Do All Things: Philippians 4

The fourth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Philippians has many memorable verses, but verse 13 may stand out among them all. This one-week message focuses on the entire fourth chapter of Philippians to help put verse 13 into context.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

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22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas