God Remembered: God’s Faithfulness To His Promises
God Remembered: God’s Faithfulness To His Promises

This four-week series explores the idea of God remembering his people. Looking at the stories of Noah, Abraham, Rachel, and the Israelites we will see that God remembers because of his relationship and covenant with his people. There are times when we feel that God has forgotten us, but he does not. He remembers his…

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Waiting For When
Waiting For When

This three-week series explores the idea of “waiting for when.” “Someday” can create images of unrealistic expectations that should bring us happiness but fall short. Looking at the stories of Leah, the disciples, and Paul, we can see that God will help us even in our striving to be happy; will give us what we…

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El Fruto Del Espíritu: Viviendo Vidas Agradables A Dios
El Fruto Del Espíritu: Viviendo Vidas Agradables A Dios

This four-week series uses the fruit of the Spirit as a test for spiritual maturity and potential growth. When looked at as a cohesive list, the fruit of the Spirit describe Jesus himself. And as one star forms an even more majestic picture with other stars in a constellation, so the spiritual fruits listed in…

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Clean Break: Breaking From Bad Theology Before It Breaks Us
Clean Break: Breaking From Bad Theology Before It Breaks Us

This four-week series looks at some misunderstandings of theology and challenges us to break the bad thinking before it breaks us. We will discuss commonly used phrases or assumptions that are not only unbiblical but that turn people away from a welcoming relationship with Christ.

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Women Of The Bible
Women Of The Bible

This four-week series focuses on four women: Rahab, Ruth, Esther, and Lydia. In each of their lives, we see how these women responded when challenged to choose where their loyalties would lie. Through their stories, we learn about God’s character: in particular, how he provides for, protects, intercedes for, and calls us. These accounts ultimately…

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The Seven Sins Of Suburbia
The Seven Sins Of Suburbia

This seven-week series for adults examines the seven deadly sins by looking at seven common temptations facing the modern Western Christian. Temptations like comfort, convenience, control, complacency, comparison, consumerism, and conceit knock on our door daily. What will we choose: the way of Christ or the way of self?

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Travel Light: Summer Essentials For Spiritual Growth
Travel Light: Summer Essentials For Spiritual Growth

All of life is a journey of sorts and every journey has certain expectations. We need to know where we are heading, why we are going that way, what we need along the way, and how to know when we have arrived. This four-week series will focus on the idea of traveling along the path…

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Don’t Waste Your Summer
Don’t Waste Your Summer

This three-week series encourages us to take advantage of the summer weeks by intentionally using the downtime for spiritual growth. We will learn about a few spiritual disciplines and not let the summer pass without practicing a few of them.

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Buzzwords: Understanding Common Church Lingo
Buzzwords: Understanding Common Church Lingo

Oftentimes, people who have been in church awhile use language that is unfamiliar to new believers and unbelievers. Sometimes, even the Christians who use those words don’t understand their significance. In this five-week series, we will use the book of Romans to help us better understand some commonly used “church words” and their application for…

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Summer Collection
Summer Collection

This four-part series works through important lessons found in the book of Proverbs. The series looks at what Proverbs has to say to young people about wisdom, learning, self-discipline, and relationships.

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Easter Sunday: Life Everlasting
Easter Sunday: Life Everlasting

This Easter Sunday sermon tells the Easter story from the Gospel of John. John 20 works through the story of several different people as they encounter the resurrected Jesus. The whole chapter is designed to persuade people to believe in Jesus and receive eternal life.

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Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday

This Easter Sunday sermon tells the Easter story from the Gospel of Matthew, revealing that the resurrected Lord is a living and active presence in the church and world today, calling us to worship and obey him.

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Bloodlines: The Genealogy Of Jesus
Bloodlines: The Genealogy Of Jesus

This six-part sermon series looks at Jesus’s genealogy in Matthew 1, helping the audience understand why this list of “begats” is important. By focusing on the ways Matthew deviates from the pattern in Matthew 1:1–17, we will explore how the genealogy allows us to understand Jesus’s mission.

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Here And Now: Following Christ
Here And Now: Following Christ

This sermon series encourages students not to wait to follow Jesus but to step into new life in Christ here and now. The Gospels share accounts of Jesus calling people to follow him, as well as teachings about what it means to follow him. This four-week series looks at some of those encounters and lessons…

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Messengers: The Minor Prophets
Messengers: The Minor Prophets

This is a series on the Old Testament Minor Prophets. Each week will focus on one prophet and their story or message. Common themes will run throughout these twelve prophets in Israel’s history, and a primary theme is restoration. Though the prophets often brought words of judgment, they also spoke words of hope and ultimate renewal.

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Return: The Minor Prophets
Return: The Minor Prophets

This is a series on the Old Testament Minor Prophets. Each week will focus on one prophet and their story or message. Common themes will run throughout these twelve prophets in Israel’s history, and a primary theme is restoration. Though the prophets often brought words of judgment, they also spoke words of hope and ultimate renewal.

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18 Summers
18 Summers

Parents are given a unique opportunity to teach their faith to their children. It may seem like they have an unlimited amount of time, but there are just 18 summers before the child becomes an adult. This four-week series looks at some of the most important principles we can instill into a child in those…

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A Church In Crisis: The Book Of 1 Corinthians
A Church In Crisis: The Book Of 1 Corinthians

This series takes us through 1 Corinthians. In this biblical letter, Paul addresses some very serious issues within the church of Corinth, but he also speaks to issues present in the church today. This series can encourage us that the current trials, conflicts, and hypocrisies of the church are not new. Past believers had to…

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One Another
One Another

This four-week series discusses a central question of Christian living: how are we to relate to one another? That is, how are we to treat those in our church or workplace? What about those in our homes or neighborhoods? Christians are called to a unique spirit of humility and service as followers of Christ, who…

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You Are Here
You Are Here

This three-part series is about rightly orienting ourselves in the Word, in worship, and in the world. Just as we start any journey by finding our location on a GPS or map, we need to make sure we start from the right position when we approach worship, the Scriptures, and the world around us. We…

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Creation Care: Stewarding God’s Creation
Creation Care: Stewarding God’s Creation

This four-week youth series focuses on creation stewardship. As Christians, what is our theology on creation, how are we called to steward it, and what can we hope for in a renewed creation when Christ returns? Christianity has so much to say on this topic, but too often as the church we ignore it or are…

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Echoes of Eden
Echoes of Eden

This four-week series looks at some of the lessons taught and the wisdom prescribed in the Bible through moments in a garden or living things found in a garden. The series will cover several ideas: life is dependent upon water; we can see God’s attentive nature while examining birds and flowers; Jesus was pressed in…

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The Preeminence Of Christ
The Preeminence Of Christ

This three-week series helps us understand the important role of the preeminence of Christ in the poem of Colossians chapter 1. Through analyzing the theological explanation of Christ as the incarnation of God, the creator and sustainer of the world, and the reconciliation that came through his death and resurrection, we will grasp the powerful…

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The Preeminence Of Christ
The Preeminence Of Christ

This three-week series helps us understand the important role of the preeminence of Christ in the poem of Colossians chapter 1. Through analyzing the theological explanation of Christ as the incarnation of God, the creator and sustainer of the world, and the reconciliation that came through his death and resurrection, we will grasp the powerful…

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The Armor Of God
The Armor Of God

This six-week series considers the armor of God. Each week focuses on a different piece of armor, reminding us that God has given them to us for our protection and blessing. They are not works to perform but promises to claim.

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Quick To Listen
Quick To Listen

When people in our communities are suffering or come from communities that are marginalized, we must make sure the church is a place where they feel welcomed, seen, and supported. This series calls us to listen and respond to those whose experiences may be different from our own and challenges us to address injustice and…

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He Really Said That: Shocking Statements Said By Jesus
He Really Said That: Shocking Statements Said By Jesus

We can be so familiar with the stories about Jesus in the Gospels that we miss (or skip right over) some of the strangest, most shocking, or surprisingly humorous things that Jesus says. This four-week series explores four of these kinds of statements from Jesus, revealing important truths in strange places and reminding us that…

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Upon This Rock
Upon This Rock

This four-week series explains the nature and purpose of the church. It details the origin of the church; the ordinances of the church; the roles, responsibilities, and gifts of the members of the church; and the overall mission of the church. The series is meant to assist local pastors as they share the vision for…

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Upon This Rock
Upon This Rock

This four-week series explains the nature and purpose of the church. It details the origin of the church; the ordinances of the church; the roles, responsibilities, and gifts of the members of the church; and the overall mission of the church. The series is meant to assist local pastors as they share the vision for…

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The Armor Of God
The Armor Of God

This six-week series considers the armor of God. Each week focuses on a different piece of armor, reminding us that God has given them to us for our protection and blessing. They are not works to perform but promises to claim.

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The Armor of God
The Armor of God

This six-week series considers the armor of God. Each week focuses on a different piece of armor, reminding us that God has given them to us for our protection and blessing. They are not works to perform but promises to claim.

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Scandals: Headlines From The Bible
Scandals: Headlines From The Bible

What does it take to turn a crowd into a mob? What provokes a public outcry? How does a riot happen? What can we learn from episodes in the Old and New Testaments when such outrage has taken place? This four-week series examines situations in the Bible that sound like they were ripped straight from the…

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Generation To Generation: Father’s Day
Generation To Generation: Father’s Day

This two-week sermon set consists of one message for Mother’s Day and one for Father’s Day. Both messages are built around the promise of God in Psalm 119:90, that his faithfulness will endure from generation to generation.

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Generation To Generation: Mother’s Day
Generation To Generation: Mother’s Day

This two-week sermon set consists of one message for Mother’s Day and one for Father’s Day. Both messages are built around the promise of God in Psalm 119:90, that his faithfulness will endure from generation to generation.

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Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day

This two-week message set helps us understand the important role that mothers and fathers have in teaching their children the gospel. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are times we can celebrate parents and challenge them to be disciple makers in their homes. Through analyzing Psalm 78, we see that God wants parents to teach and…

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Father’s Day
Father’s Day

This two-week message set helps us understand the important role that mothers and fathers have in teaching their children the gospel. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are times we can celebrate parents and challenge them to be disciple makers in their homes. Through analyzing Psalm 78, we see that God wants parents to teach and…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas