The Road to Redemption
The Road to Redemption

Peter’s denial and restoration is a vibrant picture of the power of Christ’s death and resurrection in one person’s life. We can see ourselves in Peter’s self-protective denial, his grief over his sin, and the pain and joy of Christ’s healing work in his life. This three-week Easter series meditates on this story to draw…

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Believe: When Jesus Meets Us In Our Doubt
Believe: When Jesus Meets Us In Our Doubt

Easter Sunday is a time of joy and triumph, but many of us enter the season with doubts and fears that feel inconsistent with the celebration. How does the Easter story address our doubts? How does the resurrection impact our faith? Stories of Jesus’s followers facing doubt after his death can bring us comfort and…

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Three: Days & Denials
Three: Days & Denials

Peter’s denial and restoration is a vibrant picture of the power of Christ’s death and resurrection in one person’s life. We can see ourselves in Peter’s self-protective denial, his grief over his sin, and the pain and joy of Christ’s healing work in his life. This three-week Easter series meditates on this story to draw…

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Drip: The Armor Of God
Drip: The Armor Of God

This series teaches students about the armor of God. The world may be concerned about having “drip” (swagger, especially in how you look), but as believers, we’re called to put on something way more important! The armor that Paul describes in Ephesians 6 helps us stand strong in the face of distractions, temptations, and oppositions to our…

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The Pastoral Epistles
The Pastoral Epistles

This eight-week series looks at Paul’s letters to his students Timothy and Titus. In these letters, Paul offers wisdom on a wide range of topics that are just as relevant for church members and leaders today as when Paul originally wrote the letters.

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Pillars Of Truth: The Pastoral Epistles
Pillars Of Truth: The Pastoral Epistles

This eight-week series looks at Paul’s letters to his students Timothy and Titus. In these letters, Paul offers wisdom on a wide range of topics that are just as relevant for church members and leaders today as when Paul originally wrote the letters.

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A Fruitful Heart
A Fruitful Heart

This one-week sermon unpacks Jesus’s parable of the soils to help us understand what it means to have a fruitful heart.

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Turn Your Eyes
Turn Your Eyes

This Lenten series calls us all to turn our eyes upon Jesus as we follow him from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the crucifixion. Each week reveals an aspect of Christ’s heart and sacrifice and invites us to renewed devotion to our Servant King in surprising ways. Over and over, Christ challenges us to…

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We Need To Talk About It: Exposing Sin And Embracing Christ
We Need To Talk About It: Exposing Sin And Embracing Christ

This six-week series faces up to the tough conversation on the severity of sin. Sin has infested all of humanity and all sin must be judged by God. Even the natural order of the universe has been corrupted and damaged by sin. But God has dealt with sin through the work of Jesus. He calls us…

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This Lenten series calls us all to turn our eyes upon Jesus as we follow him from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the crucifixion. Each week reveals an aspect of Christ’s heart and sacrifice and invites us to renewed devotion to our Servant King in surprising ways. Over and over, Christ challenges us to…

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Jesus And ____
Jesus And ____

This four-week series asks us to consider whether or not we believe Jesus is all we need. We will discover if we have a hidden division in our hearts as we look at things that often call us to trust in them more than, or alongside, our trust in Jesus, such as in affections, assets,…

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Kingdom Parables
Kingdom Parables

This series looks at six parables unique to the book of Luke. Jesus, the master storyteller, uses his parables to teach his listeners then and today how to love, how to pray, and how to see the world through the lens of the kingdom.

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Trending Faith: Deep Faith In A Meme Culture
Trending Faith: Deep Faith In A Meme Culture

This four-week youth series encourages students to resist the urge to stay in the shallows and instead to deepen their faith. Even though we live in a “meme” culture that wants to simplify every thought into what will fit on our socials, Christianity doesn’t easily conform to a word limit or carefully crafted picture. It’s…

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Church Crush: Find Joy Where You Are
Church Crush: Find Joy Where You Are

Whether or not we admit it, most churchgoers have a “church crush”: a church we look at and think, “Wow. Now, that’s how you do church.” The tendency to look at another church across town or online and think it has to be better than our local church is more than common. This quick, three-week dive into…

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Faith Goes to Work: The Theology of Work And Rest
Faith Goes to Work: The Theology of Work And Rest

In this four-week series, we discover that our work can be worshipful, that God is deeply interested in the work we do, that we are designed to work at a God-ordained pace, and that we are commanded to celebrate the Sabbath weekly, feasting on the best God has for us.

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The Church Next Door: Dispelling The Myth of the Perfect Church
The Church Next Door: Dispelling The Myth of the Perfect Church

Whether or not we admit it, most churchgoers have a “church crush”: a church we look at and think, “Wow. Now, that’s how you do church.” The tendency to look at another church across town or online and think it has to be better than our local church is more than common. This quick, three-week…

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The beginning of the year is the perfect time to dream, plan, and commit to important life changes. This four-part series encourages congregants to look at the new year as an opportunity to embrace a revitalized vision for their faith walk.

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It Wasn’t Me
It Wasn’t Me

Hiding our sin can have drastic effects on our own lives and the lives of others; however, God is gracious to forgive and enable us to move forward if we turn to him. In the stories of Ananias and Sapphira, Paul and Peter, and Achan, we can see the effects of our personal choices. The…

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The Emotions of Jesus
The Emotions of Jesus

The Gospels provide us with rich stories of Jesus’s life and ministry on earth—healings, parables, and relationships with disciples and outcasts and religious leaders. They also tell us about Jesus’s emotional life. Because he was fully human, he experienced human emotions, but without sin. This four-week study examines four passages that describe those emotions, to…

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Life in Babylon
Life in Babylon

This four-week series counsels us on how to live with character and integrity in a hostile and contentious culture. As Christians, we are called to love people and to love God. Loving people sometimes involves having the courage to speak truth and offer constructive criticism; loving God can sometimes mean believing and doing things that…

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Life In Babylon
Life In Babylon

This four-week series counsels us on how to live with character and integrity in a hostile and contentious culture. As Christians, we are called to love people and to love God. Loving people sometimes involves having the courage to speak truth and offer constructive criticism; loving God can sometimes mean believing and doing things that…

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Modern Heresy
Modern Heresy

This four-week series describes four heresies that were condemned at various church councils. From understanding Arianism, Pelagianism, modalism, and Monothelitism, we will see the truth that Jesus is fully God, humanity is fully sinful, God is three-in-one, and Jesus willingly laid down his life for us.

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Follow Me
Follow Me

This seven-week series explores what it means to follow Jesus, over the course of Ash Wednesday and the six Sundays of Lent. We use the language of “following Jesus” frequently in the church, but we rarely examine what it means to follow him and what causes us to go our own way instead. This Lenten…

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Reflect: A Call To Be Like Christ
Reflect: A Call To Be Like Christ

This single-week youth sermon challenges students to reflect on the year that is coming to a close and to honestly evaluate how much their lives have reflected Christ. Whether they feel they’ve failed or succeeded, this sermon encourages youth to imitate Christ even more in the year ahead by choosing to “walk in love” and…

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Damascus Road
Damascus Road

This single-week sermon looks at Paul the apostle’s conversion story. From persecutor of the early church to one of the greatest figures in Christendom, Paul’s story is an incredible testimony of God’s powerful and redeeming love.

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It’s Not Personal
It’s Not Personal

Often within the church you may hear the expression “a personal relationship with Jesus.” Sometimes this is misinterpreted to mean something that’s so personal that we keep our faith to ourselves. This three-week series will look at how a personal relationship with Jesus is anything but private.

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Our Great High Priest
Our Great High Priest

We’ve all heard the term “WWJD” (“What Would Jesus Do?”). Whether or not we wear the T-shirt or the trendy bracelet, all believers shape their life around this question. This four-part series raises another important question for the believer—what is Jesus doing, right now? Most Christians know what Jesus did here on earth, and we have an idea of…

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What Is Jesus Doing?
What Is Jesus Doing?

We’ve all heard the term “WWJD” (“What Would Jesus Do?”). Whether or not we wear the T-shirt or the trendy bracelet, all believers shape their life around this question. This four-part series raises another important question for the believer—what is Jesus doing, right now? Most Christians know what Jesus did here on earth, and we…

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Words Matter
Words Matter

Whether spoken, texted, or posted, our words play a crucial role in our lives and our witness. This four-part series reminds us that our words matter and guides us through Scripture’s teachings on the source of our words, the consequences of our words, and the ways we can use our words for good and God’s…

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Watch Your Mouth
Watch Your Mouth

Whether spoken, texted, or posted, our words play a crucial role in our lives and our witness. This four-part series reminds us that our words matter and guides us through Scripture’s teachings on the source of our words, the consequences of our words, and the ways we can use our words for good and God’s…

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Triggered: Dealing With Anxiety
Triggered: Dealing With Anxiety

There is a prevailing sense of anxiety in the world around us, and for many people anxiety is a daily and personal struggle. Thankfully, the Bible isn’t silent about this. This four-week series helps us face the anxieties of life with the truth of the Word of God and the spiritual and practical applications it…

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Through The Waters
Through The Waters

This one-week sermon series retells the incredible story of the parting of the Red Sea in Exodus 14. This event is a major milestone in Israel’s journey from Egypt to the promised land, and it stands as a timeless reminder of God’s love, power, and faithfulness. 

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Confronting Conflict: Strife at Home, Work, and Church
Confronting Conflict: Strife at Home, Work, and Church

Our lives are shaped by conflict: we fight with our families and friends, we struggle to get along with difficult coworkers, and we feel the strain of division and disagreement in our churches. We might enjoy conflict too much, or we might avoid it altogether, but we all need to learn more faithful, biblical ways…

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ICYMI: In Case You Missed It
ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

This four-week series highlights the four major parts of God’s story, from the very beginning to the end, which connects back to the beginning. By covering the fall of humankind, the chosen place of Israel in God’s family, Jesus’s death and resurrection, and the final restoration of all things, we will see how God has…

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Praying Through
Praying Through

This four-week adult series explores barriers to prayer, such as busyness and guilt, how to pray, and the struggle of doubt. By understanding what the Bible says about prayer, we can learn to make prayer a priority rather than an afterthought, embrace the love of God in our inadequacies, and trust more fully in God…

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The Best Investment: Learning What Matters Most
The Best Investment: Learning What Matters Most

It seems these days everyone either has a side hustle or an investment app. Cryptocurrency is in the news, and people are trading stocks at the tap of a button on their smartphone. This four-week series will examine four important categories of our life and show how Jesus is always the best investment we can make.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas