Keep Calm
Keep Calm

This series encourages believers to be peaceable, gentle, and loving people in an age of division and rage. Drawing from passages like 1 Peter 3:15–16; Philippians 4:5; Titus 3:2; and James 3:17, this four-week series calls us away from the chaos of sensationalized media, culture wars, and angry echo chambers that divide us and damage…

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The Darkest Hour
The Darkest Hour

Jesus marks the time of his betrayal by Judas and arrest by his accusers as the “hour…[of] the power of darkness” (Luke 22:53). This Good Friday message soberingly tells the story of Christ’s passion through the lens of this hour when evil appeared to reign.

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Faith and Science
Faith and Science

This four-week series helps us see that faith and science are not at odds. We will discover how the natural world reflects the Creator, and we’ll learn to hold intelligent conversations about both topics.

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Jesus and the Lowly
Jesus and the Lowly

This four-week series looks at Jesus’s frequent interactions with the “least of these.” From these interactions, we gain a greater understanding of the heart of God in Christ for his children.

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The Last Supper
The Last Supper

This four-week series takes a deep dive into the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. This meal is something Christians universally agree is important. Why is that? What is significant about this meal, and how does it point us toward Christ?

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This six-week series profiles the twelve disciples who followed Jesus. Looking at Peter, Matthew, John, Thomas, Judas, and the Twelve as a whole, this series will remind your congregation what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, encouraging the faithful in your community to persevere in the faith. 

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The Twelve
The Twelve

This six-week series profiles the twelve disciples who followed Jesus. Looking at Peter, Matthew, John, Thomas, Judas, and the Twelve as a whole, this series will remind your congregation what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, encouraging the faithful in your community to persevere in the faith. 

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As It Is In Heaven
As It Is In Heaven

This three-week series for youth and adults looks at the first three petitions in the Lord’s Prayer and their focus on God’s renown and his kingdom.

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Lifted Up
Lifted Up

This Easter sermon looks at how Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection fulfilled his words in John 12:32–33, and also highlights the paradox at play here in the way Christ was lifted up by laying himself down. 

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One and Only
One and Only

This sermon helps us see John 3:16 in a trinitarian light so that we can fully appreciate the true nature of God’s self-giving through his Son. We will consider the benefit of acknowledging the entire Trinity in all our circumstances.

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His Only Son
His Only Son

This sermon helps us see John 3:16 in a trinitarian light so that we can fully appreciate the true nature of God’s self-giving through his Son. We will consider the benefit of acknowledging the entire Trinity in all our circumstances. 

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The Great Rescue
The Great Rescue

This Easter sermon seeks to establish the idea that Jesus’s work through the cross was a rescue mission. He didn’t come just to teach, love, or leave a good example to help good people become better. He came to rescue us from death, darkness, and a captivity only he could break.

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Easter Sunday: He Has Risen
Easter Sunday: He Has Risen

This message helps us see why Easter is, in fact, a glorious day, and what the implications of Christ’s resurrection are for us and the whole world.

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The Light Has Come
The Light Has Come

This Easter sermon helps us see John 3:16 in a trinitarian light, so that we can fully appreciate God’s self-giving through his Son. John 1:1–18 announces Jesus as the Light of the World. John 3:16 summarizes what the Light of the Father was destined to reveal, even before the creation of the world, through the…

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Look Again
Look Again

This Easter sermon takes John’s account of the disciples who went to see the empty tomb and draws from one disciple’s experience of looking and then looking again at the empty tomb. This sermon invites us to look hard at the fact of Jesus’s resurrection, its invitation, and its implications.

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Jesus, The Nazarene, King Of The Jews
Jesus, The Nazarene, King Of The Jews

A placard reading “Jesus, King of the Jews” hung above Christ’s cross. Why was this title chosen, and what does it mean for us? This Easter sermon examines the significance of this title, and the significance of Christ’s death and resurrection.

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His Hour
His Hour

This four-week Easter series examines Jesus’s repeated references to “his hour” throughout the Gospel of John, following the trail all the way to the cross. These sermons are designed to deepen your congregation’s affection for Christ, as the hour of Jesus is that moment in time when God in Christ reveals his unconditional and unwavering…

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Golgotha to Glory
Golgotha to Glory

This Easter series follows Christ on his harrowing journey to the cross and brings us to Easter Sunday, where we celebrate his victory over sin, hell, and the grave.

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Easter: He Is Risen
Easter: He Is Risen

This Easter sermon takes John’s account of the disciples who went to see the empty tomb and draws from one disciple’s experience of looking and then looking again at the empty tomb. This sermon invites us to look hard at the fact of Jesus’s resurrection, its invitation, and its implications.

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Glorious Day
Glorious Day

This message helps us see why Easter is, in fact, a glorious day, and what the implications of Christ’s resurrection are for us and the whole world.

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Empty and Filled
Empty and Filled

This Easter sermon helps us understand why it was good that Christ should go away (John 16:7) after his resurrection, and it invites us to enjoy the gift of the Spirit, who fills each believer with the presence and power of the risen Savior.

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Lent: Reflection and Repentance
Lent: Reflection and Repentance

This six-week Lenten series explores the gift of repentance by considering moments of genuine sorrow in the Bible. We will be challenged to look for the fruits of true repentance in our own lives.

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Turn: The Heart of Repentance
Turn: The Heart of Repentance

This six-week Lenten series explores the gift of repentance by considering moments of genuine sorrow in the Bible. We will be challenged to look for the fruits of true repentance in our own lives.

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Hearts of Stone
Hearts of Stone

This six-week Lent series borrows its title from Ezekiel 36 and the picture given there of “the heart of stone” (v. 26). The series looks at ways our hearts are hardened or can be hardened and God’s invitation to transform our callous hearts into “hearts of flesh.” This sermon series is meant to edify your…

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Lent: The Practice of Preparation
Lent: The Practice of Preparation

The season of Lent is a time of preparation for the significant gift of Easter. This six-week series explores different practices you can incorporate individually or corporately to make the most of the season of Lent.

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The Third Way
The Third Way

This series is all about the radical way of Jesus. We see in the Sermon on the Mount how Jesus simultaneously rejected outrage and apathy, license and legalism, and the divisive allegiance to the ‘sides’ that opposed each other in his time. In both his life and teaching, Jesus shows his followers, then and now,…

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Dust To Dust
Dust To Dust

This six-week series examines the season of Lent and the reality of being human and needing God. Through repentance, fasting, and lament, we can realize our mortality, finitude, and need for God’s strength. We can humble ourselves, receiving God’s grace and knowing that God is changing us to be more like his Son.

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The Outsiders
The Outsiders

This four-week series looks at stories in the Old Testament that feature people who seem to be “outside” of the “main” story the OT seems to be telling about God and the people of Israel. Stories like Jonah’s and characters like Ruth, Naaman, and Rahab show us that even though God chose the Israelites to…

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This four-week series invites us to listen in on four different conversations that people had with or about Jesus in the Gospels. We will look at a moment when Jesus caused someone to make an immediate change, at someone who walked away from a gift Jesus offered, at someone restored to her rightful place in…

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Loyal Love
Loyal Love

This four-week series looks at the book Ruth, highlighting the theme of God’s loyal and redeeming love in Ruth’s story.

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Thou Art Dust
Thou Art Dust

This six-week series examines the season of Lent and the reality of being human and needing God. Through repentance, fasting, and lament, we can realize our mortality, finitude, and need for God’s strength. We can humble ourselves, receiving God’s grace and knowing that God is changing us to be more like his Son.

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This four-week youth series looks at what it means to have an authentic relationship with God. What components come together to form an authentic relationship with God? How do we make that relationship last? How can we come to know God and become like him? All these questions will be addressed in the next four…

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When we think of “revolution,” we might think of governments being overthrown and wars being waged. Revolutions are often against something: a government, a state, a culture. For Christians, however, revolutions are for something: for the benefit of a world and a people that God loves. In this four-week series, we will examine ways Christians…

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This six-part series looks at the gift of God’s refining work in our lives. Like a loving parent, God nurtures and disciplines us so we can grow into the people he wants us to become. This sermon series will remind the congregation that God’s refinement process is not always easy, but it is always good.

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This four-week series challenges church attendees to move from the seats of observing the work and movement of God into circles to enfold the community and participate in the work and movement of God. We will learn from what James told the readers of his letter regarding living out their Christian faith in their community.

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Finding Community
Finding Community

This four-week series challenges church attendees to move from the seats of observing the work and movement of God into circles to enfold the community and participate in the work and movement of God. We will learn from what James told the readers of his letter regarding living out their Christian faith in their community.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

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22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas