Finding God
Finding God

This four-week series helps people understand the importance of seeking God, and the truth that God wants to be found. By analyzing God’s immanence and transcendence, we understand that we will not find God anywhere else but in Jesus, the true image of the living God.

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One Another
One Another

This four-week series discusses a central question of Christian living: how are we to relate to one another? That is, how are we to treat those in our church or workplace? What about those in our homes or neighborhoods? Christians are called to a unique spirit of humility and service as followers of Christ, who…

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Getting Over It: Letting Go Of The Baggage We Carry
Getting Over It: Letting Go Of The Baggage We Carry

This four-week series uncovers some of the heaviest baggage we carry and invites us to exchange it for the peace Jesus offers. We learn that our luggage is often filled with emotions we might be unaware we feel, but God invites us to release the burdens and trust him to restore our brokenness and help…

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This one-week sermon tells the story of Noah, the flood, and God’s covenant love for all people on the earth.

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New Year, Same God
New Year, Same God

This stand-alone message addresses the anxieties and excitement of the new year by reinforcing a central truth: while our world constantly changes, its creator does not. James’s word about God’s unchanging nature not only reassures us of our firm foundation in God but also gives us an exhilarating exhortation to witness to God’s goodness from…

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Plan And Prepare
Plan And Prepare

God’s plans for our life are trustworthy and reliable. If we are to live as God intended, then we must find align ourselves with his plan for us. Using the story of Moses, this series focuses on setting our minds and hearts on God’s plan and then moving forward with it.

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The Promised Land
The Promised Land

This four-week series describes the importance of the exodus and the promised land for God’s people throughout the Bible. Through understanding the imagery of these Old Testament themes, we see the new life promised in Christ.

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Give Thanks: Gratitude In All Circumstances
Give Thanks: Gratitude In All Circumstances

This three-week Thanksgiving series addresses how we can develop a heart of gratitude to God, which in turn leads to generous giving. Thankfulness is not an occasional act but a lifestyle of intentional and spontaneous appreciation that leads us into the presence of God, empowers us to be grateful in all circumstances, and generates an…

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This three-week Thanksgiving series addresses how we can develop a heart of gratitude to God, which in turn leads to generous giving. Thankfulness is not an occasional act but a lifestyle of intentional and spontaneous appreciation that leads us into the presence of God, empowers us to be grateful in all circumstances, and generates an…

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Flawed: Heroes of the Faith
Flawed: Heroes of the Faith

This five-week series explores flaws of those who are listed in Hebrews chapter 11, the “Faith Hall of Fame.” Through examining the lives of Sarah, Moses, Jacob, and David, we see human brokenness and God’s faithfulness. Ultimately, we can learn great narratives of faith from such figures, but we find our true “role model” for…

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Beating Burnout
Beating Burnout

Recent years have been full of challenges, and many people have been left feeling burned-out. The prolonged stress of the pandemic, uncertainty, change, and loss has taken a toll on all of us. This four-week series helps us understand burnout and invites us to trust the Bible’s promises, wisdom, and practical insight to help us beat…

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Glory: The Character of God
Glory: The Character of God

This series explores God’s self-revelation to Moses in Exodus 34:6–7. Each week will examine one of the characteristics by which God describes himself: merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, forgiving sin, judging the guilty.

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Seven: Seven Words to the Church Today
Seven: Seven Words to the Church Today

This seven-week series explores an underappreciated part of the mysterious book of Revelation. Revelation is a letter, addressed not to an individual but to seven church communities. Each letter first tells the church who Jesus is and then how the hearers should live in light of that identity. This series illuminates how the messages to…

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Lukewarm: Waking A Sleeping Church
Lukewarm: Waking A Sleeping Church

This one-week sermon looks at the letter to the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3. Christ’s words to the church (then and now) ring like a wake-up call to stir a sleeping church.

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Tik Tock: Waiting on God’s Timing
Tik Tock: Waiting on God’s Timing

This four-week series uses the stories of six people in the Bible to remind us that waiting on God is hard, but we can do it because he is trustworthy and will always show up at the perfect time. In the meantime, we can remain active in our waiting.

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In Your Feels
In Your Feels

What do we do when we don’t feel God? This four-week youth series reminds us that God is always faithful, even when we are not. Our emotions can betray us, but God’s promises remain true. We were created with a mind and emotions, and both can be used to worship and serve God.

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Advent: The Unexpected King
Advent: The Unexpected King

Throughout the Bible, births often herald great hope and expectations and are the result of great faith in God. Many births are a foreshadowing of the greatest birth of all, the birth of Jesus Christ.

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Advent: Watching and Waiting
Advent: Watching and Waiting

This four-week Advent series looks at the struggle we can face when we wait. As we consider the ways Simeon, Elizabeth, and Mary dealt with loss, fear, disappointment, and waiting on God, we will see the strength and hope God gives to those who wait.

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Advent: Watching and Waiting
Advent: Watching and Waiting

This four-week Advent series looks at the struggle we can face when we wait. As we consider the ways Simeon, Elizabeth, and Mary dealt with loss, fear, disappointment, and waiting on God, we will see the strength and hope God gives to those who wait.

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Hope Is Here: The Savior Has Come
Hope Is Here: The Savior Has Come

At Christmas we celebrate that God has come to us in love to save us. This Christmas message proclaims God’s initiative in coming to us in the Christ child. We are encouraged to trust that God isn’t far from broken people or a broken world. The Savior has come for us all, and the Savior…

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The Signs of Christmas
The Signs of Christmas

Throughout Scripture there are signs that point to Jesus as the Christ. In preparation for Christmas, this series will explore four such signs: the star of Bethlehem, the manger and swaddling clothes, the gifts of the magi, and the virgin birth.

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The Signs of Christmas
The Signs of Christmas

Throughout Scripture there are signs that point to Jesus as the Christ. In preparation for Christmas, this series will explore four such signs: the star of Bethlehem, the manger and swaddling clothes, the gifts of the magi, and the virgin birth.

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Mary’s Christmas: The Christmas Story Through Mary’s Eyes
Mary’s Christmas: The Christmas Story Through Mary’s Eyes

This four-week series follows the Gospels’ accounts of the first Christmas from Mary’s perspective, highlighting the ways her faithfulness to God’s call remains a model and challenge to believers today. The stories of Mary’s visit from the angel Gabriel and her assent to God’s unusual plan for her life, her visit to Elizabeth and her…

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Wishlist: A Christmas Series
Wishlist: A Christmas Series

As we consider our goals, dreams, and aspirations, it’s important that we assess what we really want in life. What do we strive for? Conversely, what do we really need in life? Wants and needs might fall into two different categories. This four-week Christmas series for youth discusses the importance of the gospel. The gospel…

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The Savior Comes
The Savior Comes

At Christmas we celebrate that God has come to us in love to save us. This Christmas message proclaims God’s initiative in coming to us in the Christ child. We are encouraged to trust that God isn’t far from broken people or a broken world. The Savior has come for us all, and the Savior…

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Christmas Sunday
Christmas Sunday

Jesus Christ has been born! He is the fulfillment of the promises of God to his children and the world. Simeon’s prophecy about Jesus shows us how Jesus came to bring light into our darkness.

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The Savior Comes
The Savior Comes

At Christmas we celebrate that God has come to us in love to save us. This Christmas message proclaims God’s initiative in coming to us in the Christ child. We are encouraged to trust that God isn’t far from broken people or a broken world. The Savior has come for us all, and the Savior…

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To The Ends of the Earth: The Book of Acts
To The Ends of the Earth: The Book of Acts

This fifty-week series walks through the book of Acts, examining the remarkable spread of the gospel and the kingdom of God from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. From Jesus’s ascension, to the birth of the church at Pentecost, to Paul’s missionary journeys—and continuing today—the church is God’s witness,…

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The Book of Acts: To The Ends of the Earth
The Book of Acts: To The Ends of the Earth

This fifty-week series walks through the book of Acts, examining the remarkable spread of the gospel and the kingdom of God from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. From Jesus’s ascension, to the birth of the church at Pentecost, to Paul’s missionary journeys—and continuing today—the church is God’s witness,…

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Acts: To All The World
Acts: To All The World

This fifty-week series walks through the book of Acts, examining the remarkable spread of the gospel and the kingdom of God from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. From Jesus’s ascension, to the birth of the church at Pentecost, to Paul’s missionary journeys—and continuing today—the church is God’s witness,…

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Lent: Lament, Repent, Anticipate
Lent: Lament, Repent, Anticipate

This series explores the season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing through six Sundays. Through analyzing the biblical practices of lament, repentance, and anticipation, we can experience sorrow for sin and receive God’s sanctifying grace, both personally and corporately.

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Prophets of Doom: Reading the Old Testament Prophets
Prophets of Doom: Reading the Old Testament Prophets

The Minor Prophets weren’t exactly known for their cheery messages. These short Old Testament books provide the faithfully delivered call to repentance to Israel and to the nations. Their call to abandon idolatry, embrace God’s heart of mercy, rejoice in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and anticipate God’s coming judgment and kingdom still resonate…

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21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

This stand-alone message guides us into starting the new year right with 21 days of fasting and prayer. The message will focus on the biblical importance of these spiritual disciplines.

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Yes, You: Fulfilling God’s Purpose
Yes, You: Fulfilling God’s Purpose

This four-week series explores the lives of a few unlikely people whom God used to do amazing things. Through the stories of David, Rahab, John Mark, and Gideon, we will see that God uses the small, the outsider, those behind the scenes, and the timid to do amazing things in the world.

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The Satisfied Soul: Finding True Contentment
The Satisfied Soul: Finding True Contentment

In this day and age, being content with what one has and generous toward others can make someone stand out. But it’s what God calls us to as Christians. This three-week series will take a look at Philippians 4 to learn how generosity and contentment are interrelated and to consider the root of contentment.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas