
By focusing on the themes of grace and forgiveness, this series explores God’s characteristic faithfulness to both redeem and purify His people, and offer us a new beginning. No matter how far we have strayed from God, He offers us a chance to begin again. By taking an in-depth look at the Old Testament book…

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This four-week series teaches us to love the things that God loves. Through the words of the prophet Malachi, we learn God’s love for his people, his name, his covenant, and his messenger. These same passions are to be present in the lives of his people today.

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The Story Of Samson
The Story Of Samson

The story of Samson is the culmination of the book of Judges, a chronicle of Israel’s failure to live up to their divine calling after entering the promised land. In the same way, Samson failed to live up to his divine calling. His life parallels the history of Israel in many ways. This five-week series…

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Covenant: The Book of 1 Samuel
Covenant: The Book of 1 Samuel

1 Samuel covers just over a century of Israel’s history—recording the foundation of Israel’s kingdom and the travail that birthed it into being. This survey reviews six major events and the persons involved. It also brings contemporary applications for today’s believer from these historic figures and incidents.

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Rebellion Meets Mercy: The Book of 2 Samuel
Rebellion Meets Mercy: The Book of 2 Samuel

The establishment of Israel under King David is the theme of 2 Samuel. In this seven-part survey, we examine some of the major events that formed the kingdom and learn how those formations shaped David into a person after God’s own heart. Each week also connects those lessons to believers today, examining how we too…

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Identity: Who Do You Think You Are?
Identity: Who Do You Think You Are?

This four-week series reminds us that our identity is found in Christ. Instead of attempting to earn God’s approval or wallowing in our imperfections, we can rest in the work of Jesus and find freedom to live as our truest selves. When we understand our story through the lens of his story, we naturally view ourselves and…

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Journey Of Faith: The Book Of Hebrews
Journey Of Faith: The Book Of Hebrews

This eight-week series charts a course through the book of Hebrews, describing the supremacy of Christ as God’s revelation, high priest, sacrifice, and giver of faith. Rather than looking to other things, people, or feelings to bring us meaning and redemption, we must look to Jesus.

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Looking Up
Looking Up

The Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120–34) are typically viewed as songs that were sung as the Hebrew people ascended to Jerusalem to celebrate an annual festival. This four-week series will examine these celebratory songs that were designed to praise God for his provision, protection, and deliverance as the Jewish people made pilgrimage.

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The Power Of Prayer
The Power Of Prayer

In this four-week series, we explore how Jesus teaches us to pray. Prayer is simply talking to God and also making time and space to let God talk to us. Prayer is a back-and-forth continual conversation with God. It comes out of a relationship of intimacy that happens in a secret place void of distractions….

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On Mission
On Mission

This four-week series looks at four lessons from Jesus which teach us what it means to be on mission for him. We will discover how to “brag on” God, represent the body of Christ to our community, participate in and be grateful for our church, and be welcoming agents of grace to others.

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How He Loves
How He Loves

God is love. This truth permeates every aspect of our faith and our understanding of God and his relationship with his children. In this series, we will examine four biblical images and symbols (shepherd, father, mother, marriage) that describe God’s love for his people, and we will learn how we can embrace his love in…

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Uncommon Love
Uncommon Love

This four-week series looks at different aspects of God’s love for us, using the imagery of Scripture. First, the love God shows us as our Father; next as the love toward the bride of Christ (the church), then the friendship love we have with Jesus, and finally the nearly indescribable divine love of God.  

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This four-week series will ideally be used when a congregation begins to meet regularly in person again. Some churches have already begun meeting in person, but many members have elected not to attend. This series regroups by highlighting the importance of spiritual community, accountability, support, and serving the needs of the community.

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Chapter And Verse: Psalm 119
Chapter And Verse: Psalm 119

This four-week series explores the theology and context of Psalm 119. Through understanding the poetic themes of learning God’s Word, God’s promises in affliction, biblical meditation, and developing a righteous character, we can apply God’s Word to our lives.

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Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Father, Son, Holy Spirit

This series explores the various doctrines about the Trinity, common trinitarian heresies that orthodox Christians have fought against over the centuries, and why this matters to Christians today.

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The Book of 1 Corinthians
The Book of 1 Corinthians

This six-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of 1 Corinthians. Through understanding the context and audience, we can see that love is stressed in areas of church division, sexual ethics, Christian freedom, and the life of the believer.

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Refuge: Psalm 91
Refuge: Psalm 91

This four-week series unpacks the four powerful names of God found in Psalm 91: Most High, the Almighty, the Lord, and my God. As we think about who God is, we will be challenged to dwell in the refuge of his shadow.

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Good News: What We All Need
Good News: What We All Need

The gospel, or “good news,” transforms everything about our lives. Once we understand the depth of Jesus’s sacrifice, we can better see ourselves in relation to our family units, our churches, and the world.

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Thank Full
Thank Full

We spend so much of our time chasing after careers, people, or possessions that never satisfy us in the end. When is enough, enough? This four-week series examines the biblical concept of contentment and how we can find it in Christ.

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Following The Way: The Simple Patterns of Jesus
Following The Way: The Simple Patterns of Jesus

This four-week series explores the importance of following Jesus. Sometimes the church does a poor job of reflecting Christ to the world, so humbly acknowledging the church’s faults is an important place to start. Once we confess our sins, we can reconnect with following the way of Jesus, reflecting his image to the world. As we…

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Redeeming Rest: Practicing Sabbath
Redeeming Rest: Practicing Sabbath

This four-week series explores the biblical ideas of rest and sabbath. By understanding the God who rests and the Savior who gives us rest, we can see the life God desires us to have beyond work, schedules, and goals.

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The History of The Church
The History of The Church

In this seven-week series, we will consider some of the world-changing moments in the first sixty years of the history of the church. We will see how the Holy Spirit built up a worldwide community of faith through Jesus alone. Through our history, we will discover how to faithfully follow Jesus today. We will learn…

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Resurrection Sunday
Resurrection Sunday

Designed to be used on Resurrection Sunday, this one-week series emphasizes how we must seek after more of the story of Jesus, and hear more of his promises.

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Take Heart: Jesus Has Overcome
Take Heart: Jesus Has Overcome

This three-week series provides a chance to listen in on the final conversations Jesus has with his disciples before his crucifixion—his “swan song.” Along the way, we will be reminded that Jesus is leaving to be with the Father and making way for the Holy Spirit; that we will experience great joy, despite sorrow we…

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Not Feelin’ It
Not Feelin’ It

What do we do when we don’t feel God? This four-week youth series reminds us that God is always faithful, even when we are not. Our emotions can betray us, but God’s promises remain true. We were created with a mind and emotions, and both can be used to worship and serve God.

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Great Joy: A Christmas Series
Great Joy: A Christmas Series

This four-week series looks at the Christmas story from the songs sung in the Gospels before, during, and after Jesus’s birth. These songs reveal the songwriters’ heart for the Messiah, the hope of the world; they will warm your heart, stir your soul, and challenge your worship.

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Christmas Isn’t Cancelled
Christmas Isn’t Cancelled

In spite of our best efforts at efficiency, much of our time is spent waiting. Some years, it feels like we spend all 365 days in a waiting game. This four-week Christmas series examines four common life experiences that test our patience and threaten to take away the joy the comes with the gospel story….

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Good News: An Advent & Christmas Series
Good News: An Advent & Christmas Series

Advent and Christmas are seasons of good news: Advent for the coming of a newborn Savior, Christmas for the arrival of that Savior. But before the good news can come, we need to understand the bad news that precedes it. Our sin is why the Savior had to come. When we know the depth of…

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The Call of God: An Epiphany Series
The Call of God: An Epiphany Series

The call of God has two parts to it: the call to you from God, and the call of you for your neighbor. God calls to us to follow him, to receive Jesus Christ and to walk in his ways. His call of us is to lean into the work that he is already up…

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Just As He Promised
Just As He Promised

This Lenten and Holy Week series focuses on the promises that God has made to us. In order to do that, we need to start with the situation that God promises himself into: our sin and brokenness. Even as we see the depth and width of our sin, we see the promises that God himself…

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The Story of Easter
The Story of Easter

Throughout his earthly life, Jesus told his disciples and others what he was doing. But divine hints of what was to come were not limited only to Christ’s years on earth. God had always been telling his people what Jesus was going to do, and even now, Jesus tells us what he is going to…

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The Way Of Christ: A Pentecost Series
The Way Of Christ: A Pentecost Series

This series focuses on the “weird” nature of the Christian life and faith. Using examples from the lives of Jesus and David, and words from Paul, we will see just how different the way of Christ is from what the world expects from life. It may look odd to the outside world, but these examples…

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Everlasting Life: Now And Forever
Everlasting Life: Now And Forever

This six-week series examines John 6, along with a passage from Mark. John 6 begins with Jesus’s miracles of the feeding of the five thousand and walking on water, but then it becomes a much longer discourse about Jesus’s identity as the Bread of Life. The food that truly satisfies is not made from wheat…

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Who Is This Man?
Who Is This Man?

This four-week series examines aspects of Jesus’s character. His character is revealed by his interactions with his disciples, with those who need healing, and even with children. In these interactions, Jesus shows that his heart is for all people, even (perhaps especially) those outside the traditional community. Through words difficult and caring, Jesus declares that…

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In Christ: The Kingdom of God
In Christ: The Kingdom of God

This eight-week series focuses on the nature of Christ as Priest and King of God Almighty. Jesus came as the image of God in this world, and his work reflects the work of God. The author of Hebrews shows how Jesus shows the image of God more fully and clearly than the priestly system that…

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Sucker For Love
Sucker For Love

This four-week series for teenagers examines Christian discipleship through the lens of romance, love, and dating. Rather than prescribing a set way to date, it will emphasize character traits, issues around sexuality and attraction, and how we can live as Christians in a “sexually liberated” world.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas