They Will Be My People
They Will Be My People

Throughout the book of Jeremiah, we see God’s judgment against the sin and infidelity of his people. But we also see God’s determination to save and restore them. God’s words through the prophet in Jeremiah 32:38 (“They shall be my people, and I will be their God”) show us that God’s ultimate purpose is to…

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Words From the Wise
Words From the Wise

This series looks at three of the Wisdom Literature books of the Bible (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job) and shows us how they all fit together.

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Show Up: A Call to Everyday Faithfulness
Show Up: A Call to Everyday Faithfulness

This four-week adult series is all about everyday faithfulness and the power of simply showing up. Being faithful in our homes, workplaces, and communities can be a powerful witness to unbelieving friends and neighbors, and it can also be a valuable gift to the faith communities we’re a part of.

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Luke and Acts
Luke and Acts

While separated by the Gospel of John in our Bibles today, the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles form one cohesive story written by the same author and addressed to the same person, Theophilus, likely a patron. In Luke and Acts, we see the life of Jesus, the beginning of the church,…

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Bethlehem to the World
Bethlehem to the World

While separated by the Gospel of John in our Bibles today, the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles form one cohesive story written by the same author and addressed to the same person, Theophilus, likely a patron. In Luke and Acts, we see the life of Jesus, the beginning of the church,…

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This special five-week series looks at five different atonement theories. Each week will be devoted to a different model. The models of suffering love, selfless substitution, loving sacrifice, union and participation, and Christus Victor will be unpacked for the edification of your congregation and for the glory of God. We trust that this five-week series will enrich your church as its…

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A recurring idea in the New Testament letters is that Christians are citizens of heaven. Being citizens of another world makes Christians foreigners in this one. This series is about the idea of being away from our true home and how Scripture instructs believers to live meaningful lives in this world while waiting to enter…

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This four-week series invites us to listen in on four different conversations that people had with or about Jesus in the Gospels. We will look at a moment when Jesus caused someone to make an immediate change, at someone who walked away from a gift Jesus offered, at someone restored to her rightful place in…

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This series holds up truths we can cling to and rules of life we can model to help us stay anchored through the ebbs, flows, and storms of life. By grounding our lives in the love of God, the hope of God, Christ, and the values of the kingdom, we will remain firmly rooted in…

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The Power of Grace
The Power of Grace

This two-part series looks at the power of grace we have received through Christ. God’s grace not only saves us, but it also empowers us to live holy lives. God’s grace is the foundation for the development of Christian character.

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In God We Trust
In God We Trust

It’s easy to say “Trust in God,” but it can be very hard to do. This four-week series looks at the challenges we can face when trusting in God, while also looking to Scripture for a reminder of why we can always trust God.

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The Blessed Hope
The Blessed Hope

In our songs and prayers, we regularly confess our faith in the “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13) of Christ’s return. Yet, many of us still wonder what the promise of Christ’s return in the future means for us now. This four-week series explores the ways in which the promise of Christ has the power to transform…

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Not Your Jesus
Not Your Jesus

This series challenges us to fight against (and recognize where we’ve given in to) the temptation to make Jesus in our own image, turning him into a means to gain power or comfort.

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The Blessed Hope
The Blessed Hope

In our songs and prayers, we regularly confess our faith in the “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13) of Christ’s return. Yet, many of us still wonder what the promise of Christ’s return in the future means for us now. This four-week series explores the ways in which the promise of Christ has the power to transform…

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Don’t Be That Guy
Don’t Be That Guy

This four-week series peeks at the “fool” character in Proverbs and helps students apply wisdom to avoid being “that guy” who despises wisdom, spreads slander, consistently avoids work, and doesn’t value spending time with Jesus. After we point out what makes “that guy” so foolish, we’ll learn what it means to live wisely.

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Truly Human
Truly Human

This four-week series looks at God’s plan and purpose for humanity. It also shows us how the world and the sad effects of sin de-form us as creatures formed in God’s image. Covering epic themes of creation, the fall, and eschatological restoration, this series will teach your congregants what it means to be truly human,…

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Divine Disruptions
Divine Disruptions

This four-week series shows how Jesus responded to disruptions in his ministry. Disruptions almost always came from people who were seeking healing. However, in different situations, Jesus responded in different ways. We examine four stories, where Jesus responds to the disruptions in exactly the ways that he needed to, for the sake of those who…

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The Pursuit of Happiness
The Pursuit of Happiness

This series asks us to consider whether an ultimate pursuit of happiness is all it’s cracked up to be, and if it actually fits in with the Christian life. When our goal is happiness (above all else), we don’t leave much room in our hearts, theology, and life for sacrifice, suffering, or true joy.

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The Harvest
The Harvest

This single-week sermon for the new year looks at Matthew 9:35–38 and encourages us to pray for the lost and for the ongoing work of the gospel. Use this sermon to stir up compassion in your community, inspiring people to participate in the mission of Jesus Christ in the world.

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This four-week series examines the ideas of focus, attention, and how God wants us to keep our eyes on Jesus and his kingdom. The concepts of “seeing” and “fixing our eyes” show us that, like athletes, Christians should develop the habit of focusing their attention on Jesus and combating distractions that would keep their eyes,…

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Start With Identity
Start With Identity

This two-week series for youth and adults is a great way to start the new year. When we have a firm grasp of our identity in Christ, then we are in a much better position to know who we are, what we should do, and how to go about doing it.

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Keep In Step
Keep In Step

This four-week series looks what Galatians 5 tells us about walking in the Spirit. As the Father is, so we are meant to be. We see throughout the New Testament that we can only be like the Father by imitating the life of the Son and walking hand in hand with the Spirit. This series…

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This four-week series challenges us to rethink how we approach New Year’s resolutions or goals. Is the most important thing to lose weight or gain financial independence, or should we pursue growing in Christlikeness?

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He Holds The Future
He Holds The Future

This four-week series for the new year teaches us that our lives, our plans, and our hopes for the future are in good hands. Christians are called to become like Christ in the here and now, entrusting the future to a God who always works for their best in the world. This sermon series reminds…

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The Rest Of The Year
The Rest Of The Year

This four-week series is anchored in Matthew 11:28–30 and extends Christ’s invitation to the weary and heavy-laden. Focusing on the biblical principle of Sabbath observance, it encourages us to lay down our burdens and start the new year from a place of rest. For people in a busy and industrious society, this four-week series will…

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A Better Blessing
A Better Blessing

This generosity series is anchored in Acts 20:35, where Paul (quoting Jesus) says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” The series will demonstrate various ways in which giving provides us with a better blessing than receiving. Scripture says that when we give bountifully, we receive bountifully. Therefore, this four-week sermon series will…

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This four-week series examines ways Christians are different from the world around them. Jesus was different from those around him in what he did, who he valued, what he was convicted about, and how he used his resources. To be different has less to do with “the church versus the world” and more to do…

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Your People
Your People

Loneliness casts a long shadow across our world today, and even in our congregations, people are wondering where they belong. This single sermon for youth and adults encourages believers to find and foster community among other believers.

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Old Laws for a New Life
Old Laws for a New Life

This ten-week series looks at the Ten Commandments and their relevance for the Christian life. The series will challenge the congregation to think clearly about what each command meant to the original audience and how it might be applied to our modern lives. Ultimately, the congregants should discover the grace of God through Jesus Christ…

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This four-week series studies the concept of grace: what it is, why it matters, and how it can change believers.

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Next Door
Next Door

This series is all about neighborly love and reminds us of our duty toward the people within our sphere.

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The Story of Christmas
The Story of Christmas

This series weaves together Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts of Christ’s birth to tell the story of Christmas over four weeks.

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Created Equal
Created Equal

This four-week series looks at Galatians 3:26–29 and similar passages that emphasize shared partnership in Christ and equality across race, gender, and status. Do we treat one another as equal in value, regardless of the diversity in our humanity?

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Treasures In Heaven: Everyday Generosity
Treasures In Heaven: Everyday Generosity

This series is anchored in Matthew 6:19–20 where Christ calls us to store treasures in heaven. Each week invites believers into deeper reflection on this command and offers practical application to help us live out everyday generosity that is inspired by eternal hope.

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Son of God, Son of Man: The Book of Luke
Son of God, Son of Man: The Book of Luke

This ten-week sermon series unpacks the significance and meaning of two Christological titles: “Son of God” and “Son of Man.” Due to the immense complexity of the issues, this series will seek to understand these two popular designations for Jesus within the limited bounds of the four canonical Gospels, with most of the material based…

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This four-week series looks at the modern epidemic of loneliness and seeks to encourage believers who feel isolated and lonely while also inspiring deeper community across the congregation. We will look at how God met four people from the Bible in their loneliness. Each week challenges us to consider lessening the impact of loneliness in…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas