Waiting Room: An Advent Series
Waiting Room: An Advent Series

In spite of our best efforts at efficiency, much of our time is spent waiting. This four-week Advent series examines four common life experiences that test our patience. Whether it’s heading off to college, getting married, waiting for Christmas morning, or the birth of a child, we find ourselves longing for the big event. Advent…

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Between Advents
Between Advents

We are living between two advents: the incarnation and the second coming of Jesus. This Advent series explores how we should live in this “in-between.” How do we live in light of Jesus’s ministry while waiting for his expected return?

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Redeeming Love: The Book of Ruth
Redeeming Love: The Book of Ruth

This four-week Bible book sermon series will delve into the grace-filled redemption that marked the lives of the most unexpected protagonists: an elderly, desolate widow and her childless, foreign daughter-in-law. The lovingkindness of the Lord, ultimately shown through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is also present in the lives of Naomi and…

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The More Of Less: Finding Contentment In Christ
The More Of Less: Finding Contentment In Christ

We spend so much of our time chasing after careers, people, or possessions that never satisfy us in the end. When is enough, enough? This four-week series examines the biblical concept of contentment and how we can find it in Christ.

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Rise: The Psalms of Ascent
Rise: The Psalms of Ascent

The Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120–34) are typically viewed as songs that were sung as the Hebrew people ascended to Jerusalem to celebrate an annual festival. This four-week series will examine these celebratory songs that were designed to praise God for his provision, protection, and deliverance as the Jewish people made pilgrimage.

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The Gospel Lens
The Gospel Lens

Jesus’s death and resurrection ushered in a new way of living in this world. This four-week series in Ephesians will look at how the gospel should shape how we see and interact with the world.

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Heavy: A Series About Tough Topics
Heavy: A Series About Tough Topics

This four-week series tackles tough topics that teens frequently struggle with. By looking at snapshots in Scripture, playing group games, and clearly discussing strategies on addressing heavy topics of our day, Christians can find assurance that God will guide us through our difficult situations, conversations, or mindsets. He is with us always.

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Jeremiah: A People In Crisis
Jeremiah: A People In Crisis

How can we remain faithful to God even when many of the people around us are not? What are ways we can share the gospel, even when we face opposition? This five-week series explores the life and ministry of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah’s ministry was characterized by opposition, suffering, and a message that his people…

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The Good Shepherd: Psalm 23
The Good Shepherd: Psalm 23

This three-week series examines Psalm 23. In a world filled with ever-changing and increasingly troubling headlines, the hope of God’s comfort and sustaining care is a balm for weary souls. The believer can rest in the gentle care of their Good Shepherd, the one who walks with them and provides for them—mind, body, and soul—in…

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Death Bed: Putting Sin To Death
Death Bed: Putting Sin To Death

This four-week series uses snapshots of individuals from the Bible, movies, and real life to show how we can die to sin and develop good habits to make us more like Christ. When we encounter Jesus, we are empowered to live changed lives, remove the roots of sin, forgive ourselves and others, and practice honest…

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True To Your Word: Psalm 23
True To Your Word: Psalm 23

This three-week youth series takes a look at Psalm 23. In a world filled with ever-changing and increasingly troubling headlines, the hope of God’s comfort and sustaining care is a balm for weary souls. God is true to his word! The believer can rest in the gentle care of their Good Shepherd, the one who…

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The Good Shepherd: Psalm 23
The Good Shepherd: Psalm 23

This three-week series examines Psalm 23. In a world filled with ever-changing and increasingly troubling headlines, the hope of God’s comfort and sustaining care is a balm for weary souls. The believer can rest in the gentle care of their Good Shepherd, the one who walks with them and provides for them—mind, body, and soul—in…

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This four-week youth series looks at the comfort a Christian can find in God’s unchanging attributes. When we see God’s unchanging, all-knowing, loving, and righteous character, we can find a constant source of faithfulness, love, and justice.

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The Lost Art of Gratitude
The Lost Art of Gratitude

This four-week series analyzes the spiritual virtue of gratitude. Through seeing that all good things in life come from God, remembering God’s Word, being thankful in all circumstances, and cultivating a thankful heart, we can fully grasp God’s work in our lives and live a life of gratitude.

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The Benefits Of Being Stuck
The Benefits Of Being Stuck

We often feel stuck in our own lives. We hate our jobs, we feel stressed by our schedules, or we are in a particular situation that we want to get out of. The waiting for the next thing seems endless, but the Lord has a plan and his time is always perfect.

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Pilgrim’s Progress: The Christian Journey
Pilgrim’s Progress: The Christian Journey

This five-week series, based on the book The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, will challenge and encourage Christians in their walk. Using an allegorical style of writing, in which everything represents a bigger idea, the book walks us through the life of a pilgrim named Christian, from the time before his conversion to his death….

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Great Expectations
Great Expectations

This four-week series will explore four misconceptions we have about God, and how they hold us back from engaging in life-giving relationship with him. We will discover that the truth of God’s character—and what God offers us in Christ—is even better than we thought.

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Guilt: Regret, Shame, and The Church
Guilt: Regret, Shame, and The Church

This four-week series looks at guilt, failure, and sorrow from a biblical perspective. Through analysis of Scripture, we will see the contrast between “worldly sorrow” and “godly sorrow,” one leading to death and the other to life. From our moments of guilt, we will see a transforming gospel that brings conviction, repentance, forgiveness, and spiritual…

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The Immutable Characteristics of God
The Immutable Characteristics of God

This four-week series looks at the comfort a Christian can find in God’s unchanging attributes. By getting to know God’s immutability, omniscience, love, and righteousness, we can find a constant source of faithfulness, love, and justice.

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Future Hope
Future Hope

This six-week series shows God’s holy and perfect presence redeeming sinful and broken people. God’s people have rebelled and forgotten the great work of the One who saved and rescued them. Through a series of prophecies, God warns his children of the consequences of their disobedience, while ensuring them future hope and comfort through the…

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Culture Wars
Culture Wars

This four-week series explores the church’s relationship with politics. It begins by distinguishing between Jesus’s kingdom and the kingdoms of this world. While we should not be politically disengaged, we should also avoid centering our lives on the pursuit of power and influence. Jesus’s words help guide our political participation by kingdom ideals instead of…

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Come Together
Come Together

Unity is essential for the church, as the body of Christ, to succeed in preaching the gospel to a lost world. The Western world is filled with fragmentation, most notably due to the Enlightenment ideal of individualism. By contrast, the church is meant to be a place where unity is encouraged and lived out, a…

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The Church And Politics
The Church And Politics

This four-week series explores the church’s relationship with politics. It begins by distinguishing between Jesus’s kingdom and the kingdoms of this world. While we should not be politically disengaged, we should also avoid centering our lives on the pursuit of power and influence. Jesus’s words help guide our political participation by kingdom ideals instead of…

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We All Know Someone
We All Know Someone

Whether we are facing our own suffering or helping someone else face suffering, we are called to trust God and allow him to direct our steps. His love for us is what calls us to confidence; while it may seem that our suffering is insurmountable, it will not be forever. This four-week series will focus…

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A New Normal
A New Normal

This four-week series reminds us that God is with us in the disorienting, culture-shifting situations we find ourselves in, whether because of a global pandemic like COVID-19, a new life stage by choice, or a sudden change by chance.

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This four-week series reminds youth that God is with us in the disorienting, culture-shifting situations we find ourselves in, whether because of a global pandemic like COVID-19, a new life stage by choice, or sudden situation by chance, and that he cares when our dreams don’t work out as planned.

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Worship: Living In Awe Of God
Worship: Living In Awe Of God

This four-week series focuses on the heart of worship for all believers. It addresses the need to love God and others while living out that worship in daily lives. The way we live out our lives paints a picture of what our hearts value the most. God expects us to worship him with our entire…

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Tighten The Knot
Tighten The Knot

This four-week series will explore a biblical understanding of what it means to be married in today’s world. With much of our culture having various understandings of marriage, its benefits, and its value, this series will cover God’s intention for the marriage relationship and why it’s more than an expression of love but also one…

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Called to Faithfulness: The Book of Deuteronomy
Called to Faithfulness: The Book of Deuteronomy

This five-week sermon series on the book of Deuteronomy unwraps the history and theology of the book, examining the relevance the book of Deuteronomy has in our lives today. All of us are called to remain faithful to God. This is easier said than done—life presents various challenges and distractions that seek to pull us…

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Uncommon Love
Uncommon Love

This four-week series looks at different aspects of God’s love for us, using the imagery of Scripture. First, the love God shows us as our Father; next as the love toward the bride of Christ (the church), then the friendship love we have with Jesus, and finally the nearly indescribable divine love of God.  

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Marriage Story
Marriage Story

This four-week series will explore a biblical understanding of what it means to be married in today’s world. With much of our culture having various understandings of marriage, its benefits, and its value, this series will cover God’s intention for the marriage relationship and why it’s more than an expression of love but also one…

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Lasting Legacy: A Father’s Day Message
Lasting Legacy: A Father’s Day Message

This two-week sermon series includes a Father’s Day Message and a Mother’s Day Message. These sermons are designed to encourage, challenge, and strengthen men and women, boys and girls, to leave a lasting legacy. A person’s legacy is not determined by who the person is, but rather, a person’s legacy is determined by what is…

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Parent Guilt: Dealing With The Weight Of Parenting
Parent Guilt: Dealing With The Weight Of Parenting

The Bible encourages believers to understand parenting as a picture of the gospel. Humans were created for connection. The gospel is the story of how God is reconnecting with us through love, empowering us for his work, and correcting us for a restorative purpose. Likewise, the Christian parent will seek to connect with their child…

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The Prayers Of Jesus
The Prayers Of Jesus

The Prayers of Jesus is a four-week series that examines a number of Jesus’s prayers to his Father. By studying how Jesus prayed, we learn how to pray for ourselves in different seasons of our lives.

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In this four-week series, we explore how Jesus teaches us to pray. Prayer is simply talking to God and also making time and space to let God talk to us. Prayer is a back-and-forth continual conversation with God. It comes out of a relationship of intimacy that happens in a secret place void of distractions….

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas