Breaking Bread: Dining Like Jesus
Breaking Bread: Dining Like Jesus

This five-week series, from the Gospel of Luke, examines stories of Jesus having a meal. Along the way, we will seek to learn more about the person of Jesus, his mission, and what his dining habits mean for our everyday faith.

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All In: Taking Your Next Steps With Christ
All In: Taking Your Next Steps With Christ

This four-week series is intended to be used after a big evangelism push (like Easter Sunday), as both an introduction for visitors or new believers and as a reminder to more mature believers about the work God continues to do in our lives after salvation. “All In” is about the next steps after salvation, the…

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Fear: Faith In Uncertain Times
Fear: Faith In Uncertain Times

This five-week series explores characters from the Bible who experienced seasons of fear—the “in-between” trials of life. Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul and the disciples all experienced times of frustration, pain, suffering, and difficult questions. We too experience these difficult, fearful times, and it’s vital that even in the midst of hard circumstances the church retains…

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Faith Over Fear
Faith Over Fear

This five-week series explores characters from the Bible who experienced seasons of fear—the “in-between” trials of life. Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul and the disciples all experienced times of frustration, pain, suffering, and difficult questions. We too experience these difficult, fearful times, and it’s vital that even in the midst of hard circumstances the church retains…

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You Can’t Handle This
You Can’t Handle This

We’ve all heard the saying “God will only give you what you can handle.” This isn’t always true, however. Sometimes we experience moments that we can’t handle, and in those times, we are reminded that we must continually rely on God. This four-week series for adults or students helps people reckon with pain and suffering…

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He Has Risen
He Has Risen

The resurrection of Jesus is the realization of the plan God had for bringing final, ultimate hope for the world. All of life’s greatest questions can be answered in the resurrection.

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The Invisible Enemy
The Invisible Enemy

In a world filled with invisible enemies—death, disease, and evil—how are we to face what feels like an unknowable future? What do we do with our anxiety regarding the days ahead? This 6-week series guide is based on the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and provides comfort and reassurance to those living in uncertain…

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You Can’t Handle This: When Life Delivers the Unexpected
You Can’t Handle This: When Life Delivers the Unexpected

We’ve all heard the saying “God will only give you what you can handle.” This isn’t always true, however. Sometimes we experience moments that we can’t handle, and in those times, we are reminded that we must continually rely on God. This four-week series for adults or students helps people reckon with pain and suffering…

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Thessalonians: Faith In Uncertain Times
Thessalonians: Faith In Uncertain Times

In a world filled with death, war, and evil, how are we to face what feels like an unknowable future? What do we do with our anxiety regarding the days ahead? This 6-week series guide is based on the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and provides comfort and reassurance to those living in uncertain…

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Uncertain: The Church During Difficult Times
Uncertain: The Church During Difficult Times

This five-week series explores characters from the Bible who experienced seasons of uncertainty—the “in-between” trials of life. Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul and the disciples all experienced times of frustration, pain, suffering, and difficult questions. We too experience these difficult times, and it’s vital that even in the midst of hard circumstances the church relies on…

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Who Can Be Against Us: Romans 8
Who Can Be Against Us: Romans 8

This four-week series takes an in-depth look at the eighth chapter of Romans. Exploring what it means to walk in new life in Christ, this series emphasizes our freedom from condemnation from God, from ourselves, and from the world around us because of Jesus’s finished work on the cross. Because of what Jesus accomplished for…

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Courage Over Fear: The Book of Joshua
Courage Over Fear: The Book of Joshua

This seven-week series covers several chapters in the book of Joshua and examines a time of transition within the nation of Israel. It depicts our seasons of uncertainty, obedience, and victory, as well as the freedom we have in Christ. This series will instruct believers in how to react to life transitions and encourage us…

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Recalculating: When Plans Change
Recalculating: When Plans Change

This four-week series explores what happens when the future we envisioned doesn’t come to pass. How can we trust God throughout this reality? “Recalculating” is a deep dive into this question, outlining the providence and love of God even when life is all be certain.

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Pray Like This
Pray Like This

In this four-week series, we explore how Jesus teaches us to pray. Prayer is simply talking to God and also making time and space to let God talk to us. Prayer is a back-and-forth continual conversation with God. It comes out of a relationship of intimacy that happens in a secret place void of distractions….

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In The Fire: The Book of Daniel
In The Fire: The Book of Daniel

This eight-week sermon series explores the key themes in Daniel: the sovereignty of God, the importance of faithfulness in the world, and God’s redemptive plan for his people. By focusing primarily on the life of Daniel, we gain a powerful picture of a faithful person and his challenges living in a hostile culture.

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The Middle: Life in Transition
The Middle: Life in Transition

This five-week series explores characters from the Bible who experienced seasons of transition—the “in-between” trials of life. Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul and the disciples all experienced times of frustration, pain, suffering, and difficult questions. We too experience these seasons of transition—seasons where we feel like we’re living in “the middle”—and it’s vital that we rely…

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Jesus Over All
Jesus Over All

This five-week series describes the lordship of Jesus through his interaction with water and nature. Through analyzing Christ’s baptism, his calming the storm, walking on water, and declaring himself as living water we will see his unique divine presence in history and his lordship over all of creation.

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When Life Gives You…
When Life Gives You…

When Life Gives You… is a four-week sermon series meant to strengthen our faith and trust in God. Using situations and passages in the Bible, this sermon series shows how God can use our difficulties to produce growth in our lives. By persevering, trusting God, forgiving others, and serving others we can squeeze lemonade from…

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Hope Remains: The Book of Zephaniah
Hope Remains: The Book of Zephaniah

God is faithful to all his promises—for better or worse. Judah had been unfaithful to her covenant with God, and Zephaniah was a prophet used to warn Judah of a coming judgment. The judgment would be fatal unless Judah repented and turned to the Lord. Beyond the immediate historical context, the promise to the nation…

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This four-week series addresses the perils and anxiety that comes with the uncertainty of our time. With the recent presidential election, Brexit, and constant threat of terrorism around the world, sometimes it’s difficult not to be apprehensive about the future. This sermon series guide discusses what the Bible says about our fear regarding the future, and how we…

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Tomorrowland: 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Tomorrowland: 1 and 2 Thessalonians

In a world filled with death, war, and evil, how are we to face what feels like an unknowable future? What do we do with our anxiety regarding the days ahead? This 6-week series guide is based on the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and provides comfort and reassurance to those living in uncertain…

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Hold Fast: The Book of 2 John
Hold Fast: The Book of 2 John

This two-week sermon series on the book of 2 John explores the importance of truth—both practicing and protecting it. Rooted in this epistle is a threefold foundation: When one knows the truth, love comes naturally. When one knows the truth, obedience comes naturally. Signs of love and obedience to God is love for one another….

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Stand Firm: Words of Encouragement From 1 and 2 Peter
Stand Firm: Words of Encouragement From 1 and 2 Peter

This six-week series on 1 and 2 Peter focuses on how a Christian can stand firm and unwavering against expected persecution and false teaching. Even though fiery trials, opposition, and heresy can envelop our lives in a variety of ways, we can have hope in the fact that it is all for the strengthening of…

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Rhythms: Find Rest For Your Soul
Rhythms: Find Rest For Your Soul

This three-week sermon series covers three integral pieces of our daily routine: work, rest, and worship. With our susceptibility to compartmentalization and overindulgence, we as Christians should be diligent in finding the rhythm God intended for us in our jobs, our rest, and the worship that takes place in the midst of our daily lives.

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21st Century Theology
21st Century Theology

In this four-week series, the topics of moral theism, individualism, and human value will be evaluated in light of Scripture. This series encourages the Christian to interpret the world around them through the lens of God’s Word, doing so humbly and in realization of the coexistence of good and evil in society.

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Philemon: Reconciliation In Christ
Philemon: Reconciliation In Christ

This series works as a two-week journey through the fascinating book of Philemon. In the first week, “Philemon” explores how forgiveness should influence how we treat those over whom we have authority as we extend grace instead of demands. The second week, in keeping with the book, unpacks how our family in Christ changes how…

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Live Humbly: The Book of Micah
Live Humbly: The Book of Micah

God expects believers to care deeply for one another and for the world around them. When we fail to do so, he will correct us. In the end, his plan will be accomplished—with or without us.

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Father Abraham
Father Abraham

This five-week series examines the life of Abraham, as well as explore how the patriarch’s faith is eclipsed and covered by the steadfast love of God toward his children.

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The Forgiveness Cycle
The Forgiveness Cycle

This four-week series explores the importance of forgiveness in the life of the believer. God’s forgiveness is a merciful gift that influences the believer’s life and transforms how they deal with their own sin and that of others. God’s delicate balance of justice and forgiveness teaches the believer how to confess, repent, forgive, and restore…

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I Witness
I Witness

This series highlights four events that occurred after the resurrection of Jesus and the importance of these events in how Christians understand who Jesus is and why the faith matters.  

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Hope Against Hope
Hope Against Hope

This five-week series examines the life of Abraham, as well as explore how the patriarch’s faith is eclipsed and covered by the steadfast love of God toward his children.  

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Therefore, Go
Therefore, Go

The resurrection ignites the Christian church to spread the message of Jesus. This four-week series looks at the Great Commission and the first few chapters of Acts to help listeners understand and participate in the mission of God.  

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Fool-Proofing Your Life: The Book Of Proverbs
Fool-Proofing Your Life: The Book Of Proverbs

The book of Proverbs was originally written to a young man by his elder in an attempt to pass down both godly wisdom and instruction. In this six-week study, the book’s themes of wisdom and folly are explored, with specific touchpoints for both students and adults. How can followers of Jesus build their lives on…

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So You’re A Christian?
So You’re A Christian?

This three-week series is intended to be used after a big evangelism push (like Easter Sunday), as both an introduction for visitors or new believers and as a reminder to more mature believers about the work God continues to do in our lives after salvation. “What Comes After Salvation?” is about the next steps after…

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Renew The Vision
Renew The Vision

This three-week series explores the theme of true worship in the book of Haggai. By calling the Hebrew people to rebuild the temple, God led them in a renewal of the heart. In the same way, when God calls us to consider our own actions and how they impact our worship, he will lead to…

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Joshua: Courage Over Fear
Joshua: Courage Over Fear

This seven-week series covers several chapters in the book of Joshua and examines a time of transition within the nation of Israel. It depicts our seasons of uncertainty, obedience, and victory, as well as the freedom we have in Christ. This series will instruct believers in how to react to life transitions and encourage us…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas