1 Corinthians: Love Is
1 Corinthians: Love Is

This six-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of 1 Corinthians. Through understanding the context and audience, we can see that love is stressed in areas of church division, sexual ethics, Christian freedom, and the life of the believer.  

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Hosea: Boundless Love
Hosea: Boundless Love

This four-week series explores both the value of the Old Testament and the depths of God’s never-changing love for his people. Specifically, this series turns its attention to the book of Hosea where it examines the sacrificial nature of God’s love, and how that applies not just to the people of Israel but to all…

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The Word: A Life Guided By The Bible
The Word: A Life Guided By The Bible

The Bible provides instruction, but it’s not simply a source of information. God’s Word possesses the power to transform our very beings. It is “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). This four-week…

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The Fear of God
The Fear of God

This four-week series examines what it means to “fear” God. Through understanding the difference between our cultural definition of fear and the biblical meaning, we can understand that the “fear of God” is central to the Christian life.

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‘Till Death Do Us Part
‘Till Death Do Us Part

This four-week series will explore a biblical understanding of what it means to be married in today’s world. With much of our culture having various understandings of marriage, its benefits, and its value, this series will cover God’s intention for the marriage relationship and why it’s more than an expression of love but also one…

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How Not To Lead: Mistakes Leaders Make
How Not To Lead: Mistakes Leaders Make

What can we learn from the Bible about what it means to be a good leader? How can we learn from the mistakes of others, using their faults to fuel our journey to becoming effective guides in our homes, jobs, communities, and churches? This 4-week series examines four biblical leaders, detailing how each experienced acute…

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The Book of 1 Timothy: Beyond Reproach
The Book of 1 Timothy: Beyond Reproach

This five-week study of 1 Timothy explores key principles in Christian leadership, keeping in mind that all Christians are called to leaders in their various spheres of life. Through the power of Jesus, how might we better lead others to God?

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The Book of 2 Timothy: Preach The Word
The Book of 2 Timothy: Preach The Word

This three-week study of 2 Timothy continues where 1 Timothy leaves off in an exploration of key principles in Christian leadership, keeping in mind that all Christians are called to leaders in their various spheres of life. Through the power of Jesus, how might we better lead others to God?

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The Book of 1 Thessalonians: Justice & Mercy
The Book of 1 Thessalonians: Justice & Mercy

This 3-week series guide is based on the book of 1 Thessalonians and provides comfort and reassurance to those living in uncertain times. This letter discusses the future of Christ’s Second Coming, and what believers should do while awaiting his return. Paul encourages believers to be prepared, to cling to the truth of what they have…

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The Book of 2 Thessalonians: Persevering Faith
The Book of 2 Thessalonians: Persevering Faith

This 3-week series guide is based on the book of 2 Thessalonians and provides comfort and reassurance to those living in uncertain times. This letter discusses the future of Christ’s Second Coming, and what believers should do while awaiting his return. Paul encourages believers to be prepared, to cling to the truth of what they have…

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The Book of 1 Peter: A Living Hope
The Book of 1 Peter: A Living Hope

This three-week series on 1 Peter focuses on how a Christian can stand firm and unwavering against expected persecution and false teaching. Even though fiery trials, opposition and heresy can envelop our lives in a variety of ways, we can have hope in the fact that it is all for the strengthening of our faith…

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The Book of 2 Peter: A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place
The Book of 2 Peter: A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place

This three-week series on 2 Peter focuses on how a Christian can stand firm and unwavering against expected persecution and false teaching. Even though fiery trials, opposition and heresy can envelop our lives in a variety of ways, we can have hope in the fact that it is all for the strengthening of our faith…

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The Book of Zephaniah: Justice and Mercy
The Book of Zephaniah: Justice and Mercy

God is faithful to all his promises—for better or worse. Judah had been unfaithful to her covenant with God, and Zephaniah was a prophet used to warn Judah of a coming judgment. The judgment would be fatal unless Judah repented and turned to the Lord. Beyond the immediate historical context, the promise to the nation…

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The Book of Zechariah: The God Who Restores
The Book of Zechariah: The God Who Restores

By focusing on the themes of grace and forgiveness, “Zechariah: The God Who Restores” explores God’s characteristic faithfulness to both redeem and purify His people, and offer us a new beginning. No matter how far we have strayed from God, He offers us a chance to begin again. By taking an in-depth look at the…

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The Book of Song of Solomon: Sacred Love
The Book of Song of Solomon: Sacred Love

This four-week series examines the topics of sexuality, marriage, and relational discourse through the lens of the Old Testament book of The Song of Solomon (or “Song of Songs”). Marriage has become flippant in our culture. This series, however, discusses the sacredness and power that a marriage covenant should take. Over the next month, your…

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The Book of Genesis: In The Beginning
The Book of Genesis: In The Beginning

This Bible book sermon series is a ten-week overview of the major stories and themes in the first book of the Pentateuch, Genesis. This is the story of God creating and bringing order and function into the earth, the rebellion of humanity against divine authority, and God’s unfolding plan to restore creation and humankind to…

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Plot Twist: The Story of Joseph
Plot Twist: The Story of Joseph

This five-week series focuses on the story of Joseph and the relevance it has for our lives today. As we learn to live as followers in the kingdom of God, we must overcome sinful attitudes and temptations, as well as forgive those who hurt us. Even though life sometimes offers us a twist we didn’t…

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Keep It 100
Keep It 100

This five-week series examines Mark 12:30 and the command to love God with heart, soul, mind, strength, and to you our neighbor as ourselves. Through understanding the Greek and Hebrew contexts of each word, we see a love for God and others that comes from the essence of our entire being and life.

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All In: Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength
All In: Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength

This five-week series examines Mark 12:30 and the command to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Through understanding the Greek and Hebrew contexts of each word, we see a love for God and others that comes from the essence of our entire being and life.

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Mosaic: Discovering Jesus
Mosaic: Discovering Jesus

This four-week series provides a mosaic of Jesus’s earth-shattering and world-changing ministry. Each of the four Gospels reveal a different aspect of Jesus’s personality—his kingship, servanthood, inclusiveness, and life-giving nature. Not only will “Mosaic” enrich believers and guide them to a better understanding of the Gospels, it also reveals how each testimony of Jesus’s life…

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The Book of Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven
The Book of Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven

This eight-week Gospel of Matthew sermon series examines the broader themes of God’s character, Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises for a Messiah, and the importance of internal integrity over external behavior. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day misinterpreted the Old Testament prophecies and therefore didn’t understand that Jesus came to deliver…

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The Promise: The Book of Matthew
The Promise: The Book of Matthew

This 16-week sermon series guide looks at the whole Gospel of Matthew. These messages examine the broader themes in Matthew like God’s character, Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament’s promises for a Messiah, and the importance of internal integrity over external behavior. Laying out practical application points like the need for salvation, baptism,…

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Beyond the 52: Church Outside of Sunday Mornings
Beyond the 52: Church Outside of Sunday Mornings

This four-week series challenges our ideas about the concept of church. The Bible’s vision of the church is more than a couple hours on Sunday morning; it is a way of life. Church is not an event or a building. With Jesus at the helm, every believer is called take the gospel out of the…

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The Gospel Series
The Gospel Series

This ten-week series traces the story of the Gospel from Genesis to Revelation. God’s plan of redeeming a fallen creation is woven throughout Scripture.

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All Strings Attached
All Strings Attached

This four-week youth series challenges our ideas about the concept of church. The Bible’s vision of the church is more than a couple hours on Sunday morning; it is a way of life. Church is not an event or a building. With Jesus at the helm, every believer is called take the gospel out of…

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The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity With The Gospel
The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity With The Gospel

This four-week series, based on the book The Unsaved Christian by Dean Inserra, will help Christians cultivate a deeper understanding of cultural Christianity. It will also challenge listeners to dig deep into their commitment to Christ, and verify whether they truly are Christians. It will also help believers understand how to witness to cultural Christians….

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The Book Of 1 Chronicles: A Living History
The Book Of 1 Chronicles: A Living History

This four-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of 1 Chronicles. Through understanding the context and audience, we can understand the role God plays in history and our heritage, the importance of worship, and the importance of leading by example in the virtues that are a part of a godly life.

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The Book Of 2 Chronicles: If My People
The Book Of 2 Chronicles: If My People

This four-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of 2 Chronicles. Through understanding the context and audience, we can understand the church’s responsibility to be God’s people who reform our hearts to his will and see God’s redeeming hand on the worst of sinners.  

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The Book of Philemon: Reconciliation In Christ
The Book of Philemon: Reconciliation In Christ

This series works as a two-week journey through the fascinating book of Philemon. In the first week, ‘Clean Break’ explores how forgiveness should influence how we treat those over whom we have authority as we extend grace instead of demands. The second week, in keeping with the book, unpacks how our family in Christ changes…

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The Book of James: A Faith That Works
The Book of James: A Faith That Works

This six-week series covers the book of James, a letter that serves as a how-to manual for the Christian life. When we deal with trials, contentions, and lack of faith, James teaches us that we can still have joy in the midst of our circumstances. The foundation of the book is the importance of faith;…

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The Book of Ephesians: Death to Life
The Book of Ephesians: Death to Life

This four-week sermon series guide takes a general approach to the big ideas presented in the book of Ephesians. Discussing the issues of God’s sovereignty, his plan of redemption, his grace, and our responsibility to love one another and to pray, this series will communicate to your congregation that God has a divine plan to…

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The Book of Galatians: A Gospel of Grace
The Book of Galatians: A Gospel of Grace

This four-week series focuses on the book of Galatians. The church community highlighted in this book had traded the simplicity of the gospel for a false message of works. Throughout this series, we will learn how the simple message of the gospel can cause huge transformations in the lives of people: a life of walking…

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The Creed: What We Believe
The Creed: What We Believe

This nine-week series examines the historic Apostles’ Creed. The Apostles’ Creed is an ecumenical creed, with Christians from nearly every branch of the faith agreeing with its contents. But it is more than a historic document: it is an accurate representation of our faith. In many ways, this is Christianity 101. “The Creed” will not…

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This Not That: Reconciling the Old and New Testaments
This Not That: Reconciling the Old and New Testaments

This four-week series explores critical questions concerning the Scriptures. Questions like: What is the Bible? Is the Bible trustworthy? How do the Old Testament laws relate to followers of Jesus? and What role should the Scriptures have in the lives of Christians?  

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Because I Said So: And Other Parenting Fails
Because I Said So: And Other Parenting Fails

This four-week series emphasizes the important role parents and influential adults play in helping disciple and raise children who love and follow the Lord. The stories and instruction from Scripture teach us what not to do, what to do, and how to trust the Lord—not only in our own lives but with the lives of…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

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22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas