Heritage: The Diverse History of the Early Church
Heritage: The Diverse History of the Early Church

It’s been said that Sunday morning is the most segregated hour of the week, but that hasn’t always been the case. The early church drew from diverse nations and people to spread the gospel, but these voices have been largely forgotten over time. This four-week series from the book of Acts lifts up key occasions…

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This four-week series looks at four names the Bible uses for God that reveal aspects of his character and his ultimate authority over heaven and earth. The series also explains why his name should be regarded with reverence. Consider using this content as an introduction that encourages the congregation or group to continue discovering more…

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Already and Not Yet
Already and Not Yet

This four-week series examines the theological tension of the kingdom of God and the Christian life called “the already and the not yet.” The kingdom of God is both already on earth because of Christ’s resurrection and a yet to come event with his return. Different biblical interpretations have stressed present versus future understandings of…

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Tough Questions
Tough Questions

The world calls upon Christians to explain the reason for the hope we have. However, we often face hard issues that need to be addressed. This four-week series looks at four questions that challenge the mind of the believer and our willingness to be salt and light in the world.

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Wolves: The Book of Jude
Wolves: The Book of Jude

In the book of Jude, we see that the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” Jesus warned would come (Matthew 7:15) have crept their way into communities of the early church. In his short but powerful letter, Jude writes to warn and encourage the early Christians to be vigilant and mindful of the truth. His warnings remain…

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Taste and See
Taste and See

This four-week series examines the food metaphors in the Gospel of John. By looking at Jesus’s words about being living water, the Bread of Life, and the bringer of life through bread and wine, we can understand the biblical and theological impact of these metaphors. Our life is ultimately made whole and satisfied in Jesus.

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Treasures In Heaven
Treasures In Heaven

This series is anchored in Matthew 6:19–20 where Christ calls us to store treasures in heaven. Each week invites believers into deeper reflection on this command and offers practical application to help us live out everyday generosity that is inspired by eternal hope.

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This four-week series examines the modern fascination with spiritual things and how to recognize the difference between faith, trusting God, and God’s glory in creation versus ideas like karma, energy or vibes, trusting the Universe, or new age practices and naturalism.

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Romans: The Gospel Unites
Romans: The Gospel Unites

This fifty-week sermon series on the book of Romans emphasizes that though there are many disagreements, differences, and divergences in the body of Christ, the church is called to be unified in the person and work of Jesus Christ—our justification, sanctification, and glorification. He alone is our salvation and redemption. Thus, in Romans, Paul entreats…

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The Book of Romans
The Book of Romans

This fifty-week sermon series on the book of Romans emphasizes that though there are many disagreements, differences, and divergences in the body of Christ, the church is called to be unified in the person and work of Jesus Christ—our justification, sanctification, and glorification. He alone is our salvation and redemption. Thus, in Romans, Paul entreats…

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United in the Gospel: The Book of Romans
United in the Gospel: The Book of Romans

This fifty-week sermon series on the book of Romans emphasizes that though there are many disagreements, differences, and divergences in the body of Christ, the church is called to be unified in the person and work of Jesus Christ—our justification, sanctification, and glorification. He alone is our salvation and redemption. Thus, in Romans, Paul entreats…

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The Book of Hebrews
The Book of Hebrews

This fifty-week series on the book of Hebrews revolves around the central message of the letter: the superiority of the new covenant over and against the old covenant. The letter’s original recipients were most likely being enticed to depart from the Christian faith and revert to Judaism. Thus, the author of Hebrews warns them against…

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Jesus Is Greater: The Book of Hebrews
Jesus Is Greater: The Book of Hebrews

This fifty-week series on the book of Hebrews revolves around the central message of the letter: the superiority of the new covenant over and against the old covenant. The letter’s original recipients were most likely being enticed to depart from the Christian faith and revert to Judaism. Thus, the author of Hebrews warns them against…

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Hebrews: The Supremacy of Christ
Hebrews: The Supremacy of Christ

This fifty-week series on the book of Hebrews revolves around the central message of the letter: the superiority of the new covenant over and against the old covenant. The letter’s original recipients were most likely being enticed to depart from the Christian faith and revert to Judaism. Thus, the author of Hebrews warns them against…

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The Gift of Easter
The Gift of Easter

This Easter sermon is anchored in Paul’s words about the wages of sin and helps us understand how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection have provided the incomprehensible gift that he purchased and prepared for us.

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Out With the Old
Out With the Old

While the new year is typically about adding new things—new goals, new habits, and new routines—this series challenges us to let go. To let go of things that weigh us down, regrets that hold us back, and destructive mindsets that are grounded in lies instead of in God’s truth.

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The Holiness of God
The Holiness of God

This four-week series for adults calls us to meditate deeply on the holiness of God. This series asks: What does it mean that God is holy? What does God’s holiness say about his character? How can we come close to a holy God?

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Mourn Again
Mourn Again

This series invites us into the Lenten season, a time of repentance and mourning over our sin. In mourning for our sin, we are reminded what it was like to come to Christ for the very first time. This Lent, we will remember what it means to encounter Christ with afresh, taking nothing for granted—neither…

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In Good Faith
In Good Faith

This series calls Christians to relate to neighbors, strangers, and enemies alike with kindness, sincerity, and Christian love. Showing good faith is a humble but powerful way to live out our faith.

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Hunger & Thirst
Hunger & Thirst

In anticipation of the Christmas season of feasting, this four-week series examines the concept of food in relationship to the Christian walk. The Bible teaches us to hunger after the things of God and taste and see that God is good. Through examining key texts, we can see the relationship between physical nourishment and spiritual nourishment. Jesus…

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You Will Be My Witnesses
You Will Be My Witnesses

This four-week series examines the idea of being witnesses for Christ. Through understanding the text of Acts 1 we see the call for all believers to witness and testify about the good news of Christ, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, witness as living life every day, and the importance of the corporate witness of the…

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The Patterns of Jesus
The Patterns of Jesus

This four-part series challenges us to follow the patterns of Jesus. To do so, we must learn to adopt the spiritual disciplines Jesus practiced. Each week focuses on a different discipline from the life of Jesus.

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You Belong
You Belong

This four-week series looks at the great invitation of the gospel: to join the household of faith and become a child of God. Over the course of this series, congregants will be inspired not only to go deeper into their relationship with God but also to go and proclaim the good news to others.

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O Come Let Us Adore Him
O Come Let Us Adore Him

This Christmas series looks at prophetic songs of worship and adoration of Christ in the Old Testament, and songs and prayers sung in the wake of the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies in the New Testament.

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Kids These Days: Discipling the Next Generation
Kids These Days: Discipling the Next Generation

This sermon series seeks to help adults better understand what challenges children and youth are facing today in an effort to encourage greater empathy and equip adults for greater discipleship of the next generation. Each week we will look at a unique challenge “kids these days” are facing, not just as individuals but as Christians,…

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The Gospel B.C.
The Gospel B.C.

This six-week series looks at Old Testament passages that foreshadowed Jesus. The Bible points to Jesus, and the Old Testament is filled with stories that show how God’s redemptive plan was to be fulfilled in Jesus.

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Grieving With God: The Book of Lamentations
Grieving With God: The Book of Lamentations

This six-week series explores the book of Lamentations and its descriptions of grief and sorrow in the nation of Judah. In its clear language of pain and suffering, we see a reflection of our own. As Lamentations struggles with God, we struggle with God as well, and seeing how its grief progresses can help us…

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The Book of Esther: Not a Fairytale
The Book of Esther: Not a Fairytale

This four-week series explores the story of Esther. Through understanding the book’s backstory and context, we can see that Esther is not a fairy tale, but an understand of how God a work behind the scenes with imperfect people in a hostile environment.

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Signs of the Times
Signs of the Times

The end days are a subject people often debate. Though various Scripture passages might suggest multiple meanings, we can find some basic instructions or guidelines to interpret the end days and prepare for them. This four-week series draws timeless truths about the end from Matthew 24-25.

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Love Letters
Love Letters

This four-part series looks at love as the fundamental characteristic of the Christian faith. The Bible returns repeatedly to the theme of love, calling us to love God with every part of our being. The spillover effect of this will be Christlike love for those around us.

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Christmas Light
Christmas Light

This four-week series examines the deeper meaning behind this Advent season, using Isaiah 9 as a foundation for this year’s celebration. Sometimes called the “little Lent,” Advent is the anticipation and celebration of the arrival of Christ. It is a season that is meant to draw our attention once again to Christ and keep him…

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Easter Sunday: The Name Above All Names
Easter Sunday: The Name Above All Names

This Easter Sunday sermon looks at the Christ Hymn in Philippians 2:5–11. It challenges the congregation to recognize that Christ’s incarnation is the model we are called to imitate. If we imitate Christ’s humility, we will make greater progress in building unity in the church.

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Merciful and Mighty
Merciful and Mighty

God is both merciful and just. The justice of God demands that sin be dealt with in our lives, but mercy calls for God to be compassionate in his judgments. The book of Isaiah called Israel to repentance in many ways and yet also set the stage for both her redemption and the ultimate redemption…

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In My Eyes: The Book of Judges
In My Eyes: The Book of Judges

This four-week series examines the downward spiral of God’s people in the book of Judges. The book centers around people having a relativism that caused them to do whatever they wanted to do. Through understanding the context, theology, and relevance to our own idolatries, we can see that the only hero in Judges is a…

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The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer

This six-week series looks at the Lord’s Prayer as taught by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Each week will consider the words of Jesus and what it means to pray in the manner he taught his disciples to pray.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas