Dream Dreams: Examining the Book of Joel
Dream Dreams: Examining the Book of Joel

This book of Joel sermon series unpacks the hope and mercy found in this four chapter book. God is present even in the midst of chaos, demonstrated by the prophecies from the prophet. God to restore to himself people who repent and weighs judgement on those who do not. The series guide in Dream Dreams:…

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A New Heart: The Book of Ezekiel
A New Heart: The Book of Ezekiel

This six-week Ezekiel sermon series tells the story of Ezekiel’s ministry, and God’s desire to give each of us a new heart. God desires to change our hearts for his glory. Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart…

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Anthem Of Hope
Anthem Of Hope

Many people in our churches are struggling with depression and anxiety. This four-week series speaks to those needs, exploring the nature and purpose of counseling, equipping hearers to know the difference between mental illness and other problems in life, and empowering Christians to be comfortable with getting help for their problems.

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Throwback is four weeks of looking back and remembering what God has done. This is a youth sermon series on faithfulness, hope, and discipleship and provides a comprehensive series guide that includes researched topics, angles, and illustration ideas for preaching. In order to move forward, we must look back and remember what God has done…

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2 Samuel: Rebellion and Mercy
2 Samuel: Rebellion and Mercy

The establishment of Israel under King David is the theme of 2 Samuel and the primary focus of this sermon series on 2 Samuel. In this seven-part survey, we examine some of the major events that formed the kingdom and learn how those formations shaped David into a person after God’s own heart. Each message…

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I Am
I Am

A seven-week “I Am” sermon series that explores each of the seven “I Am” statements that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John starting with John 6:32-51. Each “I Am” declaration illustrates a specific revelation of Jesus’s character and testifies to his divinity. Also, each of the “I Am” announcements reveal our spiritual needs and…

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How To Study The Bible
How To Study The Bible

This series outlines four principles of effective Bible study. Each week, one aspect of the SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer) method of study will be highlighted, giving a simple and practical way to stay engaged in the Word. Through the study of the Bible, God gives us a means of hope, knowledge, understanding, and…

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The Book of II Corinthians
The Book of II Corinthians

2 Corinthians is one of Paul’s more difficult writings to outline, the theme of reconciliation arises throughout. This six-week series uses the theme of reconciliation as a lens through which to view the letter. The call of God both to Paul and us is to be people who live out the ministry of reconciliation. The…

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XO: Love, Relationships, and the Church
XO: Love, Relationships, and the Church

This four-week relationship sermon series covers the different kinds of love we experience as Christians, whether it’s the romantic love we have for our spouse (or significant other) or loving our enemies when we can’t muster up the strength to do so. The Bible has much to say about love and displays an array of…

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Don’t Get It Twisted
Don’t Get It Twisted

This four-week series explores what the Bible says about the place of relationships in a believer’s life. It encourages students to move beyond simply the tired narrative of “just wait until marriage” to see that God’s design for relationships include abstinence in addition to other forms of love, patience, and care. By knowing who we…

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Fortlife: Building Faith
Fortlife: Building Faith

This four-week youth sermon series uses ideas from the incredibly popular video game Fortnite to illustrate Jesus’s words from the Sermon on the Mount. In this dynamic and creative teaching guide, “Fortlife” demonstrates how the ancient topics of grace, forgiveness, and godly priorities relate to young people’s lives today.

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1 Samuel: Kings and Covenants
1 Samuel: Kings and Covenants

1 Samuel covers just over a century of Israel’s history—recording the foundation of Israel’s kingdom and the travail that birthed it into being. This survey reviews six major events and the persons involved. It also brings contemporary applications for today’s believer from these historic figures and incidents.

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Ecclesiastes: The Meaningless and Mundane of Life
Ecclesiastes: The Meaningless and Mundane of Life

This five-week Ecclesiastes sermon series explores the key themes of the Old Testament book, delivering a researched series guide that includes five messages on Biblical Christian living. When life feels meaningless, when work loses all sense of significance, and when we search for worth in our toil and pleasures, the book of Ecclesiastes reminds us…

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Misquoted: Twisting the Bible Out of Context
Misquoted: Twisting the Bible Out of Context

A five-week sermon series exploring misunderstood and misquoted bible verses about topics such as christlikeness, covenants, suffering, and social justice. It is all too easy to allow our cultural context to blind us to the magnificent—if sometimes hard-to-swallow—truths of Scripture. This series delves into some popular misunderstandings about what the Bible has to say and…

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Be Still: Finding Silence
Be Still: Finding Silence

This four-week series looks at the vital need to cultivate the spiritual practices of solitude and silence in the midst of our always-connected, digital world. Jesus, himself, modeled the importance of withdrawing from the busyness of life for times of prayer and rest. By developing practices of withdrawing, entering the secret place of prayer, resting,…

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This six-week series shows God’s holy and perfect presence redeeming sinful and broken people. God’s people have rebelled and forgotten the great work of the One who saved and rescued them. Through a series of prophecies, God warns his children of the consequences of their disobedience, while ensuring them future hope and comfort through the…

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The Christmas Option
The Christmas Option

This four-week Christmas sermon series on the Nativity is meant to help us replace our romanticized version of that night’s events with a real-life account of the Christmas Story. The series guide is compiled and created by Jonathan Malm, author of The Christmas Option: The Hidden Options Found in the Christmas Story along with the…

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Sounds of the Season
Sounds of the Season

This four-week series provides an opportunity to appreciate the theological expressions of hope, lament, joy, and devotion in Christmas music. Christmas is a time to sing what we believe. Each week features a passage of Scripture, as well as a well-known Christmas carol that illustrates the true message of the season.

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Hark: The Herald Angels Sing
Hark: The Herald Angels Sing

This three-week Christmas carol sermon series walks through the angelic messages foretelling how Jesus’s birth would fulfill God’s promise of hope to the entire world. “Hark” explores the powerful and transformative truth of the incarnation of Jesus as well as the faithfulness of God toward us in all of his promises.

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Home For Christmas
Home For Christmas

This three-week evangelistic Christmas sermon series focuses on the need to “come home” through Jesus Christ. Along the way, the series explores the reason why people desire to be home, stops to recognize the way to come home, and looks forward to our eternal homecoming.

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Advent: The Coming King
Advent: The Coming King

Many of us take the same approach to Advent that we take to Lent—it’s an unpleasant season of waiting that we want to get through as quickly as possible. In other words, we want to arrive at the awaiting Christmas celebration. But Advent is a powerful season for believers, a time when we rehearse a…

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Advent: The Light Has Come
Advent: The Light Has Come

This four-week Christmas sermon series teaches the importance of the season of Advent, in which we prepare to receive from God. Preparation takes practice, readiness, waiting, and allowing God to go beyond our expectations to fulfill his will in our lives.

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Unto Us
Unto Us

Jesus’s birth is a powerful display of God’s faithfulness to bring peace, hope, healing, and life to a lost and dying world. This four-week series explores the Christmas story by examining the relationship between the book of Isaiah and the purpose and work of Christ in the New Testament. Because of Jesus, we can experience…

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Christmas At The Movies
Christmas At The Movies

This four-week Christmas sermon series explores the beauty and importance of the incarnation through the lenses of four classic Christmas films. Just as we find unexpected truth in these movies, we learn that the real Christmas story is the story of God working in unexpected ways in the pursuit of his people. The incarnation is…

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Trust The Process
Trust The Process

The goal of any follower of Christ is to become more like him.  Our entire lives are pointing us in that direction. However, sometimes we fail to truly see that while we participate, it is God who is changing us. He is setting us apart as his own and shaping us to be with him…

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No Other Name
No Other Name

The Christ hymn found in Philippians 2 is one of the most studied and quoted portions of Scripture—and one of the oldest. Its writing style and emphasis on the nature of God found in the person of Jesus will lead youth directly into worship. Simultaneously, the Jesus youth encounter in this hymn will compel them…

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The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer

This seven-week series dives deep into the prayer our Lord Jesus taught his disciples to pray. It takes each clause of the prayer and connects with another passage in Scripture that explains the deep principles embedded within. Many feel paralyzed when it comes to prayer—especially young people. This prayer is the perfect place to begin…

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Creature Of Habit: Changing Your Old Ways
Creature Of Habit: Changing Your Old Ways

We are creatures of habit—good habits and bad habits. This four-week sermon series examines what the Bible says about putting off old behaviors and putting on new ones in our desire to be like Jesus. “Creature of Habit” begins with the need for good habits, look at two challenging habits to deal with—the tongue and…

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How To Study The Bible
How To Study The Bible

This series outlines four principles of effective Bible study. Each session, one aspect of the SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer) method of study will be highlighted to give students a simple and practical way to stay engaged in the Word. Through the study of the Bible, God gives us a means of hope, knowledge,…

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Nehemiah: Rise And Build
Nehemiah: Rise And Build

This six-week sermon series over the book of Nehemiah tells the story of Israel’s rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Despite hardship and pain, the people of Israel saw firsthand how God fulfilled his promises spoken to Jeremiah during the exile. Then, the series draws out the ways God invites all of us to participate…

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Daniel: Living a Life of Integrity
Daniel: Living a Life of Integrity

This eight-week sermon series explores the key themes in Daniel: the sovereignty of God, the importance of faithfulness in the world, and God’s redemptive plan for his people. By focusing primarily on the life of Daniel, we gain a powerful picture of a faithful person and his challenges living in a hostile culture.

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Mark: Come Follow Me
Mark: Come Follow Me

This eight-week sermon series explores key themes in the Gospel of Mark, especially the concept of the kingdom of God and its upside-down values. Over and over again, we learn how this coming kingdom elevates the marginalizes, protects the vulnerable, and finds its strength in weakness. Through following our new ruler, we learn to receive…

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Five Years From Now
Five Years From Now

This four-week topical sermon series describes the nature of sanctification as revealed by the apostle Paul. Looking at the book of Philippians and other epistles, we see the complexity and importance of allowing God to transform our lives to reflect Jesus. Sanctification isn’t often a clear, unfettered upward slope, but in five years (or any…

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The Runaway: The Book of Jonah
The Runaway: The Book of Jonah

This four-week sermon series shows God’s great love and relentless pursuit of sinful people. From renegade cities to rebellious prophets, nobody is beyond God’s reach.

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Doomed To Repeat
Doomed To Repeat

This six-week series tells the story of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and their journey through the desert into the promised land. Working backwards through the narrative, “Doomed to Repeat” provides a unique vantage point on the ups and downs of Israel’s journey. This retelling of redemptive history examines God’s faithfulness to us despite our weaknesses,…

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This two-week Christmas series explores the beautiful gift of Christmas. Rather than simply sending a message, Jesus offered us his presence by coming to earth. In that same way, we should commit to being present with others—in their joy, pain, grief, and struggles. When we follow Jesus, we must also follow his example of sacrifice…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas