Vision Sunday
Vision Sunday

During this week, take time to speak about the vision of your local church. God willing, what will this next season look like for your congregation? There is no accompanying sermon guide for this Sunday. Compare to The Future (children).

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You Asked for It
You Asked for It

‘You Asked for It’ is a five-week sermon series dissecting tough issues that are often challenging to talk about in church. There are two ways that pastors can plan this series. 1. Conduct a poll and have your congregation submit four issues for you to teach on. 2. Follow this guide where each week looks…

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The Stories of Christmas
The Stories of Christmas

This four-week series examines the many stories surrounding the narrative of Jesus’s birth, as well as our call to worship him and love others. By understanding the Father’s generous heart in offering Jesus to us, we can celebrate the joy of the season by giving back to God and to those around us. This series…

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Give Thanks
Give Thanks

This is a one-week sermon guide to be used ideally near Thanksgiving. Looking at Paul’s instructions to the Philippians on rejoicing and thanksgiving, this message reminds us that our perspective determines our joy level, and we can choose gratitude despite our circumstances. Compare to Thankful (youth).

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The Judges: The Book of Judges
The Judges: The Book of Judges

This six-week sermon series on the Book of Judges is part of the Our Deliverer sermon series. It focuses on the judges of Israel who oversaw the nation between Joshua’s death and the establishment of the monarchy. Each week’s message focuses on a thematic deliverer story, exploring the character traits of the judges and God’s…

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Romans 8: No Condemnation
Romans 8: No Condemnation

This four-week series takes an in-depth look at the eighth chapter of Romans. Exploring what it means to walk in new life in Christ, this series emphasizes our freedom from condemnation from God, from ourselves, and from the world around us because of Jesus’s finished work on the cross. Because of what Jesus accomplished for…

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This four-week sermon series guide looks at the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, and asks why we tend to erase him from our churches and personal lives and how we can reverse this pattern of neglect. Drawing on what the Bible says regarding the person and work of the Holy Spirit, this…

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This is a one-week sermon guide focused on the topic of freedom, and is intended for use sometime around the July 4th holiday. Freedom is a precious gift, one to be celebrated by our nation and by every person who is free in Christ. Because of Jesus, we are free from sin, death, and the…

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Amos: Let Justice Roll
Amos: Let Justice Roll

This six-week series walks through the book of Amos, focusing on how our spiritual walk with God affects our pursuit of righteous justice. Compare to Back to the Start (adult) and Rewind (children).

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Matthew: Part 1 (12 Weeks)
Matthew: Part 1 (12 Weeks)

This twelve-week sermon series guide looks at the first half of the Gospel of Matthew. These messages examine the broader themes in Matthew like God’s character, Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament’s promises for a Messiah, and the importance of internal integrity over external behavior. Laying out practical application points like the need…

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Spiritual Habits
Spiritual Habits

This four-week series guide explores four spiritual disciplines: Bible reading, prayer, fasting, and Christ-centered community. This series emphasizes the clear application of biblical truths so that your congregation can confidently put into practice the key ideas of each week’s message. By ending with a message on authentic community, this series will be a helpful tool…

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Mission Sunday
Mission Sunday

As Christians, we are called to love God, as well as honor, serve, and reach people with the gospel. When we begin to love each other as Christ loved us, this love will compel us to turn our entire world into a mission field. This stand-alone mission lesson touches on three different levels of evangelism:…

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Halloween Party
Halloween Party

This is a one-week sermon guide about fear that can be used by youth groups leading up to Halloween. Fear and faith undermine each other, and believers can overcome fear by trusting in God’s heart and his ability to help us in our weakness.

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The Light Has Come
The Light Has Come

This four-week series guide looks at the coming of Christ into the world through the perspective of the first chapter of John’s Gospel. Intended for use in the weeks leading up to Christmas, this guide supplements John’s poetic narrative with the traditional texts of Jesus’s birth to provide a fresh look at the Light of…

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The Power of Routine
The Power of Routine

This four-week series guide explores four spiritual routines: Bible reading, prayer, fasting, and Christ-centered community. This series emphasizes the clear application of biblical truths so that your congregation can confidently put into practice the key ideas of each week’s message. By ending with a message on authentic community, this series will be a helpful tool…

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God on Film 2018 (Adults)
God on Film 2018 (Adults)

This 4-week series is ideal for the summer blockbuster season. With so many big-budget movies hitting theaters this time of year, the people in your congregation and community can’t help but discuss each week’s latest theatrical release. Why? Because films move our imagination and capture our attention like good art does. Each message in this…

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Soundtrack: What Does Your Life Sound Like?
Soundtrack: What Does Your Life Sound Like?

This three-week series guide addresses the call of every Christian to live with an attitude that honors Jesus and attracts others to him. When we get down to it, our life has a soundtrack. It’s making a noise, a melody, a distinct overall presentation that creates an atmosphere. As Christians, we need to ask ourselves:…

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The Prayers of the Psalms
The Prayers of the Psalms

This six-week sermon series offers a snapshot of the book of Psalms, examining the different types or categories of psalms, as well as what they mean to us today. By focusing on the need for honest communication with God, traversing the range of human experiences and emotions, this series will encourage your congregation to use…

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The Grind
The Grind

This four-week sermon series guide details the importance of overcoming adversity and fighting for faith, even when life is difficult. By examining the life of the Apostle Paul, this series considers the call of every believer to share in Christ’s sufferings, to understand the value of contentment, to receive the necessity of joy amid grief,…

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Ghost Stories
Ghost Stories

This four-week sermon series guide looks at the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit (also known as the Holy Ghost), and examines his work in the lives of Christians everywhere. Drawing on what the Bible says regarding the person and work of the Holy Spirit, this series is sure to encourage your students…

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The Way
The Way

This creative and inspiring four-week teaching series charts a biblical path toward finding personal direction and spiritual wholeness. Walking in the way of the Lord is practically accessible for all believers, and this guide will stir up hope for people seeking God’s guidance in every area life. Each week discusses specific aspects of knowing God’s…

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Washed: New Life in Christ
Washed: New Life in Christ

This four-week series examines several biblical passages that revolve around the theme of water and/or being “washed.” Discussing John the Baptist’s message of repentance in the Gospel of Mark, this series considers the importance of baptism in the life of the believer. Naaman’s story of pride and healing is connected to our need to receive…

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The Good Life: A Simple Life in Christ
The Good Life: A Simple Life in Christ

This four-week series redefines what makes up The Good Life, when seen through the eyes of faith. Examining Jesus’s teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, this series wrestles with consumerism, fame, and fortune. Together, we will unmask our culture’s superficial ideas of a what makes one successful in life, and contrast them with the…

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Song of Songs: Advice on Love from Solomon
Song of Songs: Advice on Love from Solomon

This four-week series examines the topics of sexuality, marriage, and relational discourse through the lens of the Old Testament book of The Song of Solomon (or “Song of Songs”). Marriage has become flippant in our culture. This series, however, discusses the sacredness and power that a marriage covenant should take. Over the next month, your…

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Burned: Healing the Pains of Hypocrisy
Burned: Healing the Pains of Hypocrisy

This four-week series addresses wounds that people experience from church life. Many people have been burned by other church members or church leaders, and the pain often leaves them confused, hurt, and feeling isolated. By exposing common problems like hypocrisy, gossip, and judgment, this series offers an overall message of hope, comfort, and reconciliation to…

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In the World: Connecting Without Compromising Your Faith
In the World: Connecting Without Compromising Your Faith

This four-week sermon series guide uses the story of Daniel, a youth who was transplanted from what was supposed to be a God-fearing nation to a godless one, to answer the question: “Is it possible to be relevant without sacrificing the truths of the gospel?” Applicable for both youth and adults, this series connects Daniel’s…

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Level Up
Level Up

What can we learn from the Bible about what it means to be a good leader—even during our teenage years? How can we learn from the mistakes of others, using their faults to fuel our journey to becoming effective guides in our homes, schools, communities, and youth group? This 4-week series examines four biblical leaders,…

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The Gospel According to John
The Gospel According to John

This 6-week sermon series digs deep into the Gospel of John, focusing on Jesus’ divinity as revealed in the disciple’s writing. We live in a world that loves Jesus as a teacher, but doesn’t care for Him much as God. The truth is, though, that we can’t have one without the other. Jesus didn’t come…

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Underdogs: The Greatest Comebacks
Underdogs: The Greatest Comebacks

Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, we feel like we’re up against the ropes. We feel like we’ve lost the fight—we feel like we’ve failed. This three-week series focuses on the importance of relying on the power of God to bounce back from difficult—even life altering—situations. By examining Old Testament figures like David, Daniel, and Joseph,…

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Mis-Direction: Learning from Mistakes
Mis-Direction: Learning from Mistakes

What can we learn from the Bible about what it means to be a good leader? How can we learn from the mistakes of others, using their faults to fuel our journey to becoming effective guides in our homes, jobs, communities, and churches? This 4-week series examines four biblical leaders, detailing how each experienced acute…

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Grace Is Greater
Grace Is Greater

No sin is so great, no bitterness so deep that God’s grace cannot transform the heart and rewrite the story. This 3-week series, based on the book Grace is Greater by Kyle Idleman, explores what the Bible teaches about grace, developing a deep understanding of the life-changing power of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. For more resources…

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One Big Story Event Night
One Big Story Event Night

This is a one-week message designed to be used during the “One Big Story” youth event night. Playing off Snapchat—and its story function—this event can be both attention-grabbing and fun. The overall message of this talk is clear, biblical, and relevant: God is a master Storyteller and He wants to create a story with your…

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Filters: Temptation is Never What it Seems
Filters: Temptation is Never What it Seems

Using the technology behind Instagram and Snapchat filters as an illustration, this four-week sermon series guide exposes the truth that temptation comes to us with filters attached—it’s sin dressed up to look good. In vivid fashion, ‘Filters’ explores how sin seeks to entice all, and how we can overcome temptation through the power of Jesus…

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New: The Book of Zechariah
New: The Book of Zechariah

By focusing on the themes of grace and forgiveness, “New” explores God’s characteristic faithfulness to both redeem and purify His people, and offer us a new beginning. No matter how far we have strayed from God, He offers us a chance to begin again. By taking an in-depth look at the Old Testament book of…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas