Hebrews: The Complete Work of Christ
Hebrews: The Complete Work of Christ

Sin causes us to experience shame, rejection, and pain. This five-week series highlights the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ in the Book of Hebrews—offering hope to all of those struggling with self-doubt and seclusion. By exploring the passages that connect Jesus’ ministry to the fulfillment of the Law, this guide will help your congregation not…

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Pieces: The Book of Job
Pieces: The Book of Job

This six-week series serves as a snapshot of the book of Job, providing comfort and encouragement to those experiencing a difficult circumstance. Have you ever felt broken? Have you ever wondered why? Job’s story is often our story. Yet, even in the midst of pain and suffering, we can trust in the power of our…

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Chase the Lion
Chase the Lion

When the image of a man-eating beast travels through the optic nerve and into the visual cortex, the brain sends the body an urgent message: run! That’s what normal people do, but not lion chasers. Rather than seeing a five-hundred-pound problem, they see an opportunity for God to show up and show His power. Has…

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Soul Activity
Soul Activity

Jesus tells us the greatest commandment is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This 5-week series explores what it means to be a disciple, and how our relationship with God can affect each of these aspects of our life. Our heart will have no room for idols, our soul…

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Dollars and Sense
Dollars and Sense

This 3-week series discusses what it means to live generously, wrestling with issues like poverty, money, and service.

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Mission Sunday
Mission Sunday

As believers, we are called to love God, as well as honor, serve, and reach people with the gospel. When we begin to love each other as Christ loved us, this love will compel us to turn our entire world into a mission field. This stand-alone mission message touches on three different levels of evangelism:…

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Unforgettable Christmas
Unforgettable Christmas

Sometimes, it’s difficult to enjoy Christmas when we’re too busy to stop and savor the holiday. For most of us, it feels like the Christmas season gets shorter and shorter every year. This sermon series takes congregations back to the foundation of the Christmas story, revealing the joy and celebration it brings to all those…

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The One
The One

This 4-week series explores the Biblical concept of marriage by answering the question, “How can I be ‘the one’ my spouse or my future spouse is looking for?” Starting with God’s design for marriage in Ephesians 5, and looking at specific marriage relationships described in the Old and New Testaments, this series discusses God’s purpose…

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Messy: Loving Others Isn’t Easy
Messy: Loving Others Isn’t Easy

This four-week series examines the command to “Love your neighbor as yourself” and its uses throughout the Bible. Loving others isn’t easy. It requires selflessness and intentionality. Starting in the Old Testament, and moving through the Gospels and Paul’s letters, this series looks at how God expects us to fulfill this command today. Each week’s…

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The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments

God desires a special relationship with us as His people, and this union is distinguished by living according to His ways. When we follow the commands God gives us, we honor him as well as invite His blessing and protection over our lives. This 10-week series discusses each of the Ten Commandments.

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Boundless: The Book of Hosea
Boundless: The Book of Hosea

The story of the prophet Hosea is an incredible illustration of God’s relationship with His people. The four major themes of the Old Testament book of Hosea reveal that God’s relentless love is truly boundless. His sovereignty is boundless. His compassion is boundless. His promises are not bound by the actions of His people. And the…

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Luke: Jesus For Everyone
Luke: Jesus For Everyone

The Gospel of Luke can be summed up in one phrase: It’s all about Jesus, and Jesus is for everyone. Throughout the book of Luke, Jesus is constantly reaching out to people pushed aside by the society of that time. Women, a thief, gentiles, fishermen, and “sinners”—they’re all here, and they’re all seen. This 12-week…

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Rethinking The Church
Rethinking The Church

It’s time to rethink the mission of the local church. It’s more than attending a service. It’s more than giving in the offering. It’s about connecting with a community to pursue a common goal—Jesus. The church, as a whole, is meant to care for each other, grow together, and reach the world together. This four-week…

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When Necessary
When Necessary

There is a popular saying: “Share the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.” This four-week sermon series guide covers how to share the Gospel in practical ways by studying the methods of our greatest evangelism model, Jesus Christ. The world needs to know Jesus, and it is absolutely necessary for us to…

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We live in a culture that is fast and loose with opinions. Just look at social media, it’s overflowing with arguments over anything and everything. As followers of Jesus, it’s important that we learn to navigate this maze of ideas in order to share the truth of the gospel with a world that badly needs…

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The Cloud
The Cloud

We can either invest our time, money, and resources into the Kingdom of Heaven (the “Cloud”), or material possessions we accumulate on earth. This 4-week series on materialism, generosity, and schedule management communicates the importance of using our time and money to serve God, instead of the reverse—serving our time or money.

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Organic: The Pastoral Epistles
Organic: The Pastoral Epistles

Though we call them the “Pastoral Epistles,” 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus are really a collection of books that are concerned with church solidarity and function. The Church is a living organism made of up individuals operating in unity. Through these letters, God gives us His plan for churches to live in optimal health. This…

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God on Film
God on Film

Movies are powerful cultural artifacts that entertain, shape, and inspire people all over the world. This four-week series harnesses some of the biggest blockbusters slated for 2017, using them as illustrations for the words of Scripture. Touching on topics like grace, evangelism, community, and purpose, this series is a great opportunity to help your congregation…

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One of the biggest pain points for people today is family. “How do I save my marriage? How do I become a good parent?” Your people have questions; questions the Bible can answer. This four-week series focuses on relationships in the home. Using the instructions found in Ephesians 5 and 6, this message set discusses…

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Who do you see when you look in the mirror? This 4-week series examines our identity in Christ, and what that means for us during times of trouble. We know who God says we are, but how does that work when tragedy strikes or we fall into sin? Using passages in 2 Corinthians, James, and…

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With Us
With Us

Sometimes, it’s difficult to enjoy Christmas when we’re too busy to stop and savor the holiday. For most of us, it feels like the Christmas season gets shorter and shorter each year. This sermon series takes congregations back to the foundation of the Christmas story, revealing the joy and celebration it brings to all those…

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The book of Colossians is all about “greatness.” Namely, the greatness of Jesus. He surpasses anything else we can worship, or ever hope to worship, with our life. This is an important and timely message in a day and age where we’re constantly surrounded by people and institutes claiming to have the wisdom we need to live happy…

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The Called: Life Lessons from Elijah
The Called: Life Lessons from Elijah

This 5-week series guide looks at the life of Elijah as a model for Christian living. Elijah had a special call on his life as a prophet, and his life is filled with incredible stories of faith and passion. If we practice humble obedience the way Elijah did, we can be like him: we can…

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The Bible Doesn’t Say That
The Bible Doesn’t Say That

Unfortunately, there are erroneous beliefs about God and Christianity that have snuck their way into modern church culture. These popular phrases or ways of thinking are in direct conflict with what scripture actually teaches. This 5-week series looks at different phrases the Bible doesn’t actually say, comparing them to what the Bible actually does say.

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Shadows: The Book of 1 Peter
Shadows: The Book of 1 Peter

How do we operate when life is difficult? This four-week series answers this question by looking at the book of 1 Peter as a guide on how believers can endure suffering. Beginning and ending with a focus on an eternal perspective, this series encourages believers to have hope in the unfailing love and character of…

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Being a part of God’s family should be a powerful force in our life. A loving and honest community is where real belonging and, therefore, real transformation happens. This four-week sermon series guide teaches the importance of living authentically with each other by sharing our stories: the true testimony of who we are and who…

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Merry Catmas Party
Merry Catmas Party

As of late, cat-love has exploded into nearly every facet of live. There are movies about cats, Grumpy Cat, and t-shirts that feature cats in outer space. We’re not really sure why cats are so popular, but it can make for a unique youth group Christmas party. This week, you’ll theme your entire event after…

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This 3-week Christmas series emphasizes how Jesus’ birth fulfilled God’s promise of hope to the entire world. Beginning in the Old Testament, “Saga” details the history behind the nativity story. Why did Jesus come to earth? What does it mean for us today? This series will challenge your students to not let the busyness and…

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The Red and the Blue
The Red and the Blue

Politics divide like no other. This 3-week series wrestles with what it means to be politically active, and yet still charitable toward those who disagree with us. With Christ as our ultimate authority, we will have the desire to do what is right and live peacefully among our brothers and sisters. Instead of being a…

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The Show
The Show

Some of the most creative shows on television are late-night comedy programs. Jimmy Fallon, James Corden, Conan O’Brien, and Stephen Colbert all have a way of presenting material in a manner that captures our attention and entertains our minds. This series uses different games and elements from a number of these shows to illustrate the…

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Greater Than
Greater Than

This one-week message is designed to be used at the beginning of the new year. Though—with some changes—it can be substituted at another time. There are many individuals entering the new year who are worried, depressed, and broken. The story of Joseph reminds us that God can take even the darkest of moments, and turn…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas