The World of Jesus
The World of Jesus

The work and ministry of Jesus were not done in a vacuum, free from all outside impact or influence. Rather, we can best understand Jesus’s work when we understand the culture in which he lived. This series will look at some of the underlying challenges Jesus faced within his culture. Along the way, we will…

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By Faith: Our Witness and Our Confession
By Faith: Our Witness and Our Confession

This four-week Pentecost series looks at the important actions believers take in their lives and how faith shapes these actions. The Holy Spirit was sent on Pentecost to be our guide, and so the Spirit is guiding us to confess and share our faith in Jesus with others.

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The Bread of Life: Provision and Mission Through Christ
The Bread of Life: Provision and Mission Through Christ

This six-week series examines the Christian’s path of life. It starts in the feeding of our life by Jesus Christ, both for physical and spiritual needs. Once we have been fed, we are then to feed those around us by contemplating our own sin, working to support our brothers and sisters in Christ in their…

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The Spirit: The Identity and Purpose of the Holy Spirit
The Spirit: The Identity and Purpose of the Holy Spirit

This ten-week sermon series covers part of the season of Pentecost. This special season revolves around the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church. In this series, we will see that the Holy Spirit performs many functions. He is the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of unity, the Spirit of love,…

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Because He Lives
Because He Lives

In this seven-week series, we reach the peak of the story of God’s work with his people: the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. But what comes after that? During the weeks spanning the season of Easter, we examine the implications of Jesus’s resurrection, how it impacts those who bear witness to it, and what…

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Follow Him
Follow Him

This eight-week series during the season of Pentecost invites the congregation to hear Jesus speak truth to a variety of situations. Whether he is addressing issues of morality, economics, or relationships, he is calling us to follow him—the way, the truth, and the life.

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Go Tell It: A Christmas Series
Go Tell It: A Christmas Series

Even in the busyness of the Christmas season, Christ calls us to keep him at the center of our lives. This three-week series, including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, draws on themes of celebration and proclamation, so that we are guided back again to the true reason for the season.

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Revealed: An Epiphany Series
Revealed: An Epiphany Series

Epiphany is the celebration of the revelation of who Jesus is: the Savior of the world. This seven-week series looks at different events in Jesus’s ministry and shows how they fill out our picture of Jesus.

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Holy Light: An Advent Series
Holy Light: An Advent Series

Advent invites us to celebrate more than the birth of Christ. It invites us to look back at history and remember God’s promises to us. During this time of reflection, we consider our own lives and how God uses life’s high and low moments to beckon us into a closer, more personal relationship with him….

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Broken For Us: A Lent Series
Broken For Us: A Lent Series

This Lenten series contemplates the reasons why Jesus is going to the cross. Our lives are hard—because of our own sinfulness, but also because of the actions of the world. God knows this and has promised to deliver us from the pain of this world. He promises the ultimate redemption of the world and of all…

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Bad Words
Bad Words

This four-week series touches on the topic of bad words and why we shouldn’t use them. We will explore Scriptures about the power of words and discover the real, God-honoring purposes of our words.

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In the garden, Adam and Eve were presented with a temptation to be like God. That temptation is still presented to humans everywhere, and we often blindly fall into it. This four-week youth series looks at the temptation to be godlike.

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Our Father
Our Father

This five-week series for youth walks us through the Lord’s Prayer and invites us into a deeper relationship with our heavenly Father. This prayer guides us in prayer practice by acknowledging his holiness, by participating in his kingdom and will, by trusting him to be our provider, by asking for and accepting forgiveness, and by…

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Give, Save, Spend
Give, Save, Spend

This three-week series for youth looks at the basic principles of stewardship to learn how to manage the time, resources, and gifts God has given us. We will discover how to use these assets with wisdom, generosity, and faith.

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Your Best Yes
Your Best Yes

This four-week series challenges students to say yes to Jesus every day by looking at four people from the Bible who said yes to him. As we encounter daily opportunities to say yes, we are encouraged to choose wisely and faithfully, making our relationship with Jesus our top priority.

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Under Pressure
Under Pressure

For most people, the new year means a fresh start, but for students, it marks the halfway point in the school year. With just a few short months of school left, students face questions about the end of the year, the summer, and the transition to a new grade or school. Seniors, especially, are facing…

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Never Enough
Never Enough

This three-week series exposes the lies behind our consumer-driven culture filled with consumption, desire, and fulfillment. We will examine the virtues of generosity, sacrifice, and contentment found in the Bible.

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God and Neighbor: The Incarnation of Christ
God and Neighbor: The Incarnation of Christ

This three-week series explores what it means that God moved into the neighborhood when Jesus was born. We will learn what gifts we are offered because of Christ’s incarnation and his embodiment of both God and neighbor.

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A Safe Place
A Safe Place

This four-week series digs deep into Psalm 91, exploring God as our refuge and how his presence—a very safe place in times of trouble—is available for believers to run to when they face the storms of life.

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Can I Trust The Bible?
Can I Trust The Bible?

This series seeks to persuade students of the trustworthiness of the Bible. By helping them better understand the Bible, they’ll be more equipped to engage it, and more open to trust and apply it to their daily lives.

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Working It Out
Working It Out

This youth series is anchored in Philippians 2:12, where Paul tells the Philippians to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” The series will help students understand what it means for Christians to work out their salvation, while emphasizing that we work from our salvation and not for our salvation. We’ll explore four…

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This two-part sermon series for youth looks at the parable of the prodigal son. The first week examines God’s love for those who repent and come back to him. The second week examines how we respond to God’s unconditional love toward others.

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Let It Go
Let It Go

While the new year is typically about adding new things—new goals, new habits, and new routines—this series challenges us to let go. To let go of things that weigh us down, regrets that hold us back, and harmful mindsets that are based on lies instead of on God’s truth.

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Awesome God
Awesome God

This four-week series shows us how extraordinary God is and why he deserves not only our praise but also our utmost respect. This series asks: What does it mean that God is holy? What does God’s holiness say about his character? How can we come close to a holy God?

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Following Jesus
Following Jesus

This four-part series challenges us to follow the example of Jesus. To do so, we must learn to recognize and practice the spiritual disciplines Jesus practiced. Each week focuses on a different discipline from the life of Jesus.

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The Gift Of Easter
The Gift Of Easter

This Easter sermon is anchored in Paul’s words about the wages of sin and helps us understand how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection have provided the incredible gift that he purchased and prepared for us.

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Better Than a Fairytale: The Story of Esther
Better Than a Fairytale: The Story of Esther

This four-week series explores the story of Esther. Through understanding the book’s backstory and context, we can see that the story is not a fairy tale but an understanding of how God can work behind the scenes with imperfect people in a hostile environment.

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You Belong
You Belong

This four-week series looks at the great invitation of the gospel: to become part of God’s family and grow in our faith. Over the course of this series, students will learn why it’s important to grow in their relationship with God and why we are told to go and proclaim the good news to others.

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A Safe Place
A Safe Place

This four-week uses Psalm 91 to show us how God serves as our refuge and how his presence—a very safe place in times of trouble—offers believers a place of safety and comfort when a situation feels overwhelming.

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A Full Heart
A Full Heart

In anticipation of the Christmas season of feasting, this four-week series examines the idea of food in relationship to the Christian walk. The Bible teaches us to hunger after the things of God and to taste and see that God is good. By examining key verses, we will see the connection between physical food and spiritual…

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Christmas Light
Christmas Light

This four-week series examines the deeper meaning behind the Advent season, using Isaiah 9 as a foundation for this year’s celebration. Sometimes called the “little Lent,” Advent is the anticipation and celebration of the arrival of Christ. It’s a season that is meant to draw our attention once again to Christ and keep him at…

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Our Father
Our Father

This five-week series for students walks us through the Lord’s Prayer and invites us into a deeper relationship with our heavenly Father. This prayer guides our prayer practice by acknowledging God’s holiness, participating in his kingdom and will, trusting him to be our provider, asking for and accepting forgiveness, and trusting him to lead us…

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Sharing Good News
Sharing Good News

This four-week series examines the idea of being witnesses for Christ. Acts 1 calls all believers to witness and testify about the good news of Christ. As we study this chapter and others, we’ll learn how to live as witnesses for Christ every day in our normal activities and interactions with others through the power…

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Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation

This six-week series takes summer vacation themes and asks what we might learn about God from them. We will look at nature, frustrating vacation moments, and habits that show us more of God and how we are formed in his image.

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Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles love to give advice. “Back in my day…” they begin, and often we close our ears. This four-week series explores some commonly heard wisdom from the grown-ups in our lives, along with their foundation in biblical truth. What if the generations before us have some things to teach us? What…

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Christmas Together
Christmas Together

This series shows us how Christmas and the gospel can bring us together and how a focus on Christ through the holidays can inform our attitudes and actions toward others.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas