Beware: The Book of Jude
Beware: The Book of Jude

As false teachers have arisen against the church, Jude encourages believers to contend for the faith by putting forth an intense effort to fight for the truth of the gospel. Jude also assures them that Jesus will protect them and preserve them until he returns and presents them to the Father.

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When I Grow Up
When I Grow Up

Though they are a long way from dating, children will learn, during this series, that marriage is a cooperative effort of respect, love, and service.

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This series, detailing the escape of the Israelite people from Egypt, emphasizes the sovereignty of God and our subsequent response to His character.

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Keep It Real
Keep It Real

This series, based on the book of Judges, emphasizes the importance of being a faithful, loyal follower of God, no matter what.

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This series, based on the story of Samson, emphasizes that super strength requires super obedience.

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The message of God’s love through Christ is to be communicated at every opportunity and in every circumstance.

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Not Afraid
Not Afraid

This 3 week children’s series emphasizes the words LORD, MY, and SHEPHERD from Psalm 23, detailing the kind of leader God is to his people.

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The Valley of Giants
The Valley of Giants

We all have giants in our lives, but we don’t have to be intimidated or defeated. We can rise above the giant and conquer our fears.

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This series, detailing the escape of the Israelite people from Egypt, emphasizes the sovereignty of God and our subsequent response to His character.

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Jesus Knows
Jesus Knows

This ten week series on the book of Mark highlights Jesus’ ministry on earth, emphasizing His message of sacrifice, service, and love. 

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How Do I Worship?
How Do I Worship?

This series answers four basic questions surrounding worship: What is worship? Why do we worship? What do we worship? What do we do when it’s difficult to worship?

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Full Grown Man
Full Grown Man

This series looks at four men from the Bible, emphasizing the importance of controlling our ungodly desires, being courageous, and living a life of integrity and faithfulness.

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A Long Time Ago
A Long Time Ago

God’s plan to bring you back to Him has been in place since the beginning of time. This series highlights Old Testament passages that foretell Jesus and His work on the cross.

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All Things New
All Things New

This series explores what it means to start over with Christ and begin the process of spiritual transformation.

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God on Film
God on Film

Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters often illustrate important truths from God’s Word.

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My Protector
My Protector

This kids series is made up of selections from the book of Isaiah, focusing on evangelism, perseverance, worship, and hope.

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Girl Power
Girl Power

This kids series will look at how God worked through the lives of Rahab, Ruth, Esther, and Lydia to teach us profound truths about his character.

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Jesus came to earth not only to die for our sins, but to also show us how to BE.

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This kids series discusses how we develop deep friendships/relationships by loving, serving, and valuing others.

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This kids series through the book of Galatians looks at what it means to live out a grace-filled life both personally and in relationship with others.

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This kids series discusses how everyone has the opportunity to choose what is right (righteousness) over what is wrong (sin).

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas