Christmas Light
Christmas Light

This four-week series examines the deeper meaning behind the Advent season, using Isaiah 9 as a foundation for this year’s celebration. Sometimes called the “little Lent,” Advent is the anticipation and celebration of the arrival of Christ. It’s a season that is meant to draw our attention once again to Christ and keep him at…

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Christmas Together
Christmas Together

This series shows us how Christmas and the gospel can bring us together and how a focus on Christ through the holidays can inform our attitudes and actions toward others.

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Light of the World
Light of the World

This four-week Christmas series emphasizes how Jesus offers us a chance to exchange the darkness in our lives for light. The series begins by looking at the incarnation of Jesus as the revelation of God’s light. It ends by calling believers to fulfill the mission of God and carry the message of the gospel to…

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The Greatest Story Ever Told
The Greatest Story Ever Told

This Christmas sermon looks at the cosmic Christmas story told in Revelation 12. It challenges the audience to reframe the meaning of Jesus’s birth within the cosmic worldview of the Bible. Jesus’s birth was an attack against the powers of Satan.

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Make Room: An Advent Series
Make Room: An Advent Series

This four-week series examines the Advent season and the idea of making room. We must make room for Christ and the hope he has given, make room for others whom God loves and has given peace to, make room for seekers like the Magi who found Jesus, and make room for enemies since God showed love…

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Son of Heaven: The Incarnation of Jesus
Son of Heaven: The Incarnation of Jesus

The Son of God came to us from heaven as a child, and the world has never been the same. This four-sermon series seeks to help us better understand the incarnation, giving us both theological explanation and devotional inspiration to help us grow in knowledge and faith in Jesus.

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O Come, O Come Emmanuel
O Come, O Come Emmanuel

This Advent sermon series helps us imagine the longing the Israelites felt as they waited for Jesus the Messiah to come, and it helps us to grapple with the longing we feel now as we wait for his return.

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The Prince of Peace
The Prince of Peace

This four-week Advent series looks at the one Isaiah describes as the “Prince of Peace.” What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and how is that relevant in today’s world?

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Dining With Jesus
Dining With Jesus

This series follows Jesus to the different meals he shared with people throughout his earthly ministry. He ate with sinners and saints, teaching, loving, and extending grace from table to table.

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Halo: Pursuing Holiness & Humility
Halo: Pursuing Holiness & Humility

This four-week series explores the meaning of true holiness and compares it to what our culture tends to think holiness means. Halos are symbols of holiness typically reserved for art, but symbols of perceived holiness are plentiful in our culture, whether it’s halos of religious acts, good works, political affiliation, or personal pride. We will…

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Searching: What We’re Seeking When We Scroll
Searching: What We’re Seeking When We Scroll

This five-week series for youth shines a light on some of the motivations behind our overuse of digital devices and social media. Are we searching for meaning, connection, validation, escape, or maybe something else? This series reminds the believer that a lot of what we’re seeking online we already have in Christ.

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Thanking Through It
Thanking Through It

Gratitude comes easily when things are going well, but how do we manage to be content during hard or lean times? This four-week series examines the intersection of Scripture, mindfulness, and gratitude, showing the importance of being able to thank God regardless of what you are going through.

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The First and The Last
The First and The Last

This stand-alone message looks at Jesus’s parable of the vineyard workers in Matthew 20. The message examines what the parable teaches us about God’s heart, human hearts, and the priorities of the kingdom of heaven.

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The First and the Last
The First and the Last

This stand-alone message looks at Jesus’s parable of the vineyard workers in Matthew 20. The message examines what the parable teaches us about God’s heart, human hearts, and the priorities of the kingdom of heaven.

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The Way of Gratitude
The Way of Gratitude

This four-week series examines the way of gratitude that we see in Scripture. Looking at the Old and New Testaments we find that gratitude is to be part of our relationship with God, that gratitude is a corporate and communal exercise, that even in times of suffering we can still be thankful for God, and that…

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I Give Thanks
I Give Thanks

This series looks at the thanksgiving prayers in Paul’s epistles and uses four different points of thanks that Paul offers to God as a way to help inspire gratitude and praise in our hearts as we enter the Thanksgiving and holiday season.

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More Than Enough
More Than Enough

This one-week series explores the theological and practical implications of the riches and spiritual blessings that Paul describes in Ephesians. By understanding the context of the term blessing in biblical themes, we can rediscover the Christian view of riches and blessings in the life of the Spirit, beyond our expectation, and in the fullness of our inheritance in Christ.

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This series looks at the thanksgiving prayers in Paul’s epistles and uses four different points of thanks that Paul offers to God as a way to help inspire gratitude and praise in our hearts as we enter the Thanksgiving and holiday season.

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Glory to Glory
Glory to Glory

This one-week message examines the biblical truth of God’s surpassing glory in the new covenant in contrast to the old covenant. Through understanding Paul’s imagery, we can see the reality of God’s glory in Jesus and the challenge to change old habits that hinder what God is doing.

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Lord of All
Lord of All

This one-week series examines the biblical, theological, and practical understanding of the lordship of Jesus. Jesus is not just a means to heaven or a good teacher, but Lord of all the universe. Our walk with Jesus is not segregated to a personal spiritual feeling, rather it influences every aspect of our life and the ethic…

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This one-week message emphasizes the importance of transforming our lives to reflect Jesus. By understanding that we live in a world that is trying to form us to reflect its values, we can see where we need the Spirit to transform us to be like Christ. We play a role in this process through our daily…

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Forging Faith
Forging Faith

This two-week series examines two powerful verses in Peter’s first epistle. In these verses we learn how our faith can be purified through trials and tests. Then we won’t just survive but even grow in our trust and faith in God.

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Missio Dei
Missio Dei

This four-week series looks at four lessons from Jesus which teach us what it means to be on mission for him. We will discover how to “brag on” God, represent the body of Christ to our community, participate in and be grateful for our church, and be welcoming agents of grace to others.

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Any home, office, friend group, or church will include diverse views on all sorts of sensitive topics, and when these topics come up, almost any space can become a battleground for “culture wars.” So how do Christians engage friends and family on sensitive topics? How do Christians stand for truth while honoring the imago Dei in…

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The Trinity
The Trinity

Water in three forms? A four-leaf clover? A mystery? The Trinity defies easy explanation, but its beauty is no less real. This four-week series explores the doctrine of the Trinity and reveals how a greater appreciation of the Trinity sheds light on what we understand about the Father’s love, the Son’s gift of salvation, and…

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Tales as Old as Time
Tales as Old as Time

This series looks at families and people in the Old Testament who dealt with the same challenges and temptations we face today. We may be several millennia removed from these people and their stories, but we’re all outside of Eden. And just like them, we deal with rivalry, discontentment, disobedience, the temptation to conform, and…

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Tales as Old as Time
Tales as Old as Time

This series looks at families and people in the Old Testament who dealt with the same challenges and temptations we face today. We may be several millennia removed from these people and their stories, but we’re all outside of Eden. And just like them, we deal with rivalry, discontentment, disobedience, the temptation to conform, and…

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The Trinity
The Trinity

Water in three forms? A four-leaf clover? A mystery? The Trinity defies easy explanation, but its beauty is no less real. This four-week series explores the doctrine of the Trinity and reveals how a greater appreciation of the Trinity sheds light on what we understand about the Father’s love, the Son’s gift of salvation, and…

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The Bible Doesn’t Say That
The Bible Doesn’t Say That

There are many phrases used among churchgoers that sound scriptural yet are contrary to what Scripture actually teaches. These erroneous beliefs about God and our Christian walk can be damaging rather than helpful. This five-week series looks at common misconceptions and what Scripture actually tells us about how believers should approach these situations in life.

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This four-week series takes a look at some of the different “face-offs” between God and the gods of Israel’s neighbors and enemies in the Old Testament. Every passage that speaks of the works of God speaks of who God is in our lives, as well of the lives of those in the Old Testament. As…

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The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life

What’s the meaning of life? Everyone from philosophers and British comedians have been asking the question since the beginning of recorded history, but there’s just no single answer for all people. Instead, Jesus offers us a vision of a meaningful life that embodies his mission of Spirit-filled hope and love. This four-week series takes lessons…

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The Influence of Jesus
The Influence of Jesus

This four-week series examines Jesus’s rise in fame and popularity throughout his ministry, pointing out that if we are striving to be like him, our lives will look different than what the culture might expect. Humbling ourselves rather than promoting or exalting ourselves will become our aim.

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Jesus’s teachings and actions were never done in a haphazard way. Everything recorded for us points to the person and work of Jesus and his calling for those who would follow him. This series is designed to look at three stories of Jesus from the Gospels and at the disciples’ responses to these events.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas