The Influence of Jesus
The Influence of Jesus

This four-week series examines Jesus’s rise in fame and popularity throughout his ministry, pointing out that if we are striving to be like him, our lives will look different than what the culture might expect. Humbling ourselves rather than promoting or exalting ourselves will become our aim.

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The Faith of Friends
The Faith of Friends

This three-week series explores the gift of friendship and community in the life of faith. We will look at friends found in Scripture and their faith-filled prayers, then examine how we can receive and extend the same kind of Christian love and care in our own communities. 

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Unlived Lives: Dealing With Regret
Unlived Lives: Dealing With Regret

This series seeks to help believers wrestling with regret. When we’re focused on our regrets, we tend to obsess about the way things could have gone and the lives we could have lived—and taken to an extreme, this can cause us to be poor stewards of the lives we actually have. How do we deal…

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Should’ve, Could’ve, Would’ve
Should’ve, Could’ve, Would’ve

This series seeks to help believers wrestling with regret. When we’re focused on our regrets, we tend to obsess about the way things could have gone and the lives we could have lived—and taken to an extreme, this can cause us to be poor stewards of the lives we actually have. How do we deal…

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Fans & Followers
Fans & Followers

This three-week series looks at the difference between the people who accepted the call and followed Jesus and those who admired him from a distance but ultimately abandoned him. We will discuss the difference between fans and followers and how our culture has made it easy to just be a fan.

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The Unity of the Testaments
The Unity of the Testaments

This four-week series examines the unity between the Old Testament and the New Testament. People can segregate Old and New without fully understanding what God is saying throughout all of Scripture. Through understanding our impulse to apply and misinterpret the Bible, we can see the story of redemption that unifies everyone from Abraham to Paul and…

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Christian Doctrines
Christian Doctrines

This four-week series examines theological anthropology: what the Bible says about being human. God created humanity to be in relationship with him. Human beings are created body and soul in God’s image and likeness. However, sin has affected every aspect of human nature, and so Christ brought redemption to the world and showed us how to…

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City on a Hill
City on a Hill

This four-week series looks at how the way we live can be a form of evangelism. Living out our faith for the world to see can help others come to know Jesus.

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Good Work
Good Work

This series presents a biblical view of work that challenges the extremes of workaholism and apathy. We’ll discover the meaning and dignity in all types of work, the true purpose of work, and the opportunity in our work to serve, worship, and participate in God’s design for human flourishing.

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Side Effects
Side Effects

This four-week series for youth and adults looks at the “side effects” of being a Christian. Saying yes to Jesus may cause rejection, conviction, and discomfort, but it’s all worth it to gain Christ!

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Vices and Virtues
Vices and Virtues

This six-week series examines the long list of virtues and vices that are listed in Colossians 3. How we should live implies there are ways we should not live. This series looks at those two categories and how the gospel makes a life of virtue possible.

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Kings: The Kings of Israel and Judah
Kings: The Kings of Israel and Judah

This eight-week series looks at the kings of the united and divided monarchies. It follows the highs and lows of Israel and Judah as they each march toward conquest by foreign empires. The series also highlights God’s mercy throughout the story.

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Priest and Prophet: The Book of Ezekiel
Priest and Prophet: The Book of Ezekiel

God’s calling for our lives is always just in time. We may be plotting toward something when God shows up to change our plans. The prophet Ezekiel was training to be a priest when the landscape changed and God called him to be a prophet. This five-week series walks through the transformation of Ezekiel and…

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God and Time
God and Time

This four-week series examines the biblical and theological understanding of time, eternity, God, and the incarnation. Through examining Scripture, we can see that God is both beyond our time but also engages and inhabits time in the world. The incarnation reveals God coming into time but being different than us as well. Since God experiences time…

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Dry Bones
Dry Bones

This message examines the prophet Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones in Ezekiel 37 and God’s message of love and forgiveness for those who will repent.  

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True and Better
True and Better

This six-week series examines the theological idea that Jesus is true, better, and greater than specific figures and events in the Old Testament. Through looking at the comparisons between Jesus and Moses, David, Job, Melchizedek, and the tabernacle, we can understand the importance of such figures and how Jesus fulfills and is greater than those truths…

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Honest to God
Honest to God

This four-week series for youth and adults looks at prayers in the Bible that express pain, frustration, doubt, disappointment, and hopelessness. Through them we see that God welcomes honest prayers and longs to hear the deepest cries of our hearts.

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Navigating Transitions
Navigating Transitions

This four-week series examines the wisdom of Scripture to help us navigate the changes and transitions we go through in life. By drawing on Scripture, believers are encouraged to see these changes from an eternal perspective.

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Let Freedom Ring
Let Freedom Ring

This sermon can be preached around the US holiday of Independence Day. It points us beyond our fixation with earthly freedom and political power to the greatest freedom ever secured: freedom in Christ. The sermon highlights the fact that we are all in bondage to sin and need to experience the freedom offered only by…

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This Is My Story
This Is My Story

This four-week series helps us understand that God is the ultimate storyteller, invites us to participate in his story, and includes us in the story-making of others’ lives. Another way to think of the theme of this series: “This is my part in God’s story.”

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Searching For God
Searching For God

This series looks at some of the most commonly searched questions about God on the internet. How do we know he is good? Why does he allow bad things to happen? Does God love everyone? How do we know his will? As these questions are explored, we’ll learn more about God’s nature. God is waiting…

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The Hall of Faith
The Hall of Faith

This 9-week sermon series invites us into the stories of some of the great men and women of faith in the Bible. Though they struggled, doubted, and even failed, their lives stand as testimonies of the love and faithfulness of God. 

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The Hall of Faith: Abraham
The Hall of Faith: Abraham

This single-week sermon looks at the story of Abraham and the life of faith he lived. Through doubt, fear, and great tests of faith, God sustained Abraham and showed himself  faithful to his promises.   

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The Hall of Faith: David
The Hall of Faith: David

This one-week sermon looks at the story of David. Shepherd, warrior, king, and a man after God’s own heart. Even in his moments of faithlessness and failure, David found redemption through repentance and God’s forgiveness. 

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The Hall of Faith: Elijah
The Hall of Faith: Elijah

This one-week sermon looks at a pivotal moment in the story of the prophet Elijah. He lived a life of faith and passion that gives us an example to follow as we strive to fulfill God’s unique purposes for our lives.

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The Hall of Faith: Esther
The Hall of Faith: Esther

This one-week sermon looks at the story of Esther and the sovereign work of God through her life. She shows us how to stand in faith when livelihood, status, and reputation are at stake, and how God can use the seemingly powerless to be his instruments of deliverance. 

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The Hall of Faith: Moses
The Hall of Faith: Moses

This one-week sermon looks at the story of Moses, one of the great men of faith in the Bible. Moses’s example of trusting God’s presence is woven throughout his story. He demonstrates willingness to embrace suffering for God’s sake.

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The Hall of Faith: Ruth
The Hall of Faith: Ruth

This one-week sermon looks at the story of Ruth. Her life is a testimony of faith, redemption, and grace. Ruth teaches us that the God’s love is always present, even in times of crisis and despair

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The Hall of Faith: Samson
The Hall of Faith: Samson

This one-week sermon looks at the story of Samson. His story is a mix of great strength and great weakness, but it’s ultimately a story of God’s faithfulness and his ability to use us in spite of our shortcomings. 

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The Hall of Faith
The Hall of Faith

This 9-week sermon series invites us into the stories of some of the great men and women of faith in the Bible. Though they struggled, doubted, and even failed, their lives stand as testimonies of the love and faithfulness of God. 

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The Hall of Faith: Moses
The Hall of Faith: Moses

This one-week sermon looks at the story of Moses, one of the great men of faith in the Bible. Moses’s example of trusting God’s presence is woven throughout his story. He demonstrates willingness to embrace suffering for God’s sake.

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The Hall of Faith: Ruth
The Hall of Faith: Ruth

This one-week sermon looks at the story of Ruth. Her life is a testimony of faith, redemption, and grace. Ruth teaches us that the God’s love is always present, even in times of crisis and despair

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

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101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas