The Hall of Faith: Abraham
The Hall of Faith: Abraham

This single-week sermon looks at the story of Abraham and the life of faith he lived. Through doubt, fear, and great tests of faith, God sustained Abraham and showed himself  faithful to his promises.   

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The Hall of Faith: David
The Hall of Faith: David

This one-week sermon looks at the story of David. Shepherd, warrior, king, and a man after God’s own heart. Even in his moments of faithlessness and failure, David found redemption through repentance and God’s forgiveness. 

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The Hall of Faith: Elijah
The Hall of Faith: Elijah

This one-week sermon looks at a pivotal moment in the story of the prophet Elijah. He lived a life of faith and passion that gives us an example to follow as we strive to fulfill God’s unique purposes for our lives.

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The Hall of Faith: Esther
The Hall of Faith: Esther

This one-week sermon looks at the story of Esther and the sovereign work of God through her life. She shows us how to stand in faith when livelihood, status, and reputation are at stake, and how God can use the seemingly powerless to be his instruments of deliverance. 

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The Hall of Faith: Samson
The Hall of Faith: Samson

This one-week sermon looks at the story of Samson. His story is a mix of great strength and great weakness, but it’s ultimately a story of God’s faithfulness and his ability to use us in spite of our shortcomings. 

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Above All: The Gospel To All The Earth
Above All: The Gospel To All The Earth

This four-week, adult sermon series looks at the charge given by the resurrected and victorious Christ to his disciples (then and now) in the Great Commission. Jesus, in his risen power calls every believer to obey his commands, including the call to go and make disciples! With intention and love, guided by his constant presence,…

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In _____ We Trust
In _____ We Trust

This four-week series explores our modern-day idols. Through examining Scripture’s defining of idolatry, as well as the obsession with material wealth, self-identity, and success in life, we can see the danger of placing our trust in things other than God. We need to acknowledge our idolatry and allow Jesus to change our lives, enabling us…

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No Condemnation: Romans 8
No Condemnation: Romans 8

This six-part series explores Romans 8. Paul declares that there is no condemnation for us when God’s spirit dwells in us. The series walks the congregation through Paul’s logic, showing that ultimately nothing can separate us from God’s love.

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The Problem of Evil
The Problem of Evil

This four-week series examines the problem of evil. We live in a world marked by evil, suffering, and pain that can cause us to question why God would not stop it all. Through examining the universal and existential problem of evil we can see ways the Christians have tried to solve the problem and the way…

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What Does God Want Me to Do?
What Does God Want Me to Do?

This four-week series helps us ask the right questions when we arrive at the crossroads of life’s many decisions. We will look at Scripture to find practical wisdom and discernment to help shape our thinking about life-changing decisions.

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This four-week series for youth or adults looks at what forgiveness means for believers. Forgiveness is often messy and complex. We wonder why we should forgive and how to move forward when we can’t get past the hurt. Scripture is clear that forgiveness is vital to our faith and reminds us that living at peace…

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This four-week series looks at how God lovingly moves toward us. God initiates relationships with us and chooses us to be his children, his people, and his representatives in the world.

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Ghosted: What to Do When God Seems Silent
Ghosted: What to Do When God Seems Silent

This four-week youth series examines the idea of feeling ghosted by God. The Christian life will have seasons where God seems distant and silent. Understanding this is a normal part of the life of faith is important, so we’re not caught unaware. More than that, God can use these times to grow our faith. We can…

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God, Where Are You?
God, Where Are You?

This four-week youth series examines the idea of feeling ghosted by God. The Christian life will have seasons where God seems distant and silent. Understanding this is a normal part of the life of faith is important, so we’re not caught unaware. More than that, God can use these times to grow our faith. We can…

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The Rise After The Fall
The Rise After The Fall

There are no perfect Bible characters. Even the greatest heroes of faith had flaws and failures. Though they fell, God received their repentance, forgave them, and restored them. This series looks at stories like these to help us see that God still loves to redeem and restore, and that there is hope for us, even…

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Eden: In the Beginning
Eden: In the Beginning

Humanity’s desire for perfection is woven into the very fabric of our being. Whether we seek enlightenment, utopia, or a desire to “return to Eden,” what our hearts really long for is a return to the fulfilling relationship that God intended for our enjoyment at the beginning of time. This four-week sermon series looks at…

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Love Thy Neighbor
Love Thy Neighbor

This series for youth and adults helps us better understand a vital command for believers: to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

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Did God Really Say?
Did God Really Say?

This series for adults and youth starts in Genesis 3 where the Enemy first tempted humankind to undermine God’s good design and his boundaries for human flourishing. From there, it looks at modern temptations to step outside of God’s good and brings us back to what God’s Word says to his people today. The serpent’s…

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Father’s Day
Father’s Day

This series includes a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day message. Each message looks at parents in the Bible who exemplified godliness for their children and for Bible readers today.

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A Godly Inheritance: Father’s Day
A Godly Inheritance: Father’s Day

This series includes a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day message. Each message looks at parents in the Bible who exemplified godliness for their children and for Bible readers today.

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A Godly Inheritance: Mother’s Day
A Godly Inheritance: Mother’s Day

This series includes a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day message. Each message looks at parents in the Bible who exemplified godliness for their children and for Bible readers today.

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Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day

This series includes a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day message. Each message looks at parents in the Bible who exemplified godliness for their children and for Bible readers today.

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The Summer of Love
The Summer of Love

This four-week series examines the four types of love as described in C. S. Lewis’s famous work The Four Loves. The four loves are storgē (affection), philia (friendship), eros (romance), and agapē (charity). Through analyzing biblical passages, we can find the relationship among these words and the Christian virtues and character that they reflect. In a culture that is misinformed about love, Lewis reveals…

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Summer At The Movies
Summer At The Movies

This “God on Film”–inspired series for youth and adults pulls biblical truths from summer blockbusters and summer-themed movies.

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Summer In The Psalms
Summer In The Psalms

The psalms are a collection of worship songs used by believers for thousands of years. This six-week series looks at the Psalms of Ascent to learn what they can teach us about God and community.

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It is easy to seek out satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness in the things of this world. But in the end, they will leave us unsatisfied. This four-week series looks at counterfeits we seek instead of Christ and how Christ satisfies our true desires.

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Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure

This four-week series discusses peer pressure. Whether we are young or old, we can face peer pressure, so we will look to individual stories in the Bible to learn how to deal with the pressure we experience.

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Verified: True Followers of Christ
Verified: True Followers of Christ

The blue check symbolizes a “verified” account on social media, but what marks a genuine Christian life? Without getting hung up on behavior and “Do Christians …?,” the goal of this four-week youth series is to unpack the idea in 2 Corinthians 1:22, that God has given us his Holy Spirit as our verified seal,…

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Gospel Partners
Gospel Partners

This four-part series focuses on the gospel’s invitation to participate in God’s cosmic plan to redeem the whole world. Each week, the congregation will be challenged to situate their calling as partners in the spread of the gospel.

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Kingdom Parables
Kingdom Parables

For the follower of Christ, the kingdom of heaven is a critical part of the good news. Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection ushered him in as the King, but of what type of kingdom? Jesus’s teachings in Matthew help us better appreciate the true character of this King and his kingdom. This seven-week series focuses…

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The Space Between Us
The Space Between Us

This four-part series looks at the culprits behind relational strife and what Scripture says about them. Issues like jealousy, envy, pride, and unforgiveness put our spiritual health and our relationships at risk. They cause division and separation and keep us from living in true community with God and others.

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Community Life
Community Life

This five-week series explores the idea of community life in the church. Through understanding the importance of community, the unity of Christians in Christ, the ethic of community, and the reflection of Jesus to the world, we can see the power and importance of being with other believers in our daily lives.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas