Free And Timely Gifts

We’ve all seen videos of people standing in line at the grocery store when a random stranger walks by and pays the bill. The beneficiary’s look of wonder and surprise cannot be scripted. YouTube influencers such as Mr. Beast and Jimmy Darts are known for their generosity, spontaneously selecting people at random to receive various ranges of money or items. While some might argue the merit of these types of kindnesses, we can’t deny that when a person is in need and someone graciously—without expecting recompense—offers help, the outcome for the needy person cannot be fully measured. Sometimes we need to remember what it feels like to receive a gift in a timely way. This can help us when we are anxious and waiting for God to move, because it calls to memory his faithfulness to us in other seasons. Our thankfulness will help quell the storms that come with anxiety.

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

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Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

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