Study Meditation

Students already have experience in the practical aspect of meditation. If meditating is to think about things in order to process, understand, and apply them, then any student who has studied for an exam knows how to meditate for learning and growth. The same skills that serve them well as students will serve them well as meditators. Quiet and free from distraction are key components of learning and remembering. If teens argue about that, the science is on our side, according to this article. Reading and rereading, highlighting, and studying key themes helps solidify concepts in our minds. The ability to reiterate what we have studied often indicates that we have truly comprehended the information. If you can study for an exam, you can meditate on God, his words, and his activity in your life. A summer slowdown can allow us to place certain boundaries in our lives to make room for quiet reflection. We can unplug and create space in our homes when the Wi-Fi goes off and after business hours emails and phone calls stay in the inboxes and voicemails. As we sit with the Lord, his Word, and the good gifts he has given us, we may find that we grow deeper in acknowledging and appreciating who he is and how he moves in and through our lives.

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