Thanking God

Have you ever found yourself desperately reaching out to God when things are going badly, but not so much—if at all—when things are going well? When things are going well and we feel comfortable, we are susceptible to believing we don’t need God—even as followers of Jesus! Our prideful egos can go so far as to think that our success was the result of our own doing, not that of God’s grace or blessing. In her 2007 Emmy Awards acceptance speech, Kathy Griffin famously said, “A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. … This award is my God now!” Kathy grew up in a Catholic household but left her faith during her high school years (quoted in Megan Bailey, “8 Celebrities That Went Against Their Christian Beliefs,” Beliefnet, accessed April 22, 2024,

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

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