“The Big House”
The Michigan Wolverines’ football stadium, affectionately known as “the Big House,” is the largest football stadium in North America and one of the largest sports stadiums in the world. Fielding Yost, one of the most famous and successful coaches in the school’s history, purchased the land for the stadium in 1925. Finally built in 1927, the massive football stadium would later come to be known as “the house that Yost built” (“Building Michigan Stadium,” Go Blue: Competition, Controversy, and Community in Michigan Athletics, accessed February 20, 2022, http://michiganintheworld.history.lsa.umich.edu/michiganathletics/exhibits/show/athletics-for-all/the-athletic-plant/building-michigan-stadium). Like Fielding Yost, Jesus also built an enormous “house.” Drawing a parallel from the history of Michigan Stadium, the universal and global Christian church can be said to be “the house that Jesus built.” Instead of watching a football game, and possibly even worshipping a sport and its players, members of “the house that Jesus built” are called to fix their eyes upon Christ and worship him alone as Lord.
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