The Book of Joshua: Courage Over Fear

6 Weeks
The Book of Joshua: Courage Over Fear
Big Idea of the Series

This six-week sermon series looks at the life of Joshua and how to choose courage over fear.

Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not command you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

These words were spoken to Joshua, but they hold meaning for us today.

This sermon series will look at two important questions for every believer:

  1. What has God called us to do?
  2. How are we a part of His salvation story?

By looking at these questions in the context of the book of Joshua, you will encourage listeners to follow God’s commands and choose courage over fear, even when it’s not easy.

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What is the Series Guide?
Included in each guide is:
  • A sermon series outline that breaks up the teaching set into a specific number of weeks.
  • A "big idea" of the series.
  • A passage, "big idea" of the sermon, topic list, and a number of illustrations and talking point ideas are included in each weekly section. The "Sermon Ideas and Talking Points" area is filled with observations about the text, relevant applications, creative ideas, and illustrations.
  • A small group discussion (located in a separate document in this bundle).
What is the Series Guide Not?
  • This guide isn't a set of sermon manuscripts. While sermon manuscripts can be both useful and a powerful training tool, our sermon series guides are different. Rather than tell you what to say, our aim is for this material to spark your imagination, assist you in planning your sermon, and offer a boost to your study time.
  • This guide isn't ironclad. While we hope you use our material, the pieces of this document are designed to be moved, tweaked, and altered. As you study the suggested passages, and pray through your message, this guide will hopefully be a launching pad, rather than a landing net.
How Do I Use this Series Guide?
  • Plan ahead. Our guides are best utilized in advance versus the day or night before. Read over the ideas and illustrations provided, thinking through how you can possibly utilize them in your message. We've purposely kept our guides simple so as to give you the best opportunity to create your own, unique message.
  • While we give you a passage and "big idea" of the message, take time to study the text.
  • Utilize the media contained in this bundle to promote and communicate your series message.

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