Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
Fall Series Collection
Fall Sermon Series Discover the perfect sermon series or church graphics for your Fall Fall Topical Sermons Autumn is often a time of transition. Guide your congregation through the coming changes and encourage them to face each one with the confidence that comes from God’s word. View Entire Collection Thanksgiving & Gratitude November brings the…
Satisfied: A Free Series
Watch Explainer Video FREE Sermon Series Download Now Research & sermon guides Compelling sermon illustration ideas Graphics for slides, social media, bulletins, and more Countdown video Sermon series bumper video Editable Photoshop File And more! What’s this series about? Thanksgiving is a time of reflecting on what one has and giving thanks. Yet sometimes our…
Childlike Faith
God wants us to come to Him in prayer, worship, and thanksgiving with childlike faith—simple, honest, with no fear of getting it wrong. He desires that we come to him, to ask, seek and knock, and He delights in us even when we’re still learning and may not always get it right. In this clip…
Plot Twist
Have you ever seen a good plot twist in a movie? This is when you think the plot is heading one direction, when all of a sudden the unexpected happens. These can make for some pretty good films. Imagine Psalm 100:1-5 the plot. We’re told to offer our offering of praise and thanksgiving to God because…
Thanksgiving is a time of reflecting on what one has and giving thanks. Yet sometimes our habit is to compare ourselves with others and become fixated on what we don’t have. Jesus calls his followers to a radical commitment to satisfaction and contentment with what we have.
How To Be Thankful
This three-week series helps us foster a greater sense of gratitude in our lives. Sometimes we miss the point of the Thanksgiving season. This series challenges us to slow down and teaches (or reminds) us how to simply be thankful.
Glorify: Surrender To Christ
This four-week series concludes the church year on a note of thanksgiving. Themes of hope, gratitude, and courage prevail, with practical applications in worship, prayer, and spiritual practices, as we remember that God lifts us up as we bless and extol the name of Jesus. There is also an optional guide for All Saints’ Day…
Give Thanks: Gratitude In All Circumstances
This three-week Thanksgiving series addresses how we can develop a heart of gratitude to God, which in turn leads to generous giving. Thankfulness is not an occasional act but a lifestyle of intentional and spontaneous appreciation that leads us into the presence of God, empowers us to be grateful in all circumstances, and generates an…
Gratitude Challenge
During the time of Thanksgiving, a lot of people will do a gratitude challenge. This three-week series examines Scripture to see what gratitude might look like if it was practiced every day, and if we found reasons to be grateful even for the hard things in life.
The Season Of Thanks
During the time of Thanksgiving, a lot of people will do a gratitude challenge. This three-week series examines Scripture to see what gratitude might look like if it was practiced every day, and if we found reasons to be grateful even for the hard things in life.
The Season Of Thanks
During the time of Thanksgiving, a lot of people will do a gratitude challenge. This three-week series examines Scripture to see what gratitude might look like if it was practiced every day, and if we found reasons to be grateful even for the hard things in life.
Rejoice In All Seasons And Circumstances
Perhaps it is not a coincidence that Thanksgiving—and other harvest festivals around the world—take place during the end of autumn. As the vibrant days of summer turn to autumn’s harvest, we pivot toward the soon-to-be season of dormancy and darkness. Author Catherine McNiel writes about the spiritual value to be found in every season of…
Gratitude And Our Focus
This two-minute video demonstrates what life looks like when we focus on ourselves—and how much we can do for each other when our eyes have been opened to the world around us through gratitude. If we began to practice daily thanksgiving, what might we learn to see (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3cpV_dnN_I)?
Use this bundle to encourage your church to give during your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, and several other multi-purpose layouts.
Have a Great Week
Use this graphics bundle as congregants leave your worship service
Upcoming Events
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Sermon Series- Give Thanks
Thanksgiving Sermon Series – Thanks and Giving
Thanksgiving Sermon Series – Power of Thanks
This three-week series covers three different psalms expressing thankfulness, gratitude, and a postured heart toward God and his faithful actions toward his people. A thankful heart is always a dependent heart. How do we continue to thank God in the midst of dry seasons?
Thanksgiving Sermon Series – Lost Art of Gratitude
No Service: Thanksgiving
Use this bundle to let your church know of any service cancellations during the fall holiday season.