The Dragon and the Sea

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The Dragon and the Sea

In many circles, the book of Revelation is one of the most ignored books of the Bible. And yet, it could be one of the most relevant to our day and time. Cultural Christianity is becoming less and less common, but along with that has come the rise of “the nones” and some who are outspokenly opposed to Christianity.

This new Ministry Pass sermon series, The Dragon and the Sea, looks at the themes of faithfulness, hope, and testimony (among others) against a backdrop of opposition and suffering.

The book of Revelation uses imagery of both a dragon and the sea to describe the evil believers face in their pursuit of spiritual faithfulness. In many ways, these metaphors provide a telling snapshot of Revelation as a whole, digging deep into its modern-day personal and corporate application. This four-week series, which offers a brief overview of John’s apocalyptic vision, focuses on these themes, centering on the importance of Christians persevering even in the midst of powerful opposition.

In this broken world, you can equip your congregation to look to God’s victory for hope. In Revelation, we get to see the curtain pulled back and see the battle that is going on. While Satan is scheming against God and us – His people, we can remain faithful because the evil one has been overcome.

The Dragon and the Sea includes a full series guide, along with a media package, small group questions, a bumper video, illustration ideas, and more.

Get this new sermon series from Ministry Pass – The Dragon and the Sea.


Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_