We know how much time you spend ministering to your congregation; hospital visits, counseling, and activities can leave you short on time to prepare your weekly sermon. Don’t worry! We have you covered with the top 30 best sermon series of 2019.
We release new sermon series each month to help keep your sermons fresh and easily organized. What does that mean for you as a busy pastor? More time to meet with members of your church, spend time in prayer, or any other activity you never find time to fit into your packed schedule. It’s important to schedule self-care so you don’t get burned out. Our bundles help you find the time for that and so much more. So, what’s included with our sermon series bundles?
Our bundles include:
- Preliminary research that includes scripture references, the “big idea” of the sermon, topic lists, and talking point ideas.
- A sermon series outline that breaks up the teaching set into a specific number of weeks.
- Small group questions to further enhance your sermon.
- Creative elements such as slides, bulletin covers, social media graphics, video bumpers, and countdowns to help save you even more time.
Sound good? We think so and by the thousands of downloads, pastors just like you agree. So, check out this list of the 30 top downloaded sermon series of 2019.
If you are not a member of Ministry Pass yet, click here for your free 14 day trial. We will help you save time on your sermon preparation so you can focus on your church.
30. I Am

Many people wonder about the person and divinity of Jesus. This seven-week sermon series helps you tackle these questions through the seven “I Am” statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John.
29. The Triumphal Entry

Holy Week often takes us deeper into Jesus’ life, witnessing how He relied on His Father. This five-week sermon series helps you take your church on the journey with Christ from Palm Sunday through finding His tomb empty.
28. XO: Love, Relationships, and the Church

The word “love” brings up a lot of emotions for many people. This four-week sermon series helps your congregation look past feelings and emotions to dive into what God says love can be, even when loving one’s enemies.
27. Trust the Process

Sometimes when we are in the thick of life’s experiences, we forget who is really in charge and what our experiences are teaching us. This four-week series will help your congregation recognize how God is shaping each of us and how to trust the process.
26. Easter Sunday: He Is Risen

Did you know the variety of people who witnessed Jesus Christ’s crucifixion at the cross mirrors the members of church today? This sermon will explore the parallels and challenge your church to choose the life offered at the empty tomb.
25. The Great Betrayal

The betrayal of Christ leading up the crucifixion is a familiar story for most believers. This four-week series will equip you to dive deeper into the events leading up to Good Friday to reveal God’s faithfulness despite our brokenness.
24. Binge-Reading the Bible

Bingeing has become a popular word for becoming obsessed with something for a short period. This seven-week sermon series will help your congregation get excited about the different sections of the Bible and how they reveal God’s will and desire for humankind. Perhaps this binge will lead to a lifelong hunger for His Word!
23. Game Over: Embracing A New Life

How does one die to oneself? This three-week sermon series talks about this and explores how to stay strong in the face of temptation.
22. Anthem of Hope

Depression and anxiety have penetrated society and our churches. This four-week sermon series equips your church to help those in need and open lines of communication without judgment.
21. The Miracles of Jesus

Signs and Wonders serve as a reminder of God’s limitless compassion. This seven-week series will explore God’s absolute authority as demonstrated through the Miracles of Jesus.
20. We Are the Church

Does your congregation understand the purpose of gathering at church? Is it more than a weekly social gathering? This short, three-week series will touch on what a church should be and clearly defines what it’s not.
19. Unto Us

Looking for a fresh way to share the Christmas story? This four-week sermon series explores the prophecies of the Messiah’s birth and purpose as demonstrated through Jesus’ life.
18. Death to Life

Looking for a stand-alone Easter Sunday message? This sermon will deliver an impact with a message of hope for all of life’s trials. This message is a celebration of our direct access to God.
17. Sunday: He Has Risen

Looking to celebrate Jesus’ victory over death with a sermon that demonstrates how Jesus fulfilled God’s promises to us? Here is another stand-alone Easter sermon that celebrates Jesus’ resurrection.
16. Us vs. Them

Are you ready to challenge your church to be salt and light to the world? This four-week sermon series will help you discuss how and why church members should build relationships outside the church. There should not be an “Us vs. Them” attitude in the church.
15. Proverbs: Fool-Proofing Your Life

How does it look to build a life based on godly wisdom and instruction? This six-week study will explore this theme through the book of Proverbs. This sermon series will also debunk commonly misunderstood passages of Proverbs.
14. The Christmas Option

Have you considered the hardship behind the romanticized nativity scene? This four-week Christmas sermon series will look at the real lives affected by the greatest story ever told.
13. Holy Week

The world had an expectation of what the Messiah would carry out while on earth, but the events of Holy Week changed everyone’s expectations. This five-week sermon series will reveal who Jesus says He is and what He was to accomplish.
12. Easter Sunday

Are you looking to challenge and encourage those in your church? This Easter Sunday message uses historical evidence to share the Good News of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.
11. Christmas At the Movies

Looking to show the miracle of the Christmas story through pop culture? Then this four-week sermon series will help you reveal God incarnate through four classic Christmas films.
10. Ashes: The Glory of the Gospel

Teaching people to take responsibility for their actions can be a challenge; no one wants to admit or confess their sins. This seven-week Lenten sermon series will help drive home the importance of confession to transform our hearts according to God’s will through faith in Christ Jesus.
9. A New Heart: The Book of Ezekiel

The promise of a changed heart, from stone to flesh, is an encouragement to believers and non-believers alike. This six-week sermon series outlines God’s desire to draw us close and change our hearts through the story of Ezekiel’s ministry.
8. Advent: The Light Has Come

Is your congregation preparing their hearts to receive God’s love during Advent? This four-week sermon series touches on why Advent is important and how to prepare to receive God’s Will in our lives.
7. Uncomfortable: The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community

Do you find it hard to discuss uncomfortable topics in your sermons? This four-week sermon series breaks through barriers to embrace the challenging realities of being God’s people.
6. Five Years from Now

Do you want help to explain Sanctification and showing your church how to see progress? Then this four-week sermon series will help you with examples from the epistles to show how God can transform our lives.
5. DNA

Did you know the church has a unique DNA? This four-week sermon series will help outline that DNA as seen in the church mission.
4. Misquoted: Twisting the Bible Out of Context

Do you hear scripture misquoted in your church? This five-week sermon series will help you explore Bible verses that are often misquoted, misunderstood, and reveal what the Bible actually says on controversial topics.
3. Your Part Matters

Do you want to help your members understand their gifting and how to use them to support the church? This four-week sermon series explores every person’s unique value in the church.
2. Every Good Work: The Book of Titus

Looking to encourage God’s sons and daughters? This four-week sermon series is designed to do that through Paul’s letters to Titus.
1. Sacred Selfie: A New Perspective on the World

Having a hard time reaching the church when they are consumed with social media and selfies? In a world of images and self-importance, this four-week sermon series focuses on our identity in Christ through self-examination.
Whether you are looking for a single sermon to fill a gap in your calendar, or a series of sermons to cover big topics your church needs to hear, this list of 2019’s best sermon series has something to fit your preaching calendar.
Do you need more help in preparing your preaching calendar? We create a free preaching calendar template in Microsoft Excel every year. You can download this template and customize it for your needs. Whether you are a Ministry Pass member or not, this tool is absolutely free. Want to try Ministry Pass? Get your free trial of Ministry Pass here.
Free Preaching Calendar
Get ahead in your preaching using this free Excel preaching calendar template for 2019.