Our 12 Sermon Series Ideas For The Fall

Attendance at church is naturally higher in the fall time, so this is a great time of year to be intentional about building momentum in your church. We wanted to share our top 12 sermon series ideas for the fall to help you leverage this season to build the most momentum before heading into the holiday season.


Community – 1 Week

This one-week series explores the importance of being part of a community of believers that strengthens us and helps us grow beyond just the Sunday service.


The Book of Jonah – 4 Weeks

This four-week sermon series shows God’s great love and relentless pursuit of sinful people. From renegade cities to rebellious prophets, nobody is beyond God’s reach


The Book of James – 6 Weeks

This six-week series covers the book of James, a letter that serves as a how-to manual for the Christian life. When we deal with trials, contentions, and lack of faith, James teaches us that we can still have joy in the midst of our circumstances. The foundation of the book is the importance of faith; faith or the lack thereof can determine the direction of one’s life.


7 Deadly Sins – 7 Weeks

The “seven deadly sins”—pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, lust, and gluttony—are never listed together in the Bible, but they are a good way to collectively summarize the destructive power of sin. This series explores each of these sins to show how they harm us and others. Fortunately, the series also reminds believers that God’s mercy redeems us from the power of sin and offers us the opportunity to walk in freedom.


Breaking Bread – 5 Weeks

This five-week series, from the Gospel of Luke, examines stories of Jesus having a meal. Along the way, we will seek to learn more about the person of Jesus, his mission, and what his dining habits mean for our everyday faith.


Out of Many, One – 4 Weeks

Unity is essential for the church, as the body of Christ, to succeed in preaching the gospel to a lost world. The Western world is filled with fragmentation, most notably due to the Enlightenment ideal of individualism. By contrast, the church is meant to be a place where unity is encouraged and lived out, a haven where life is lived differently from the rest of the world.

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Bad Religion – 4 Weeks

Bad religion is something that plagued God’s people throughout the Bible. Leaning on the words of the prophets, Jesus’s encounters with religious leaders, and James’s practical definition of religion, this four-week series examines how the Bible deals directly with hypocrisy. By learning common ways we get in the way of God’s purposes, we can also break out of our religiosity—imperfect but faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ.


The More of Less – 4 Weeks

We spend so much of our time chasing after careers, people, or possessions that never satisfy us in the end. When is enough, enough? This four-week series examines the biblical concept of contentment and how we can find it in Christ.


Enough is Enough – 4 Weeks

We spend so much of our time chasing after careers, people, or possessions that never satisfy us in the end. When is enough, enough? This four-week series examines the biblical concept of contentment and how we can find it in Christ.


The Lost Art of Gratitude – 4 Weeks

This four-week series analyzes the spiritual virtue of gratitude. Through seeing that all good things in life come from God, remembering God’s Word, being thankful in all circumstances, and cultivating a thankful heart, we can fully grasp God’s work in our lives and live a life of gratitude.


The Power of Thanks – 4 Weeks

This four-week series provides insight into what it means to be thankful and how this leads to praise and gratefulness to the object of our faith, Jesus Christ. When believers practice thanks to their Creator, it does something for the soul that cannot be explained otherwise.


The Content Life – 3 Weeks

This three-week series explores what it means to appreciate God’s goodness. Gratitude helps protect us from living a life of selfishness, gluttony, or pride while enabling us to see the beauty in what God brings to us. When we offer thankfulness to God for his work in our lives, it allows us to better find contentment in his love and grace.

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