How to Increase Generosity at Your Church
How to Increase Generosity at Your Church

How to Increase Generosity at Your Church Read More A lot of times, when we think about generosity, we’re thinking about how we can get more people to give to our church.  Let’s think bigger than that: how do you get your people to become more generous, in general?   The best time to start developing…

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The Benefits of Preaching the Lectionary Calendar
The Benefits of Preaching the Lectionary Calendar

All About the Lectionary Calendar In today’s episode, we’re going to be discussing one of our brand-new types of sermon calendars, the Lectionary Calendar!  Namely, we’ll be answering the questions:  What is the Lectionary Calendar? We’ve just released our first-ever Lectionary Calendar on MinistryPass.  This is a new style of sermon calendar for us, but…

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First Impressions at Church
First Impressions at Church

Building Trust with Your Congregation Read More Welcome to the 30th episode of the Hello Church Podcast!  Today, we’re going to be discussing a big question:  How do you get first-time guests to show up, stay engaged, and keep showing up? The quick answer?  It all boils down to one thing- building trust. Building trust…

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9 ways create a bad preaching calendar (What not to do)
9 ways create a bad preaching calendar (What not to do)

9 Ways to Create a Bad Preaching Calendar (What Not to Do) Read More We know, we know- the last thing you really want to learn is how to create a bad preaching calendar.  But there’s a method to our madness.  Our hope is that, by telling you how to create a bad preaching calendar,…

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7 Greatest Preaching Mistakes
7 Greatest Preaching Mistakes

7 Greatest Preaching Mistakes to Watch Out For Read More Have you ever preached a sermon, walked away and thought, “That was NOT good?”  Yep, us too.  So in this episode of the “Hello Church!” podcast, we’re going to tackle the seven worst preaching mistakes and how you can avoid them.    If you find…

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Church Podcast Ideas
Church Podcast Ideas

Whether you’re thinking of starting a church podcast or trying to get more traction, this episode covers our best ideas for church podcasts.

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9 Ways to Encourage Generosity at Your Church
9 Ways to Encourage Generosity at Your Church

If you’re a pastor, talking about money can be hard.  We get it.  If you’ve been in ministry for long, you probably can remember a time you talked about giving & it didn’t go well. It’s common knowledge that there are many, many people who believe that “all churches ever do is ask for money.” …

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Why You Need a Preaching Calendar in 2021
Why You Need a Preaching Calendar in 2021

Why You Need a Preaching Calendar in 2021 Read More Of the pastors we surveyed, we found that most of them did not plan their preaching more than two weeks out. In fact, only 9% of them planned more than two months out.  We think having an entire year’s sermon calendar planned out is a…

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Why a Preaching Team Makes You Better
Why a Preaching Team Makes You Better

Why a Preaching Team Makes You Better (And How to Build One) Read More All across the world we’re finding more and more pastors creating preaching teams and the more we talk to them, the more they love them. As pastors we feel so much pressure each week preparing and delivering sermons, counseling, leading our…

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How to Preach About Controversial Topics
How to Preach About Controversial Topics

How to Preach on Controversial Topics Read More Many pastors and leaders avoid preaching on controversial topics like politics, church giving, culture and even certain doctrinal issues. It’s not difficult to understand why. The world, and even our churches, have become more polarized in recent decades and social media has turned civil debates into downright…

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Turning Sermon Series Into Devotionals
Turning Sermon Series Into Devotionals

More than anything as a pastor, you desire to supply life-giving truth to people that walk through your doors, as well as those who engage with your church online. Motivating them to stay grounded in God’s love is your top goal.  There’s no doubt you have a calling to inspire and support –– to shepherd…

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Three Powerful Lessons Churches are Learning in 2020
Three Powerful Lessons Churches are Learning in 2020

The world has changed. 2020 always seemed like this science-fiction type of year from afar but now we are here and the world is fighting a pandemic and economic impact of biblical proportions.  As the church navigates these uncharted waters, we are learning and adapting. It’s vital church leaders use this season to consider all…

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Free Coronavirus Update Slide
Free Coronavirus Update Slide

Due to the recent worldwide health crisis, Coronavirus [COVID-19], many local churches are either canceling or amending their weekly gatherings. Ministry Pass has put together three design bundles for churches to use as they update their congregations about upcoming changes.

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A New Year’s Sermon Series: A New Approach to an Old Tradition
A New Year’s Sermon Series: A New Approach to an Old Tradition

Christmas is Over. Are You Considering a Sermon Series for the New Year? It’s likely your team of staff and volunteers start talking about the Christmas message weeks and maybe even months in advance. Let’s face it – Christmas in the church can be slightly chaotic.  From the guest experience that likely comes with Christmas…

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Preaching Your Christmas Sermon Series: New Ideas for an Old Tradition
Preaching Your Christmas Sermon Series: New Ideas for an Old Tradition

It’s Christmas time… again. We can almost feel the internal eye roll. We get it – with Christmas comes all the hustle and bustle of higher attendance, elevating your guest experience, figuring out the parking and childcare situation at your church, and the inevitable Christmas message and Christmas sermon series you will preach once again….

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Preaching Advent: Teaching Your Church How to Celebrate Advent at Home
Preaching Advent: Teaching Your Church How to Celebrate Advent at Home

“How do we compete with that?”  Maybe you’ve found yourself thinking this as you watch the onslaught of TV commercials and marketing that are ramping us up to Christmas. Every year the buildup to Christmas starts earlier and gets louder—at least when it comes to the commercial aspects of Christmas. As a result, many people…

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Preaching Lent at Your Church
Preaching Lent at Your Church

Easter is the biggest day of the year for nearly every pastor and church. You challenge people to invite unchurched friends, recruit new volunteers, create a clean environment to welcome guests, and spend hours preparing a compelling sermon. You do all you can to get the church ready… logistically. But what if there was something you could do to help the church be ready… spiritually?

There is. You can leverage a practice that most Christians in history have leaned into to prepare for celebrating Christ’s resurrection: Lent.

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FAQs About our 2020 Calendars
FAQs About our 2020 Calendars

For the sixth year in a row, October is when we release our brand-new yearly sermon calendars. For the last ten months, our team has been thinking, dreaming, praying, writing, and designing. Now, after nearly a year, we’re ready to unveil our work to the world. Our calendars are the most requested item we have…

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10 Summer Sermon Series to Preach
10 Summer Sermon Series to Preach

Easter Sunday was a success and attendance has surged in your church. This surge is often the result of members inviting friends and family to attend celebration services with them. So, how do you encourage, challenge, and minister to the new people who continue attending services?

We have put together a list of the top 10 After Easter Sermon Series that will speak to newcomers and members alike.

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How to Add Sermon Series to Your Calendar
How to Add Sermon Series to Your Calendar

We just launched a new feature and we think you’ll love it. You can now download any sermon series from Ministry Pass to your calendar! We know how often Pastors are preaching, and how chaotic your schedule can get. Because of that, we decided to add this tool to help be a reminder for your…

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How to Manage A Preaching Calendar with Your Team
How to Manage A Preaching Calendar with Your Team

If you’ve been a part of a healthy team, you likely don’t need to be convinced about how valuable and essential teams are for the success of not only each individual, but the overall mission you are collectively trying to accomplish. Teams always benefit the organization as a whole. Healthy teams – especially preaching teams…

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The Top 30 Best Sermon Series of 2019
The Top 30 Best Sermon Series of 2019

We know how much time you spend ministering to your congregation; hospital visits, counseling, and activities can leave you short on time to prepare your weekly sermon. Don’t worry! We have you covered with the top 30 best sermon series of 2019. We release new sermon series each month to help keep your sermons fresh…

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Sermon Series Graphics: The Ultimate Guide for Churches
Sermon Series Graphics: The Ultimate Guide for Churches

Preparing a sermon takes weeks (even months) of preparation and intense effort, crafting a message that must communicate to a wide-ranging audience. At the end of all that planning you want strong sermon series graphics to illustrate your teaching and help your sermon stick, but you don’t necessarily want or have the time to think…

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Planning Your Easter Sermon and Easter Service
Planning Your Easter Sermon and Easter Service

Another year has gone by and it’s time to plan your Easter sermon. You and your staff will be up to your ears in projects, timelines, and new guest tracking strategies—and if you’re feeling like it all just crept up, you’re not alone. Bottom line, Easter is here and you need to begin to brainstorm…

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30 Inspirational Easter Quotes
30 Inspirational Easter Quotes

Click here to go straight to the quote list Adding poignant quotes to your Easter Sermon provides a new pathway for your listeners to understand scripture and truth; the right quote in the right moment will help people connect to the message when other avenues have failed. While your mind may immediately go to book…

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Holy Week Sermons for Pastors
Holy Week Sermons for Pastors

Preparing sermons for Holy Week can be a tall task, depending on what unique moments your church chooses to remember and celebrate together. Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday and runs all the way through Easter Sunday. The five most recognized moments of Holy Week include: Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter…

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How to Create A Preaching Calendar
How to Create A Preaching Calendar

Your calling is to make disciples and one of the most influential tools you have is your weekly corporate teaching and preaching! Delivering a compelling message is one thing, but making disciples is another. The burden you feel for moving people from the non-believer to disciple is real and we believe that a preaching calendar…

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Advent Sermon Series for 2018
Advent Sermon Series for 2018

In an effort to help you prepare for this year’s Christmas message, the Ministry Pass team has searched the internet to find some of the best Advent sermons for 2018, including links back to the original sermon series, all to serve as inspiration for your Advent sermon or sermon series. Very soon you will be…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

Want to be the leader your people need but feeling overwhelmed and on edge?

Get a copy of our FREE guide to avoiding burnout and discover what causes pastoral burnout, and how to heal so you can lead well into the future!

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas