This four-week series is designed to help followers of Christ see that God’s plan for us is to be transformed into the likeness of his Son, Jesus Christ. By focusing on four practices of Jesus, listeners will see that we can model our lives after Jesus and depend on who he is in order to…
This three-week Advent series will lead the congregation to consider what it means to wait upon the Lord and to reflect on God’s presence amid our waiting.
This single-week sermon is meant to be preached at the end of the calendar year. It is focused both on looking at the end of the year that’s closing and ahead to the year to come.
This four-week series for adults explores the interruptions and unexpected moments in Christ’s ministry. Jesus’s reaction to the people and disruptions that occur around him help us recognize that God is sovereign. He can use these “accidents” and “interruptions” for his glory, and we can find grace in the divine interruptions that occur in our…
This four-week series explores the implications of the resurrection. The resurrection changed everything! Through observing Scripture, we find that the resurrection proclaimed victory over sin, gave hope to believers for eternal life, and becomes the main event for the commissioning of the church to share the gospel with all the world.
This four-part series addresses the issue of wounds in our personal lives and in our church community. How we respond to our wounds and to those who wound us matters. When we look to God and the future he has planned for us, we can process our trauma and heal from our wounds.
This Easter message is anchored in Christ’s claim to be the resurrection and the life in John 11. He says this right before he raises Lazarus from the dead, and it’s not long after this that he himself dies and is raised to life to secure salvation and resurrection hope for those who would believe…
Waiting on God to act or trusting His promises can be challenging. Sometimes we feel the need to take matters into our own hands, but the Bible shows us this doesn’t work out well. This four-week series looks at four times when people took matters into their own hands rather than waiting on God—and the…
This two-part series pack provides a series guide for a Mother’s Day message and a Father’s Day message. Each week focuses on the legacy left by a parental figure in the Bible.
This two-part series pack provides a series guide for a Mother’s Day message and a Father’s Day message. Each week focuses on the legacy left by a parental figure in the Bible.
This single message, intended for use on Independence Day in the United States, explores the reality that in the resurrection, Christ has made believers free from the bondage of sin and free to live in his fullness.
This four-week series examines meal and food-related passages in Scripture and culminates in a deeper understanding of Jesus’s invitation to “take and eat” the bread and wine as part of our communion practices.
Based on the book To My Friend Who Left the Faith by Wade Bearden, this series addresses four reasons that so many individuals have abandoned church in recent years. Bearden asks, “Does doubt have a place in church? How do I know that Christianity is true? If God is so good, why do some Christians…
Israel spent four hundred years waiting on God to speak after the prophet Malachi. This single message focuses on the light that was born on Christmas Eve.
This single-week New Year’s sermon focuses on Joshua 4, where the Israelites cross the Jordan River into the promised land and set up twelve memorial stones. We look back to remember God’s faithfulness in the past year, and we look forward to consider how we can trust him this coming year.
With this one-week New Year’s sermon, the congregation will walk through Paul’s hopeful and encouraging prayer for the church in Colossae. Paul prays that the Colossian believers will be filled with God’s knowledge and put it into practice.
This four-week series is grounded in Psalm 23. Each week will focus on different aspects of God as the shepherd of our lives and on our calling to give ourselves over into his complete care.
This sermon series explores the book of Revelation and helps us read Revelation as a book of hope and comfort, not a cipher with secret insights into the end times. It walks through eight passages focusing on the sovereignty of God and his plan to right every wrong.
This four-week sermon series encourages congregants to explore God’s Word and equips them with basic hermeneutical principles that will help them engage with Scripture and correctly interpret its texts. In this series, we will cover topics such as Jesus as the Word of God, the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament, Scripture…
We describe the Christmas season as being full of comfort and joy—and Isaiah 40:1–5 has a lot to say about that. This series unpacks the passage and reminds us that God through Jesus has brought comfort in our pain and joy through salvation; because of this, we can prepare our lives for redemption and proclaim…
This six-week series looks at some of the passages in the Bible that don’t sit well with most modern readers. Passages like the imprecatory Psalms, the story of Judah and Tamar, Jesus dismissing the gentile woman at the dinner table, and Jesus’s command to hate our families. By exploring several parts of Scripture that challenge…
New Year’s is an opportunity for people to take stock of their life, think about the future, and make some changes. But as this single message reminds us, the number-one thing we need to remember as we enter a new year is to focus on God and his power, beauty, and glory.
This four-week series will dive into the difficult topic of how we can trust God when he seems silent and distant. Habakkuk, one of the Minor Prophets, faced many of the same questions and objections that we still face today: Where is God in the midst of injustice? Why doesn’t God do something about wickedness…
We can look at the church of Ephesus’s growth and development through multiple books of the Bible. This six-week series follows the Ephesian church’s trajectory through Acts, Ephesians, and the Pastoral Epistles.
Genesis is the first book of the Bible for two of the major world religions. But what is in it? What does it have to say, and how does this teach us about Jesus? This nine-week series on Genesis will look at some of the foundational stories in the first book of the Bible.
This stand-alone Easter sermon looks at Paul’s declaration that Jesus is the firstfruits of those who have died. While the first, Jesus is not the last to rise from the dead.
This three-week series unpacks three of Jesus’s “lost” parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. By understanding God’s heart for sinners and for bringing the lost to him, we can celebrate salvation and conversion with generous and joyful hearts.
The Easter season celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the firstfruits of the renewal and redemption of all things in the eternity of God. The Christian hope is founded on this event, for, as Paul says, if Christ did not rise from the dead, our faith is useless (1 Corinthians 15:17). This season looks forward…
The Epiphany season is a time to reflect upon God’s revelation of himself in the person of Jesus Christ, with special attention given to various divine interventions and manifestations of the Spirit within the life and ministry of our Lord. This sermon series focuses on the nature of discipleship and what it means to be…
How will we know the King when he comes? With so much entertainment and distraction surrounding us, how will the King meet our real needs? This eight-week series for the seasons of Advent and Christmas lifts up the promises of Scripture and the ways in which Jesus Christ is their fulfillment. Worshippers are invited to…
Lent is a period of forty days lasting from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. It is traditionally understood as a time of fasting and repentance, also commemorating Jesus’s fasting in the wilderness, which anticipated the beginning of his public ministry. During the season of Lent, we learn to rely on Christ for all our deepest…
This eight-week series focuses on the lectionary readings from Pentecost. In these readings, the believer is encouraged to press on in their daily walk, like the Israelites did after the Exodus.
Using the Year A lectionary readings, this six-week series for part of Pentecost examines the work of the Holy Spirit in helping believers share who Jesus is and what he has done for us in word and in deed.
This sermon series centers on Pentecost season. The day of Pentecost commemorates the defining moment in the history of the church when the apostles were filled with or baptized in the Spirit, in direct fulfillment of Jesus’s promise to his followers before he ascended into heaven. This event enabled the disciples to effectively carry out…
Identity is a huge issue for youth. Teens are presented with infinitely more categories than previous generations had to figure out, and there is a sense that they need to know themselves right away. The resulting inner confusion and chaos feel out of control. How is a teenager supposed to know who they are? Rather…