The season of Lent is designed to challenge believers to consider the implications of Jesus’s death. We cannot speak of the life we have in Jesus until we grapple with how it came to us: through his death and resurrection. This series will focus on four times that Jesus pointed his disciples to the necessity…
This four-week youth series approaches the practical issues of life with gospel-centered wisdom. Encountering the realities of adulthood can sometimes be overwhelming, but God’s Word guides the young adult. Learning how to handle finances, spiritual doubts, dating, singleness, and marriage and family, while contributing to the flourishing of society, are crucial to growing in maturity…
We live in a world of ongoing conflict and unrest. All around us are signs of the reality that so many live in a state of fear—or worse, hopelessness. Many centuries ago, John, the author of Revelation, penned a letter to seven churches. In it, he reminded them that Jesus’s death and resurrection had brought…
This four-week series explores how we can live a life led by the Holy Spirit—both in a general sense and in specific choices. We will come to better understand the role of the Spirit in our lives and in the church based on how Jesus talks about the third person of the Trinity.
Scandal is a stand-alone sermon that would work well for a Good Friday service. In this sermon, we’ll look at the scandal of the cross and the paradoxical blessings that come from it.
This stand-alone Easter message reminds us that Jesus’s resurrection is the basis of our belief that death does not have the final say. Because Jesus is raised to life, we will also be raised to life.
This Easter Sunday message contrasts the fall (the entrance of sin into humanity) with the resurrection of Jesus (the entrance of God’s new creation into this old world). In the beginning, human beings left God behind, preferring to take things into their own hands. Yet our merciful God still seeks to give to his people,…
This four-week series addresses common causes of wounds that people experience from church life. Many people have been burned by other church members or church leaders, and the pain often leaves them feeling confused, hurt, and isolated. God does not take this lightly; in his Word he calls out our hypocrisy, hurtful tongues, and judgmental…
This seven-part series is intended for use during Lent. Lent is a time for us to pause and consider a foundational tenet of the Christian faith: we are all sinners in need of Jesus. During this series, congregants are invited to find their grounding by contemplating their sinfulness and prepare themselves to see the significance…
This four-week series outlines potential relationship killers that can wreak havoc on our lives and the lives of those around us. Scripture teaches us that common relational flashpoints around finances and greed, pride, lust, and communication can be dealt with in honoring ways. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to develop…
This seven-week series unpacks seven habits laid out by Pastor Mark Batterson in his latest book, Win the Day: 7 Daily Habits to Help You Stress Less & Accomplish More. In this series, you will learn how to implement these seven habits into your daily life, while also making meaningful investments for your future by forming…
Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, but that’s not always easy. Nor is keeping our temper in check, especially when we see rampant injustice in the world around us. This four-week series explores what the Bible teaches regarding our thoughts and emotions, and why it’s important to take care of our mental and…
This seven-part series is intended for use during Lent. Lent is a time for us to pause and consider a foundational tenet of the Christian faith: we are all sinners in need of Jesus. During this series, congregants are invited to find their grounding by contemplating their sinfulness and prepare themselves to see the significance…
This seven-part series is intended for use during Lent. Lent is a time for us to pause and consider a foundational tenet of the Christian faith: we are all sinners in need of Jesus. During this series, congregants are invited to find their grounding by contemplating their sinfulness and prepare themselves to see the significance…
At some point in each of our lives, we will lead others. It may be that we are parents leading children, coaches leading athletes, a boss who leads employees, or a pastor leading a fellowship. The Bible is filled with passages that point toward what God expects of us as leaders, and the book of…
This six week sermon series on the book of 2 Kings is a companion series to the 1 Kings series and covers almost 250 years of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. This series focuses on the rulers, prophets, and events that ultimately led the Hebrew people to the Babylonian exile. It takes a…
This four-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of 1 Chronicles. Through understanding the context and audience, we can understand the role God plays in history and our heritage, the importance of worship, and the importance of leading by example in the virtues that are a part of a godly life.
This four-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of 2 Chronicles. Through understanding the context and audience, we can understand the church’s responsibility to be God’s people who reform our hearts to his will and see God’s redeeming hand on the worst of sinners.
We often focus on getting answers to the questions we have for God, but this series flips that familiar script. Over the next four weeks, we will focus on the questions Christ asks of us, and on how the answers to those questions affect our lives as Christians. Each week’s message focuses on a question…
God’s Word reveals who God is and his purposes for believers, but we often struggle to engage with Scripture in a meaningful way. This four-week series, used in conjunction with Dwell, a Scripture-listening app (, helps modern disciples prioritize God’s Word in their lives. By using Dwell’s daily Bible reading plans, special features like Dwell…
This four-week series addresses common causes of wounds that people experience from church life. Many people have been burned by other church members or church leaders, and the pain often leaves them feeling confused, hurt, and isolated. God does not take this lightly; in his Word he calls out our hypocrisy, hurtful tongues, and judgmental…
We often hear the command “Love your neighbor as yourself,” but what does that mean exactly? It’s easy to love the people closest to us (at least most of the time), but how well do we show love to the people we come into contact with at the grocery store, on the highway, or even…
This five-week series explores flaws of those who are listed in Hebrews chapter 11, the “Faith Hall of Fame.” Through examining the lives of Sarah, Moses, Jacob, and David, we see human brokenness and God’s faithfulness. Ultimately, we can learn great narratives of faith from such figures, but we find our true “role model” for life…
This four-week series outlines potential relationship killers that can wreak havoc on our lives and the lives of those around us. Scripture teaches us that common relational flashpoints around finances and greed, pride, lust, and communication can be dealt with in honoring ways. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to develop…
This six-week series examines the remarkable spread of the gospel and the kingdom of God from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the world. Jesus has commissioned every one of his followers to be his witness by the power of the Holy Spirit. Despite challenges from outside and within, the kingdom…
This five-week series will introduce your congregation to five pillars of the historic church—people who had a great influence on the history, theology, and life of the same Christian church we are part of today. This second installment of Origin Stories focuses on AD 500–1500 and includes Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi, Thomas Aquinas,…
This seven-week series explores the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Each “I Am” declaration illustrates a specific revelation of Jesus’s character and testifies to his divinity. Also, each of the “I Am” announcements reveal our spiritual needs and how Jesus perfectly meets each and every one.
This five-week series will introduce your congregation to five pillars of the historic church—people who had a great influence on the history, theology, and life of the same Christian church we are part of today. This second installment of Origin Stories focuses on AD 500–1500 and includes Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi, Thomas Aquinas,…
This four-week series will ideally be used when a congregation begins to meet regularly in person again. Some churches have already begun meeting in person, but many members have elected not to attend. This series regroups by highlighting the importance of spiritual community, accountability, support, and serving the needs of the community.
Sometimes our spiritual lives feel like a series of peaks and valleys. One moment, we feel like we are soaring high; the next, we experience a crushing low. This is a series about when we do and don’t feel God’s presence. We examine the journey of faith through the stories of biblical characters: Elijah, Paul,…
How can we remain faithful to God even when many of the people around us are not? What are ways we can share the gospel, even when we face opposition? This five-week series explores the life and ministry of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah’s ministry was characterized by opposition, suffering, and a message that his people…
Love is talked about a lot in the Bible—which makes sense, since Christianity is a faith of love and God is a God of love! The ancient world had many words for different kinds of love, many of which are spoken about in the Bible. For Christians, there are four significant types of love that…
Personality tests like the Enneagram or Myers-Briggs are popular parts of our culture and helpful tools in our self-knowledge. This four-week series uses such assessments as a jumping-off point for studying the image of God as detailed in the Bible—both at creation and as redeemed in Jesus. We’ll consider the strengths and weaknesses of using personality…
The story of Samson is the culmination of the book of Judges, a chronicle of Israel’s failure to live up to their divine calling after entering the promised land. In the same way, Samson failed to live up to his divine calling. His life parallels the history of Israel in many ways. This five-week series…
This five-week series on the book of Esther takes a hard look at the powers of evil and death at play in the Persian Empire at the time when Esther and her cousin Mordecai rose to save God’s people. It’s a potent reminder of the real power of God to deliver his people, as well…