This eight-week sermon series explores key themes in the Gospel of Mark, especially the concept of the kingdom of God and its upside-down values. Over and over again, we learn how this coming kingdom elevates the marginalizes, protects the vulnerable, and finds its strength in weakness. Through following our new ruler, we learn to receive…
This four-week topical sermon series describes the nature of sanctification as revealed by the apostle Paul. Looking at the book of Philippians and other epistles, we see the complexity and importance of allowing God to transform our lives to reflect Jesus. Sanctification isn’t often a clear, unfettered upward slope, but in five years (or any…
This four-week sermon series shows God’s great love and relentless pursuit of sinful people. From renegade cities to rebellious prophets, nobody is beyond God’s reach.
This six-week series tells the story of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and their journey through the desert into the promised land. Working backwards through the narrative, “Doomed to Repeat” provides a unique vantage point on the ups and downs of Israel’s journey. This retelling of redemptive history examines God’s faithfulness to us despite our weaknesses,…
This two-week Christmas series explores the beautiful gift of Christmas. Rather than simply sending a message, Jesus offered us his presence by coming to earth. In that same way, we should commit to being present with others—in their joy, pain, grief, and struggles. When we follow Jesus, we must also follow his example of sacrifice…
This three-week series covers three different psalms expressing thankfulness, gratitude, and a postured heart toward God and his faithful actions toward his people. A thankful heart is always a dependent heart. How do we continue to thank God in the midst of dry seasons?
This four-week series uses competitive games to introduce and explore the topic of Christian unity. By flipping our understanding of these games, we can explore the different ways that competition, pride, and our desire for other people’s approval can get in the way of unity. When we see the real value of unity—how it glorifies…
This five-week series explains how we should talk to people who don’t believe in Jesus. It encourages kids to stand firm in their convictions while also engaging both with people outside the church and people inside the church who need repentance. When trying to persuade others, we should be motivated by Christ’s love, expect hostility,…
Designed as an evangelistic series at the close of the year, this sermon explores the new life we have in Christ, in contrast to the old life we possessed in sin.
This one-week series for Easter shows how Jesus’s death and resurrection served as the “firstfruits” of hope and life for our world. One day, God’s plan of new life will come true forever; while we wait for that exciting day, we get to bring God’s life and goodness to the world in big and small…
This four-week children’s teaching series addresses our DNA in Christ. Our Christ-centered DNA describes the center of who we are as a group. Everything we do, from the way we live our lives to the way we act in church all come from our DNA. With God’s help, we can help others know Christ’s love…
This six-week series explores the stories of six women in Jesus’s genealogy and life, revealing the various ways they have been misunderstood or marginalized. Through these stories, we witness the way the biblical narrative was uniquely communicated through their lives and are reminded to listen and learn from other perspectives. Where the culture may have…
Designed as an evangelistic series at the close of the year, this sermon explores the new life we have in Christ, in contrast to the old life we possessed in sin.
This eight-week study of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus explores key principles in Christian leadership, keeping in mind that all Christians are called to be leaders in their various spheres of life. Through the power of Jesus, how might we better lead others to God?
This three-week series addresses giving, possessions, and money based on Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 6:19–34. Each week encourages teens to seek a single-minded focus on Christ, instead of allowing material things or wealth to define their values and goals. This series will prepare students with biblical attitudes and beliefs about money, before they face a…
This seven-week series focuses on how God reveals his will and desires for people through each specific section of the Bible. Each genre—including the Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom Literature, the Prophets, the Gospels, the Epistles, and Apocalyptic Literature—provides a unique and special way God has communicated throughout history and helps us understand the Bible as…
Jesus was a master storyteller. He found a way to take objects, customs, and practices that people understood, and use them to illustrate the nature of God, salvation, and obedience. We live in an age dominated by stories. Even more than most, teenagers are captivated by stories. This five-week sermon series guide for students looks…
A lot of Bible stories focus on guys. In this special series, we stop to remember Jesus cares about girls too! And he cares about people who aren’t necessarily popular or looked at as important. This six-week series tells the stories of six women in Jesus’s family tree and life who struggled a lot or…
This four-week series is designed to follow up the spiritual “high” of a big event like camp. How can students continue to grow as Christians in the aftermath of these mountaintop experiences? In “Aftermath,” participation in Christian community, the Bible, prayer, and holiness are explored as foundations to a healthy Christian life. This series is…
This three-week series explores what it means to appreciate God’s goodness. Rather than living for ourselves, seeking after God’s heart helps protect us from living a life of selfishness and pride while empowering us to see the beauty in what God brings to us. When we offer thankfulness to God for his work in our…
This seven-week series focuses on how God reveals his will and desires for humankind through each specific section of the Bible. Each genre, including the Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom Literature, the Prophets, the Gospels, the Epistles, and Apocalyptic Literature, provides a unique and special way God has communicated throughout history and helps us understand the…
This one-week series examines what the story of Daniel says about the importance of spiritual disciples and worship. Designed to be used at the beginning of the year, “Streak” will encourage your students to create routines that matter. On social media, a “streak” is when users are active for days in a row. Will we…
Intended as a stand-alone sermon for Resurrection Sunday, this guide looks at John’s account of Jesus’s appearance to the disciples after his resurrection. Jesus’s resurrection wasn’t simply spiritual or metaphorical; he rose in flesh and bone. This reality gives us hope that we, too, will rise again after death if we believe that Jesus is…
This four-week series dives headfirst into an issue that many young Christians struggle with: the image problem of the church. Even teenagers who love their church will find themselves struggling to explain to their friends outside of church what their congregation does and why it’s different from the negative stereotypes people may have. This series…
Kids love to sing! This four-week series provides an opportunity to think about the rich words of hope, lament, joy, and devotion in holiday songs. Christmas is a time to sing what we believe. Each week features a passage of Scripture, as well as a well-known Christmas carol that illustrates the true message of the…
This four-week series deals with the disappointments we face in a broken world full of broken people. Using different passages from the book of Psalms, this series wrestles with issues like personal expectations, relational disappointment, waiting on God, singleness, marriage, abusive relationships, boundaries, and forgiveness. The anthem throughout each week is that even though life…
This four-week series addresses our DNA in Christ. Our Christ-centered DNA describes the center of who we are as a church. Our mission, values, vision, and strategy for ministry all come from our DNA. We will define this DNA in our love, truth, fellowship, and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
For most students, talking about God is difficult, even scary. This four-week series discusses how Christians can share their faith in a genuine, honest way, despite the fear they may feel. By loving others, understanding persecution, giving a reason for hope, and dialoguing with nonbelievers, we can discover new opportunities to share our faith in…
This four-week series examines the disappointments youth face in a broken world full of broken people. Using different Psalms, this series deals with expectations, disappointment, trusting God with our desires, abusive relationships, boundaries, and forgiveness. Throughout these different issues, the theme is the same: we can trust that God wants what is best for us,…
This four-week series addresses one of the most pressing issues for many Christians today: the image problem of the church. Do we need to “rebrand” our ministry for a world that has increasingly negative perceptions of the Christian faith? Or, should our makeover be more than cosmetics? Could our image problem be a love problem?…
As a continuation of the study of Matthew, this second installment of the gospel covers the last half of the disciple’s book. This eight-week series guide answers the question “Who is Jesus?” Each week also invites listeners to recognize Jesus as God’s Son and to receive him as Lord of their lives. Check out “Matthew…
This nine-week sermon series guide walks through the book of Ephesians, emphasizing God’s action at work in our lives both to restore us to himself and to restore our relationships with each other.
This four-week children’s series is ideal for the summer blockbuster season. With so many big-budget movies hitting theaters this time of year, the children in your group can’t help but discuss each week’s latest theatrical release. Why? Because films move our imagination and capture our attention like good art does. The films in this guide…
This four-week Children’s series addresses a big problem many people have with Christians: Why are there mean people in church? By looking at the books of 1 Corinthians and Acts, this series will help the kids in your group to learn to obey God rather than living selfishly. Rather than letting our faith grow stale,…
This five-week series addresses what the Bible says to Christians who want to stand firm in their convictions and engage both with people outside the church and people inside the church who are in need of repentance. When trying to persuade others, we should be motivated by Christ’s love, expect hostility, act with gentleness and…