Our Lectionary Calendar allows you to preach based on the important events in the history of the church. From Advent to Easter, Pentecost, and beyond, you can help your church stay rooted in rich traditions as you preach through this calendar. The Lectionary Calendar is a 52-week preaching plan based on the Revised Common Lectionary…
How will we know the King when he comes? With so much entertainment and distraction surrounding us, how will the King meet our real needs? This eight-week series for the seasons of Advent and Christmas lifts up the promises of Scripture and the ways in which Jesus Christ is their fulfillment. Worshippers are invited to…
Lent is a period of forty days lasting from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. It is traditionally understood as a time of fasting and repentance, also commemorating Jesus’s fasting in the wilderness, which anticipated the beginning of his public ministry. During the season of Lent, we learn to rely on Christ for all our deepest…
Our Lectionary Calendar allows you to preach based on the important events in the history of the church. From Advent to Easter, Pentecost, and beyond, you can help your church stay rooted in rich traditions as you preach through this calendar. The Lectionary Calendar is a 52-week preaching plan based on the Revised Common Lectionary…
Our Lectionary Calendar allows you to preach based on the important events in the history of the church. From Advent to Easter, Pentecost, and beyond, you can help your church stay rooted in rich traditions as you preach through this calendar. The Lectionary Calendar is a 52-week preaching plan based on the Revised Common Lectionary…
Our Lectionary Calendar allows you to preach based on the important events in the history of the church. From Advent to Easter, Pentecost, and beyond, you can help your church stay rooted in rich traditions as you preach through this calendar. The Lectionary Calendar is a 52-week preaching plan based on the Revised Common Lectionary…