Faithful: Steadfastness During Trying Times
Faithful: Steadfastness During Trying Times

What would you do if you knew that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)? What would you do if you knew that God’s presence was always with you (Psalm 139)? As Christians, we know these statements are true, but often we…

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Fiel: Firmeza En Tiempos Difíciles
Fiel: Firmeza En Tiempos Difíciles

What would you do if you knew that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)? What would you do if you knew that God’s presence was always with you (Psalm 139)? As Christians, we know these statements are true, but often we…

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The Book of James
The Book of James

This six-week series covers the book of James, a letter that serves as a how-to manual for the Christian life. When we deal with trials, contentions, and lack of faith, James teaches us that we can still have joy in the midst of our circumstances. The foundation of the book is the importance of faith;…

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El Libro De Santiago
El Libro De Santiago

This six-week series covers the book of James, a letter that serves as a how-to manual for the Christian life. When we deal with trials, contentions, and lack of faith, James teaches us that we can still have joy in the midst of our circumstances. The foundation of the book is the importance of faith;…

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Next Steps: Salvation Is Just The Beginning
Next Steps: Salvation Is Just The Beginning

This four-week series is intended to be used after a big evangelism push (like Easter Sunday), as both an introduction for visitors or new believers and as a reminder to more mature believers about the work God continues to do in our lives after salvation. “Next Steps” is about the next steps after salvation, the…

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Siguientes Pasos: Salvación Es Solo El Inicio
Siguientes Pasos: Salvación Es Solo El Inicio

This four-week series is intended to be used after a big evangelism push (like Easter Sunday), as both an introduction for visitors or new believers and as a reminder to more mature believers about the work God continues to do in our lives after salvation. “Next Steps” is about the next steps after salvation, the…

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Covenant: The Power of God’s Unbreakable Love
Covenant: The Power of God’s Unbreakable Love

This six-week series explores the promises of God through his covenants. By understanding the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, we can more fully understand the God who has given us a new covenant and promises in Jesus.

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Pacto: El Poder Del Amor Inquebrantable De Dios
Pacto: El Poder Del Amor Inquebrantable De Dios

This six-week series explores the promises of God through his covenants. By understanding the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, we can more fully understand the God who has given us a new covenant and promises in Jesus.

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La Biblia: Dando Prioridad A La Palabra De Dios En Nuestras Vidas
La Biblia: Dando Prioridad A La Palabra De Dios En Nuestras Vidas

God’s Word reveals who God is and his purposes for believers, but we often struggle to engage with Scripture in a meaningful way. This four-week series, used in conjunction with Dwell, a Scripture-listening app (, helps modern disciples prioritize God’s Word in their lives. By using Dwell’s daily Bible reading plans, special features like Dwell…

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The Bible: Prioritizing God’s Word In Our Lives
The Bible: Prioritizing God’s Word In Our Lives

God’s Word reveals who God is and his purposes for believers, but we often struggle to engage with Scripture in a meaningful way. This four-week series, used in conjunction with Dwell, a Scripture-listening app (, helps modern disciples prioritize God’s Word in their lives. By using Dwell’s daily Bible reading plans, special features like Dwell…

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Don’t Be Fake: Reading Through the Book of James
Don’t Be Fake: Reading Through the Book of James

This six-week series for youth covers wisdom from James’s letter to the scattered believers. His main topic is teaching them to be authentic in their faith and lifestyle. James used several “don’t” phrases followed by instructions on what to do. In this series, we learn that true believers don’t get misled, don’t become stagnant, don’t…

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Promises: Covenants In The Bible
Promises: Covenants In The Bible

This six-week series explores the promises of God through his covenants. By understanding the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, we can more fully understand the God who has given us a new covenant and promises in Jesus.

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Everyday Disciple: Being Like Jesus in Everyday Life
Everyday Disciple: Being Like Jesus in Everyday Life

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus, and why does it matter? How are we live out being followers of Jesus in the spheres of our daily life? This five-week series looks at the important concept of discipleship and applies it to our work, neighborhood, social media, and hospitality.

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Recover: Hope After Trauma
Recover: Hope After Trauma

This series is meant to help parishioners walk through the trauma of the past year, grounding them in Christian hope and the comfort and presence of Christ.

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Cool Christianity
Cool Christianity

This four-week series reminds us of the true purpose of authentic Christianity and why we are called to live radically different lives from the culture around us. In contrast to the ultracool cultural Christian church stereotypes we see in the media, authentic Christians serve, sacrifice, submit, and seek God’s kingdom first rather than their own.

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Cristianismo Cool
Cristianismo Cool

This four-week series reminds us of the true purpose of authentic Christianity and why we are called to live radically different lives from the culture around us. In contrast to the ultracool cultural Christian church stereotypes we see in the media, authentic Christians serve, sacrifice, submit, and seek God’s kingdom first rather than their own.

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The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins

The “seven deadly sins”—pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, lust, and gluttony—are never listed together in the Bible, but they are a good way to collectively summarize the destructive power of sin. This series explores each of these sins to show how they harm us and others. Fortunately, the series also reminds believers that God’s mercy…

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Voyage: The Character Of God
Voyage: The Character Of God

This four-week series looks at the character of God, using common nautical imagery. As we voyage through life, we must rely on the one who holds the winds and the seas in his hand.

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Valleys And Peaks
Valleys And Peaks

Sometimes our spiritual lives feel like a series of peaks and valleys. One moment, we feel like we are soaring high; the next, we experience a crushing low. This is a series about when we do and don’t feel God’s presence. We examine the journey of faith through the stories of biblical characters: Elijah, Paul,…

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The Power of Parenting: Father’s Day
The Power of Parenting: Father’s Day

It’s often said that the way we view our birth fathers plays a large role in how we view our heavenly Father. As a result, many picture a God who is physically or emotionally distant. However, Scripture is filled with examples of God’s constant care, presence, and love for his children. His example shows that…

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El Poder De Ser Padres: Dia Del Padre
El Poder De Ser Padres: Dia Del Padre

It’s often said that the way we view our birth fathers plays a large role in how we view our heavenly Father. As a result, many picture a God who is physically or emotionally distant. However, Scripture is filled with examples of God’s constant care, presence, and love for his children. His example shows that…

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The Power of Parenting: Mother’s Day
The Power of Parenting: Mother’s Day

Every year, we set aside two days to recognize mothers and fathers and their influence in our lives. But motherhood and fatherhood are 24-7, 365-days-a-year occupations, and all parents face moments where they feel like they’re failing in some way. This special two-week series focuses on some of the struggles mothers and fathers face, and…

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El Poder De Ser Padres: Dia De Las Madres
El Poder De Ser Padres: Dia De Las Madres

Every year, we set aside two days to recognize mothers and fathers and their influence in our lives. But motherhood and fatherhood are 24-7, 365-days-a-year occupations, and all parents face moments where they feel like they’re failing in some way. This special two-week series focuses on some of the struggles mothers and fathers face, and…

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Father’s Day
Father’s Day

It’s often said that the way we view our birth fathers plays a large role in how we view our heavenly Father. As a result, many picture a God who is physically or emotionally distant. However, Scripture is filled with examples of God’s constant care, presence, and love for his children. His example shows that…

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Dia Del Padre
Dia Del Padre

It’s often said that the way we view our birth fathers plays a large role in how we view our heavenly Father. As a result, many picture a God who is physically or emotionally distant. However, Scripture is filled with examples of God’s constant care, presence, and love for his children. His example shows that…

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Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day

Every year, we set aside two days to recognize mothers and fathers and their influence in our lives. But motherhood and fatherhood are 24-7, 365-days-a-year occupations, and all parents face moments where they feel like they’re failing in some way. This special two-week series focuses on some of the struggles mothers and fathers face, and…

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Dia De Las Madres
Dia De Las Madres

Every year, we set aside two days to recognize mothers and fathers and their influence in our lives. But motherhood and fatherhood are 24-7, 365-days-a-year occupations, and all parents face moments where they feel like they’re failing in some way. This special two-week series focuses on some of the struggles mothers and fathers face, and…

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Happiness: What the Bible Says About Being Happy
Happiness: What the Bible Says About Being Happy

This four-week series explores the theological and biblical ideas of happiness in the Christian walk. By understanding that God is happy and is the source of enjoyment in life, we can see that happiness and pleasure can be expressions of worship to him. Christians can reflect peace, happiness, contentment, and joy to a world searching…

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Cool: Searching For Fashionable Christianity
Cool: Searching For Fashionable Christianity

This four-week series reminds us of the true purpose of authentic Christianity and why we are called to live radically different lives than the culture around us. In contrast to the ultracool cultural Christian church stereotypes we see in the media, authentic Christians serve, sacrifice, submit, and seek God’s kingdom first rather than their own….

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Tested: Faith In The Struggle
Tested: Faith In The Struggle

This five-week series examines instances where God’s people are tested and how they react, deal with, and overcome the challenges set before them. This series will help believers understand the purpose of tests and how to face them with the power of Christ.

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Probado: Fe En La Lucha
Probado: Fe En La Lucha

This five-week series examines instances where God’s people are tested and how they react, deal with, and overcome the challenges set before them. This series will help believers understand the purpose of tests and how to face them with the power of Christ.

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Pneuma: Pentecost Sunday
Pneuma: Pentecost Sunday

In the coming of the Holy Spirit, the disciples receive new tongues, which are set aflame by the work of Christ. This one-week sermon series, designed to be used on Pentecost Sunday, encourages listeners to trust the work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, and speak the words that God has given them.

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Weighed Down: Let Go and Let God
Weighed Down: Let Go and Let God

This four-week series uncovers some of the heaviest baggage that weighs us down and invites us to exchange it for the peace Jesus offers. We learn that our luggage is often filled with emotions we might be unaware we feel, but God invites us to release the burdens and trust him to restore our brokenness…

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Airplane Mode: Practicing Spiritual Disciplines
Airplane Mode: Practicing Spiritual Disciplines

We live in a noisy world. Even when alone, apart from sound, we’re bombarded with texts, emails, and social media messages. The desire to seek solitude and silence isn’t only about finding a quiet place. It’s about discovering the gift of removing ourselves from the cacophony of messages to find our rest in the Word,…

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Surrender: Sacrificial Obedience
Surrender: Sacrificial Obedience

Believers come to a place in their lives where they must make the conscious choice to surrender their life to God and begin anew with the life he offers. Surrender involves seeing our lives for what they are, seeing God for who he is, and desiring him more than ourselves. This four-week series focuses on…

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Downtime: Practicing Silence & Solitude
Downtime: Practicing Silence & Solitude

We live in a noisy world. Even when alone, apart from sound, we’re bombarded with texts, emails, and social media messages. The desire to seek solitude and silence isn’t only about finding a quiet place. It’s about discovering the gift of removing ourselves from the cacophony of messages to find our rest in the Word,…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas