The Book of Luke: Jesus for Everyone
The Book of Luke: Jesus for Everyone

This 12-week series offers a snapshot of Luke, touching on some of the major topics in the gospel. The Gospel of Luke can be summed up in one phrase: It’s all about Jesus, and Jesus is for everyone. Throughout the book of Luke, Jesus is constantly reaching out to people pushed aside by the society…

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Faith and Science: Unraveling the Mysteries
Faith and Science: Unraveling the Mysteries

This four-week series examines the relationship between science and faith. Through studying the history of science, various Christian beliefs, and the fingerprints of God in creation we will find a harmony between science and the Christian faith.  

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Faith Like a Child: Becoming Humble Followers of Jesus
Faith Like a Child: Becoming Humble Followers of Jesus

Jesus told us to have faith like a child. We are called to be childlike in our faith, but not childish in some of our practices. This four-week study provides both an encouragement in our attitude toward faith and an admonishment to avoid some everyday childish ways.

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Summer Love
Summer Love

Far too often, when we talk about “Summer Love,” there is the imagery of a fleeting love that can be lost at any moment. God’s love and his producing of that very love in our lives for others is far better and deeper than the alternatives typically presented. This four-week series will examine some of…

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King For All: The Book of Luke
King For All: The Book of Luke

The Gospel of Luke can be summed up in one phrase: It’s all about Jesus, and Jesus is for everyone. Throughout the book of Luke, Jesus is constantly reaching out to people pushed aside by the society of that time. Women, a thief, gentiles, fishermen, and “sinners”—they’re all here, and they’re all seen. This 12-week…

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The Book of Psalms: The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Book of Psalms: The Lord Is My Shepherd

This six-week sermon series focuses on the theme, The Lord is my Shepherd; and how we can go to God with our hopes, fears, anger, and praise, knowing he hears us and wants to draw us near to him. When we focus on the need for honest communication with God, traversing the range of human…

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The Book of Micah: Walk Humbly
The Book of Micah: Walk Humbly

God expects believers to care deeply for one another and for the world around them. When we fail to do so, he will correct us. In the end, his plan will be accomplished—with or without us.

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The Psalms
The Psalms

This five-week series looks at the Psalms from a fresh perspective. Rather than seeing them as simply expressions of worship, we will examine the contents of the Psalms to help develop a biblical worldview. In doing so, we will grow in seeing the world, ourselves, and God through the lens of Scripture.  

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The Book of Joshua: Courage Over Fear
The Book of Joshua: Courage Over Fear

This six-week sermon series looks at the life of Joshua and how to choose courage over fear. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not command you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” These words were spoken to Joshua,…

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Next Is Now
Next Is Now

This four-week series covers several chapters in the book of Joshua and examines a time of transition within the nation of Israel. “Next Is Now” depicts our seasons of uncertainty, obedience, and victory, as well as the freedom we have in Christ. This series will instruct students in how to react to life transitions and…

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The Book of Titus: Every Good Work
The Book of Titus: Every Good Work

This four-week series examines the good works that Paul details in his letter to his beloved son in the faith, Titus. It begins with the good works of a leader, moves to the divine works of grace and God himself, and concludes with the personal works of Christians in their season of life.  

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The Book of John: The Way, The Truth, and The Life
The Book of John: The Way, The Truth, and The Life

This 6-week Gospel of John sermon series digs deep into 21 chapters of this book, focusing on Jesus’ divinity as revealed in the disciple’s writing. We live in a world that loves Jesus as a teacher, but doesn’t care for Him much as God. The truth is, though, that we can’t have one without the…

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The Book of Habakkuk: Write The Vision
The Book of Habakkuk: Write The Vision

In this four-week series, Habakkuk begins by complaining and questioning God who seems silence and be unconcerned for his people. Yet, as God reveals his divine work, Habakkuk must let go off his own expectations and wait patiently for God to fulfill his divine purposes in his timing and ways. In the end, Habakkuk’s complaint…

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Come And See: The Book of John
Come And See: The Book of John

This 6-week sermon series digs deep into the book of John, focusing on Jesus’ divinity as revealed in the disciple’s writing. We live in a world that loves Jesus as a teacher but doesn’t care for Him much as God. The truth is, though, that we can’t have one without the other. Jesus didn’t come…

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When God Doesn’t: The Book of Habakkuk
When God Doesn’t: The Book of Habakkuk

In this four-week series, Habakkuk begins by complaining and questioning God, who seems silent and unconcerned for his people. Yet, as God reveals his divine work, Habakkuk must let go off his own expectations and wait patiently for God to fulfill his divine purposes in his timing and ways. In the end, Habakkuk’s complaint gives…

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The Book of Obadiah: Over All Nations
The Book of Obadiah: Over All Nations

This one-week series, based on the book of Obadiah, will alert believers to the downfall that is imminent if we live a life of pride. This book also brings hope to believers that someday all things that are wrong will be made right.

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The Book of Jude: Contend For The Faith
The Book of Jude: Contend For The Faith

As false teachers have arisen against the church, Jude encourages believers to contend for the faith by putting forth an intense effort to fight for the truth of the gospel. Jude also assures them that Jesus will protect them and preserve them until he returns and presents them to the Father.

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The Book of Revelation: All Things New
The Book of Revelation: All Things New

The book of Revelation uses imagery of both a dragon and the sea to describe the evil believers face in their pursuit of spiritual faithfulness. In many ways, these metaphors provide a telling snapshot of Revelation as a whole, digging deep into its modern-day personal and corporate application. This four-week series, which offers a brief…

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The Book of Colossians: Christ Alone
The Book of Colossians: Christ Alone

Every generation needs to experience both a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ and the cost and joy being his disciple. This six-part series breaks down those needs, as seen Paul’s letter to the saints at Colossae—and to saints everywhere.  

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The Book of Nahum: God’s Gracious Sovereignty
The Book of Nahum: God’s Gracious Sovereignty

This four-week series highlights the Lord’s justice, mercy, and patience in the midst of dark times found in the book of Nahum. The congregation will see and be reminded of God’s constant activity and work, even when the world around us is falling apart. Israel serves as a reminder that God will always keep his…

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The Book of 1 John: Love One Another
The Book of 1 John: Love One Another

A Christian’s life should be living proof of their connection to the Father. Essentially, our sacrificial love for others is a testament of our sacrificial love for God. In his first epistle—which forms the basis for this series—the apostle John walks through several aspects of the Christian life, revealing where the evidence lies for each….

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Raise Them Up: Parenting in a  Hectic World
Raise Them Up: Parenting in a Hectic World

This four-week series emphasizes the important role parents and influential adults play in helping disciple and raise children who love and follow the Lord. The stories and instruction from Scripture teach us what not to do, what to do, and how to trust the Lord—not only in our own lives but with the lives of…

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The Book of Exodus: From Bondage to Freedom
The Book of Exodus: From Bondage to Freedom

This eight-week sermon series is a study on freedom from bondage. It explores the book of Exodus and follows the escape of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. While the Israelites find freedom from bondage, the book also described the nature of God revealed along the journey. Exodus reveals a God who liberates, provides, protects,…

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Out of Darkness: A Journey Through the Book of Exodus
Out of Darkness: A Journey Through the Book of Exodus

This eight-week series describes the escape of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and the nature and character of God revealed along their journey. Exodus reveals a God who liberates, provides, protects, cares for and gives an identity to his people, Israel. This same God does this for his people today as well.

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The Invite: Steps Toward Evangelism
The Invite: Steps Toward Evangelism

This four-week series covers some of the main reasons we should invite our peers to church. Evangelism can be done in different ways, but for many young people, an invite to church is a great start to forming new relationships, being a positive influence for unbelievers, and gaining opportunities to, in turn, share the gospel…

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Summer Reading
Summer Reading

The summer is a great time to encourage your congregation to jump into a new book that will foster and encourage their faith. This four-week series pulls content from four books to provide you with message material that touches on the topics of grace, identity, calling, and hope. The four books featured are: Failing Faith…

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2 Chronicles: If My People
2 Chronicles: If My People

This four-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of 2 Chronicles. Through understanding the context and audience, we can understand the church’s responsibility to be God’s people who reform our hearts to his will and see God’s redeeming hand on the worst of sinners.  

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Just Love: The Book of Nahum
Just Love: The Book of Nahum

This four-week series highlights the Lord’s justice, mercy, and patience in the midst of dark times found in the book of Nahum. The congregation will see and be reminded of God’s constant activity and work, even when the world around us is falling apart. Israel serves as a reminder that God will always keep his…

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Downfall: The Book of Obadiah
Downfall: The Book of Obadiah

This one-week series, based on the book of Obadiah, will alert believers to the downfall that is imminent if we live a life of pride. This book also brings hope to believers that someday all things that are wrong will be made right.

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What’s The Point?
What’s The Point?

This four-week series will discuss the apathy and indifference that a lot of young people can let settle in during this time of their lives. Indifference can often be the breeding ground for sinful habits we otherwise would not want to give in to. To counter these harmful states of mind, this series discusses the…

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None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God
None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God

This four-week series, based on the book None Greater by Matthew Barrett, will enlighten and deepen our understanding of God. Because we as humans are finite, we naturally think in those terms. When we talk about and attempt to understand God, however, we cannot think in the same way, lest we inadvertently attempt to domesticate…

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1 Chronicles: A Living History
1 Chronicles: A Living History

This four-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of 1 Chronicles. Through understanding the context and audience, we can understand the role God plays in history and our heritage, the importance of worship, and the importance of leading by example in the virtues that are a part of a godly life.

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Origin Stories: Leaders In Church History
Origin Stories: Leaders In Church History

This five-week series will introduce your congregation to five pillars of the early church—people who had a great impact on the history, theology, and life of the same Christian church we are a part of today. Their lives will give your congregation insight into important moments or teachings of the person’s life that will build…

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The Book of Numbers: Preparation For Promise
The Book of Numbers: Preparation For Promise

God is always pointing us somewhere, but sometimes it isn’t always clear where he’s pointing us. As we wait for his direction, God will shape us and teach us how to trust him. However, the danger of waiting is that during that time we can grow restless, frustrated, and even disobedient. The book of Numbers…

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The Book of Haggai: Renew The Vision
The Book of Haggai: Renew The Vision

This three-week series explores the theme of true worship in the book of Haggai. By calling the Hebrew people to rebuild the temple, God led them in a renewal of the heart. In the same way, God calls us to consider our own actions and how they impact our worship, so He can lead us…

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Lasting Legacy: A Mother’s Day Message
Lasting Legacy: A Mother’s Day Message

This two-week sermon series includes a Mother’s Day Message and a Father’s Day Message. These sermons are designed to encourage, challenge, and strengthen men and women, boys and girls, to leave a lasting legacy. A person’s legacy is not determined by who the person is, but rather, a person’s legacy is determined by what is…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

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22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas