Series Ideas

For Summer

Finding the perfect sermon series to preach during Summer can be difficult. That’s why we created this page. Use it for inspiration. Use the artwork for promotions. Make it your own!


Summer Baggage Summer Series Graphic

Summer Baggage

This four-week series uncovers some of the heaviest baggage we carry and invites us to exchange it for the peace Jesus offers. We learn that our luggage is often filled with emotions we might be unaware we feel, but God invites us to release the burdens and trust him to restore our brokenness and help us experience the freedom he offers.

Cool Christianity Authentic Christianity Sermon Series Graphic

Cool Christianity

This four-week series reminds us of the true purpose of authentic Christianity and why we are called to live radically different lives from the culture around us. In contrast to the ultracool cultural Christian church stereotypes we see in the media, authentic Christians serve, sacrifice, submit, and seek God’s kingdom first rather than their own.

Happiness: What the Bible Says About Happiness Sermon Series Graphic


This four-week series explores the theological and biblical ideas of happiness in the Christian walk. By understanding that God is happy and is the source of enjoyment in life, we can see that happiness and pleasure can be expressions of worship to him. Christians can reflect peace, happiness, contentment, and joy to a world searching for happiness.

The Games Sermon Series Graphic

The Games

This four-week series examines how the Bible uses several different sports metaphors to describe the Christian life. As followers of Jesus, we are called to seek after an eternal crown through faithfully running the race God has set before us, by fighting the good fight of faith, and by working together with other believers to advance the kingdom of God.


People of the Word

This four-week series explores the theology and context of Psalm 119. Through understanding the poetic themes of learning God’s Word, God’s promises in affliction, biblical meditation, and developing a righteous character, we can apply God’s Word to our lives.

Everyday Disciple Discipleship Sermon Series Graphic

Everyday Disciple

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus, and why does it matter? How are we live out being followers of Jesus in the spheres of our daily life? This five-week series looks at the important concept of discipleship and applies it to our work, neighborhood, social media, and hospitality.

Truth: Solid Ground in a Shifting World Sermon Series Graphic

Truth: Solid Ground in a Shifting World

Trends, beliefs, and ideas come and go, and everyone—inside and outside the church—is influenced by them. As followers of Christ, we should look to the Bible, not culture, for direction and purpose. This four-week series for youth and adults explores how God instructs us to be set-apart nonconformists, transformed by him while also engaging our culture and communities with the hope of the gospel.

Spiritual Gifts Sermon Series Graphic

Spiritual Gifts: Gospel-Driven Mission

This four-week series explores the role of spiritual gifts in the church and in believers’ lives. Looking at what gifts are for and how they’re used, this series will help believers gain a more holistic view of spiritual gifts.


The Book of James Sermon Series Graphic

The Book of James

This six-week series covers the book of James, a letter that serves as a how-to manual for the Christian life. When we deal with trials, contentions, and lack of faith, James teaches us that we can still have joy in the midst of our circumstances. The foundation of the book is the importance of faith; faith or the lack thereof can determine the direction of one’s life.

Ten Commandments Sermon Series Graphic

Ten: A Look At God's Unwaivering Commands

This ten-week series looks at the Ten Commandments that God has given to all who love him. As we look each week at a different commandment, we see how there is a corresponding passage in the New Testament; this will remind us that God’s way of living for us is still valid and relevant today.

Kingdom Manifesto Beatitudes Sermon Series Graphic

Kingdom Manifesto

This eight-week sermon series looks at one of the largest sections of teaching by Jesus: the Sermon on the Mount. Specifically, it examines the Beatitudes, exploring how Jesus provides us with instructions for living in the kingdom of God that are just as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago.

The Book Of Luke Sermon Series Graphic

The Book of Luke

This ten-week series examines a number of unique passages in the book Luke, helping us to better understand Jesus’ work and ministry. We’ll learn how the nativity teaches us to expect the unexpected with God. We’ll see the centrality of prayer in the life and ministry of Jesus, the special place for women among his followers, and the way Jesus saw and loved those society ignored or despised. We’ll discover the lessons found in the stories Jesus told: the prodigal son and the rich man and Lazarus. We’ll discover the centrality of the grace of God to Luke’s Gospel and the way that grace transforms the lives of those God redeems. Finally, we will end with the glorious promise found in Jesus’s resurrection.

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