In Transit Sermon Series
In Transit Sermon Series

Life is full of change and transitions. Oftentimes, transition exposes cracks in our faith – those places where we’re not fully trusting God. But through the difficulty of change, we can still rely on God and that’s why we’re excited about our new sermon series, In Transit. This five-week series explores characters from the Bible who…

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Game Over: Embracing a New Life
Game Over: Embracing a New Life

The New Testament makes it clear: we don’t need to try and level up, we need to hit game over so that we can live a new life. When the crowds followed after Jesus, he would turn to them and tell them they must deny themselves in order to be His followers. We know His…

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What if more students were telling their friends about what Jesus was up to in their lives? What if more students had a holistic picture of what evangelism really is all about? That would be powerful and this is why we’re excited about this new youth sermon series: Followers. This four-week student series explores how evangelism…

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Low-Key: Living Life for Someone Greater
Low-Key: Living Life for Someone Greater

Humility. Wisdom. Servanthood. Imagine if more people were characterized by those qualities. In a time when social media is at its peak, self-centeredness is common across all ages. That, combined with all the challenges students face can create a recipe for a perpetual focus on oneself. But that’s not the way of Jesus. Jesus calls…

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Grit: Radical Obedience
Grit: Radical Obedience

What does it look like to follow Jesus? It looks like grit. It looks like radical obedience in a world that is radically disobedient. It means going against the grain, against the tide, against the direction of the raging river of culture. That is why we believe this new series for students, Grit: Radical Obedience,…

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Timeless: Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders
Timeless: Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders

A sermon series on leadership. Is it possible? Absolutely. Is it necessary? No doubt. Popular blogger, leader, and author, Brian Dodd has a new book out and we’re excited to release a sermon series based on his book, Timeless. Not only do we highly recommend you grab the book for you and your team, but we…

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Romans: Discovering the Foundation of Our Faith
Romans: Discovering the Foundation of Our Faith

What is the Christian faith? To answer that question, many pastors and theologians have turned to the book of Romans. In it, Paul lays out our desperate need for restoration, Christ’s sufficiency, and what life following Christ should look like. This is why we’re excited about our new sermon series, Romans: Discovering the Foundation of Our…

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As It Is in Heaven
As It Is in Heaven

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Jesus spoke these words in Mark 1:15 as he was beginning his ministry. Jesus’ arrival was the breaking in of the kingdom of God and as followers of His, we are a part of that kingdom. We…

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Ephesians: From Death to Life
Ephesians: From Death to Life

Our world can sometimes make us think that everything is falling apart. But God’s word gives us hope. It tells us that God is in control, that He does have a plan, and that there is hope in the midst of the difficulties of this world. The book of Ephesians is a powerful letter that Paul wrote…

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God and Culture
God and Culture

In the beginning, God created. Later, He created man in His own image. He saw that His creation was good. God is an artist, a creator, a painter, a writer, a poet. He creates. And as His creation – in His image – we are creators, too. But does that mean we can enjoy the arts? Does that mean…

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Hot Seat: Conversations on Controversies
Hot Seat: Conversations on Controversies

If you were put on the “hot seat” and your congregation was encouraged to ask you tough questions on tough issues, what do you think they would ask? Here’s the thing: there are a lot of difficult subjects that can often times go unaddressed by the Church. But all that can stop now. Most of…

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We Are the Church
We Are the Church

What do you think is one of the most misunderstood doctrines in all of Christianity today? In my experience, it has been ecclesiology – the Church. With this misunderstanding, we are missing out on the beauty of the local church. That’s why we’re excited about this new series, We Are the Church. This three-week series has…

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Some Assembly Required
Some Assembly Required

Marriage done God’s way is beautiful. It’s not built on romantic love alone, but on a foundation of following God and His will. Marriage requires work. But when both husband and wife work together, their marriage will thrive instead of simply survive. This is why we’re excited to bring you a new marriage sermon series…

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World of Wonder
World of Wonder

Awe and wonder. When was the last time you experienced them? What do you think would be the answer for your congregants? It’s easy for everyday life to snuff out opportunities for awe and moments of wonder. But we worship the all-involved God who is at work in the world. God’s world is a world…

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The Dragon and the Sea
The Dragon and the Sea

In many circles, the book of Revelation is one of the most ignored books of the Bible. And yet, it could be one of the most relevant to our day and time. Cultural Christianity is becoming less and less common, but along with that has come the rise of “the nones” and some who are…

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Stories They Don’t Tell You in Sunday School
Stories They Don’t Tell You in Sunday School

Sometimes the most surprising of stories and circumstances can teach us the most about life following God. Scripture is packed full of small and unknown stories that pack a big punch. This is why we’re excited about this new series, Stories They Don’t Tell You in Sunday School. This four-week series looks at little known or…

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First Fruits
First Fruits

The last thing that tends to be sanctified is a person’s bank account. You’ve heard the various versions of that statement. But from experience, we can see that to be true. Stewardship and generosity are difficult things for people to wrap their minds around, especially when they are neck-deep in debt and are already living…

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Clean Break: Relationships in the Book of Philemon
Clean Break: Relationships in the Book of Philemon

One of the biggest difficulties in genuinely following Jesus is reaching reconciliation with others. As pastors and church leaders, we know that helping our people do this is something we must do. But what happens when two people call your church home and they work together? What happens when one is the boss and the other the…

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Empty & Filled: Discovering the Meaning and the Power of Lent
Empty & Filled: Discovering the Meaning and the Power of Lent

Before any major event, we prepare ourselves in anticipation. We get our minds, our hearts, and our bodies ready for whatever lies ahead. The season of Lent is a lot like that. As pastors and church leaders, we have the opportunity to prepare our people for Easter and that’s why we love this new series, Empty…

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Dramatically Improve Your Preaching By Doing This One Thing
Dramatically Improve Your Preaching By Doing This One Thing

The demands on a local pastor are diverse and never ending. Think about the job description! Incredible Leader Powerful Preacher Caring Shepherd Organized Administrator Property Manager The cognitive and leadership skills needed to be a local pastor are taxing to anyone. Rarely do you find a pastor who does just one thing. Multiple hats are…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas